
                                    FORM 6-K

                              Washington DC 20549

                            Report of Foreign Issuer
                      Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16 of
                      the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                          For the month of March 2007

                        Commission File Number: 1-14396

                (Translation of registrant's name into English)

        17/F, The Lee Gardens, 33 Hysan Avenue, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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in such Schedule.



Information furnished on this form:

Announcement, dated March 5, 2007, by the Registrant regarding the Final
Results for the Year Ended 31 December 2006


   NUMBER                                                               PAGE
   -------                                                              ----
    1.1            Announcement, dated March 5, 2007, by the              5
                   Registrant regarding the Final Results for the
                   Year Ended 31 December 2006



Pursuant  to the  requirements  of the  Securities  Exchange  Act of 1934,  the
registrant  has duly  caused  this  report to be  signed  on its  behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: March 6, 2007          By:  /s/ Peter Jackson
                                  Peter Jackson
                                  Chief Executive Officer


                           [GRAPHIC OMITTED -- LOGO]
                         [CHINESE CHARACTERS OMITTED]
                                STOCK CODE: 1135

                               PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT

The Board of  Directors  (the  "Board")  of Asia  Satellite  Telecommunications
Holdings Limited (the "Company") is pleased to announce the results, audited at
the date of this release, of the Company and its subsidiaries (the "Group") for
the year ended 31 December  2006,  together  with  comparative  figures for the
corresponding year in 2005 as follows:


                                                                             YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER
                                                             NOTE              20 06           2005
                                                             ----              -----           ----
Sales                                                          2             929,902         879,705
Cost of services                                               3            (410,640)       (419,029)
                                                                            --------        --------

GROSS PROFIT                                                                 519,262         460,676
Other gains - net                                              3              92,793          43,711
Administrative expenses                                        3             (94,585)        (83,880)
                                                                            --------        --------

OPERATING PROFIT                                                             517,470         420,507
Finance Costs                                                                   (152)              -
Share of loss of associates                                                   (8,391)         (3,872)
                                                                            --------        --------

PROFIT BEFORE INCOME TAX                                                     508,927         416,635
Income tax expense                                             4             (55,522)        (51,270)
                                                                            --------        --------

PROFIT FROM CONTINUING OPERATIONS AND FOR THE YEAR                           453,405         365,365
                                                                            ========        ========

- equity holders of the Company                                              454,009         366,184
- minority interests                                                            (604)           (819)
                                                                            --------        --------

                                                                             453,405         365,365
                                                                            ========        ========

  (expressed in HK$ per share)

- basic                                                        5                1.16            0.94
                                                                            ========        ========

- diluted                                                      5                1.16            0.94
                                                                            ========        ========

DIVIDENDS                                                      6             136,593         136,593
                                                                            ========        ========



                                                                            AS AT 31 DECEMBER
                                                                          2006             2005
                                                                          ----             ----
Property, plant and equipment                                        2,630,847        2,620,911
Leasehold land and land use rights                                      23,616           24,199
Intangible assets                                                        1,276            1,339
Unbilled receivable                                                    171,047          174,563
Interests in associates                                                 10,057           14,294
Amount paid to tax authority                                           154,911           93,666
                                                                     ---------        ---------

TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                                             2,991,754        2,928,972
                                                                     ---------        ---------

Inventories                                                                354              434
Trade and other receivables                                            119,647          118,598
Cash and cash equivalents                                            1,979,457        1,635,526
                                                                     ---------        ---------

TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                                                 2,099,458        1,754,558
                                                                     ---------        ---------

TOTAL ASSETS                                                         5,091,212        4,683,530
                                                                     =========        =========

Capital and reserves attributable to the Company's
   equity holders
Ordinary shares                                                         39,027           39,027
Share premium                                                            4,614            4,614
Retained earnings
- Proposed final dividend                                              105,372          105,372
- Others                                                             4,272,591        3,955,175
                                                                     ---------        ---------

                                                                     4,421,604        4,104,188
Minority interests                                                       4,933            5,537
                                                                     ---------        ---------

TOTAL EQUITY                                                         4,426,537        4,109,725
                                                                     ---------        ---------



                                                                             AS AT 31 DECEMBER
                                                                            2006             2005
                                                                            ----             ----
Deferred income tax liabilities                                          191,739          192,654
Deferred revenue                                                         142,624           87,654
Other payables                                                             1,770                -
                                                                       ---------        ---------

TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES                                            336,133          280,308
                                                                       ---------        ---------

Construction payables                                                      1,736            3,096
Other payables and accrued expenses                                       96,495           64,118
Deferred revenue                                                         153,101          151,982
Current income tax liabilities                                            77,089           74,180
Dividend payable                                                             121              121
                                                                       ---------        ---------

TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                                                328,542          293,497
                                                                       ---------        ---------

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                        664,675          573,805
                                                                       ---------        ---------

TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                           5,091,212        4,683,530
                                                                       =========        =========

NET CURRENT ASSETS                                                     1,770,916        1,461,061
                                                                       =========        =========

TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT LIABILITIES                                  4,762,670        4,390,033
                                                                       =========        =========



1.    Summary of significant accounting policies

      The principal  accounting  policies  applied in the  preparation of these
      consolidated  financial statements are set out below. These policies have
      been  consistently  applied to all the years presented,  unless otherwise

      1.1 Basis of preparation

      The consolidated  financial statements of the Group have been prepared in
      accordance with Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards (HKFRSs) and have
      been prepared under the historical cost convention.

      The  preparation  of  financial  statements  in  conformity  with  HKFRSs
      requires  the  use of  certain  critical  accounting  estimates.  It also
      requires  management  to exercise its judgment in the process of applying
      the Group's accounting policies.

      The following new standards,  amendments to standards and interpretations
      are mandatory for the financial year ended 31 December 2006:

      o  Amendment to IAS/HKAS 19, 'Actuarial gains and losses, group plans and
         disclosures',  effective  for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1
         January 2006. This amendment is not relevant for the Group;
      o  Amendment  to  IAS/HKAS  39,  Amendment  to `The fair  value  option',
         effective  for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1 January  2006.
         This amendment is not relevant for the Group;
      o  Amendment  to IAS/HKAS  21,  Amendment  'Net  investment  in a foreign
         operation',  effective  for  annual  periods  beginning  on or after 1
         January 2006. This amendment has no impact on the Group;
      o  Amendment to IAS/HKAS 39,  Amendment  'Cash flow hedge  accounting  of
         forecast  intragroup  transactions',   effective  for  annual  periods
         beginning on or after 1 January 2006.  This  amendment is not relevant
         for the Group;
      o  Amendment  to  IAS/HKAS  39 and  IFRS/HKFRS  4,  Amendment  'Financial
         guarantee  contracts',  effective for annual  periods  beginning on or
         after 1 January 2006. This amendment is not relevant for the Group;
      o  IFRS/HKFRS 6,  'Exploration for and evaluation of mineral  resources',
         effective  for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1 January  2006.
         This standard is not relevant for the Group;
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int  4, 'Determining whether an arrangement contains a
         lease',  effective for annual periods  beginning on or after 1 January
         2006. The Group has reviewed its contracts.  Some of them are required
         to be  accounted  for  as  leases  in  accordance  with  IAS/HKAS  17,
         'Leases'.  However,  these  leases  are  operating  leases,  and their
         reclassification  has  had no  impact  on the  expense  recognised  in
         respect of them;
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int    5,   'Rights   to   interests    arising   from
         decommissioning,  restoration and environmental rehabilitation funds',
         effective  for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1 January  2006.
         This interpretation is not relevant for the Group; and
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int  6, 'Liabilities  arising from  participating in a
         specific  market  -  waste   electrical  and  electronic   equipment',
         effective for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1 December  2005.
         This interpretation is not relevant for the Group.

      The following new standards,  amendments to standards and interpretations
      have been issued but are not  effective  for 2006 and have not been early

      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int   7,  'Applying  the  restatement  approach  under
         IFRS/HKFRS 29',  effective for annual periods  beginning on or after 1
         March  2006.  Management  does not expect  this  interpretation  to be
         relevant for the Group;
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int  8, 'Scope of IFRS/HKFRS 2',  effective for annual
         periods  beginning on or after 1 May 2006.  Management does not expect
         this interpretation to be relevant for the Group;
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int   9,   'Reassessment  of  embedded   derivatives',
         effective  for  annual  periods  beginning  on or  after 1 June  2006.
         Management does not expect this  interpretation to be relevant for the
      o  IFRIC/HK(IFRIC)-Int  10, 'Interim financial reporting and impairment',
         effective for annual  periods  beginning on or after 1 November  2006.
         Management is currently assessing the impact of this interpretation on
         the Group's operations;
      o  IFRS/HKFRS  7,  'Financial  instruments:  Disclosures',  effective for
         annual  periods  beginning  on or after 1 January  2007.  IAS/HKAS  1,
         'Amendments  to capital  disclosures',  effective  for annual  periods
         beginning  on  or  after  1  January  2007.  Management  is  currently
         assessing the impact of this standard on the Group's operations;
      o  IFRIC-Int   11-IFRS  2,  'Group  and  treasury  share   transactions',
         effective  for annual  periods  beginning  on or before 1 March  2007.
         Management does not expect this  interpretation to be relevant for the
      o  IFRIC-Int 12, 'Service concession arrangements',  effective for annual
         periods beginning on or before 1 January 2008. Management is currently
         assessing the impact of this interpretation on the Group's operations;
      o  IFRS 8, 'Operating  segments',  effective for annual periods beginning
         on or before 1 January  2009.  Management  is currently  assessing the
         impact of this standard on the Group's operations.

      1.2  Consolidation

      The consolidated financial statements include the financial statements of
      the Company and all its subsidiaries made up to 31 December.

      (a)  Subsidiaries
      Subsidiaries are all entities  (including  special purpose entities) over
      which  the Group has the power to  govern  the  financial  and  operating
      policies  generally  accompanying a shareholding of more than one half of
      the voting  rights.  The existence and effect of potential  voting rights
      that  are  currently  exercisable  or  convertible  are  considered  when
      assessing whether the Group controls another entity.

      Subsidiaries  are fully  consolidated  from the date on which  control is
      transferred  to the Group.  They are  de-consolidated  from the date that
      control ceases.

      The purchase  method of accounting is used to account for the acquisition
      of subsidiaries. The cost of an acquisition is measured as the fair value
      of the assets given,  equity instruments issued and liabilities  incurred
      or assumed at the date of exchange,  plus costs directly  attributable to
      the  acquisition.   Identifiable  assets  acquired  and  liabilities  and
      contingent  liabilities  assumed in a business  combination  are measured
      initially at their fair values at the acquisition  date,  irrespective of
      the  extent  of  any  minority  interest.  The  excess  of  the  cost  of
      acquisition  over the fair value of the Group`s share of the identifiable
      net assets  acquired is recorded as goodwill.  If the cost of acquisition
      is less than the fair value of the net assets of the subsidiary acquired,
      the difference is recognised directly in the income statement.


      1.2  Consolidation (continued)

      Inter-company transactions, balances and unrealised gains on transactions
      between  group  companies  are  eliminated.  Unrealised  losses  are also
      eliminated  unless the transaction  provides evidence of an impairment of
      the asset  transferred.  Accounting  policies of  subsidiaries  have been
      changed where necessary to ensure  consistency  with the policies adopted
      by the Group.

      In the Company's balance sheet the investments in subsidiaries are stated
      at cost less provision for impairment losses. The results of subsidiaries
      are accounted  for by the Company on the basis of dividends  received and

      (b) Associates
      Associates  are  all  entities  over  which  the  Group  has  significant
      influence  but not control,  generally  accompanying  a  shareholding  of
      between 20% and 50% of the voting  rights.  Investments in associates are
      accounted  for by the  equity  method  of  accounting  and are  initially
      recognised  at  cost.  The  Group's  investment  in  associates  includes
      goodwill  (net  of  any  accumulated   impairment   loss)  identified  on

      The Group's share of its associates'  post-acquisition  profits or losses
      is recognised in the income statement,  and its share of post-acquisition
      movements  in  reserves  is  recognised  in  reserves.   The   cumulative
      post-acquisition  movements are adjusted  against the carrying  amount of
      the investment.  When the Group's share of losses in an associate  equals
      or exceeds its interest in the associate,  including any other  unsecured
      receivables,  the Group does not recognise further losses,  unless it has
      incurred obligations or made payments on behalf of the associate.

      Unrealised gains on transactions between the Group and its associates are
      eliminated  to the  extent of the  Group's  interest  in the  associates.
      Unrealised  losses are also eliminated  unless the  transaction  provides
      evidence of an impairment of the asset transferred.  Accounting  policies
      of  associates  have been changed where  necessary to ensure  consistency
      with the policies adopted by the Group.

      In the Company's  balance sheet the  investments in associated  companies
      are stated at cost less provision for impairment  losses.  The results of
      associated  companies  are  accounted  for by the Company on the basis of
      dividends received and receivable.

      1.3  Segment reporting

      A  business  segment  is a group of  assets  and  operations  engaged  in
      providing products or services that are subject to risks and returns that
      are  different  from those of other  business  segments.  A  geographical
      segment is engaged in providing  products or services within a particular
      economic  environment  that are  subject  to risks and  returns  that are
      different   from  those  of   segments   operating   in  other   economic

      1.4  Foreign currency translation

      (a) Functional and presentation currency
      Items  included  in the  financial  statements  of  each  of the  Group's
      entities  are  measured  using  the  currency  of  the  primary  economic
      environment in which the entity operates (`the functional currency'). The
      consolidated  financial  statements  are  presented in Hong Kong dollars,
      which is the Company's functional and presentation currency.

      (b) Transactions and balances

      Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency
      using the exchange  rates  prevailing  at the dates of the  transactions.
      Foreign  exchange gains and losses  resulting from the settlement of such
      transactions  and from the  translation  at  year-end  exchange  rates of
      monetary  assets and  liabilities  denominated in foreign  currencies are
      recognised in the income statement.

      Translation differences on non-monetary items, such as equity instruments
      held at fair value  through  profit or loss,  are reported as part of the
      fair value gain or loss.  Translation  difference on non-monetary  items,
      such as equities classified as  available-for-sale  financial assets, are
      included in the fair value reserve in equity.

      (c)  Group companies
      The results and  financial  position of all the group  entities  (none of
      which  has the  currency  of a  hyperinflationary  economy)  that  have a
      functional   currency  different  from  the  presentation   currency  are
      translated into the presentation currency as follows:

      (i)   assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are
            translated at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet;

      (ii)  income and expenses for each income statement are translated at
            average exchange rates (unless this average is not a reasonable
            approximation of the cumulative effect of the rates prevailing on
            the transaction dates, in which case income and expenses are
            translated at the dates of the transactions); and

      (iii) all resulting exchange differences are recognised as a separate
            component of equity.

      1.5  Property, plant and equipment

      Property,  plant  and  equipment  are  stated  at cost  less  accumulated
      depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

      Buildings  in  the  course  of  development  for  production,  rental  or
      administrative  purposes or for purposes not yet determined,  are carried
      at cost,  less any  identified  impairment  loss.  Depreciation  of these
      assets,  on the same basis as other property  assets,  commences when the
      assets  are  ready for  their  intended  use.  Historical  cost  includes
      expenditure  that is  directly  attributable  to the  acquisition  of the

      Subsequent   costs  are  included  in  the  asset's  carrying  amount  or
      recognised as a separate asset, as appropriate,  only when it is probable
      that future economic  benefits  associated with the item will flow to the
      Group  and the cost of the  item  can be  measured  reliably.  All  other
      repairs and maintenance are expensed in the income  statement  during the
      financial year in which they are incurred.

      Depreciation  of property,  plant and equipment is  calculated  using the
      straight-line  method  to  allocate  cost or  revalued  amounts  to their
      residual values over their estimated useful lives, at the following rates
      per annum:


      1.5  Property, plant and equipment (continued)

      -   AsiaSat 2                        8%
      -   AsiaSat 3S                       6.25%
      -   AsiaSat 4                        6.67%
      Buildings                            4%
      Tracking facilities                  10%-20%
      Furniture, fixtures and fittings     20%-33%
      Other equipment                      25%-33%
      Motor vehicles                       25%
      Plant and machinery                  20%

      The assets'  residual values and useful lives are reviewed,  and adjusted
      if appropriate, at each balance sheet date.

      An asset's carrying amount is written down immediately to its recoverable
      amount if the  asset's  carrying  amount is  greater  than its  estimated
      recoverable amount.

      Gains and losses on disposals are  determined by comparing  proceeds with
      carrying  amounts.  These are  included  in the  income  statement.  When
      revalued  assets are sold,  the amounts  included in other  reserves  are
      transferred to retained earnings.

      1.6  Intangible assets - Licences

      The  licences  are shown at  historical  cost.  One  licence has a finite
      useful  life  and is  carried  at  cost  less  accumulated  amortisation.
      Amortisation is calculated using the straight-line method to allocate the
      cost of the licence  over its  estimated  useful life (112  months).  The
      other licence does not have a finite useful life.

      1.7  Impairment of assets

      Assets  that  have  an   indefinite   useful  life  are  not  subject  to
      amortisation,  are  tested  at  least  annually  for  impairment  and are
      reviewed  for  impairment  whenever  events or changes  in  circumstances
      indicate that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. Assets that are
      subject to  amortisation  are reviewed for impairment  whenever events or
      changes in  circumstances  indicate  that the carrying  amount may not be
      recoverable. An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the
      asset's carrying amount exceeds its recoverable  amount.  The recoverable
      amount is the  higher of an  asset's  fair  value  less costs to sell and
      value in use.  For the  purposes  of  assessing  impairment,  assets  are
      grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately  identifiable
      cash  flows  (cash-generating  units).  Non-financial  assets  other than
      goodwill  that have  suffered an  impairment  are  reviewed  for possible
      reversal of the impairment at each reporting date.

      1.8  Goodwill

      Goodwill represents the excess of the cost of an investment over the fair
      value of the Group's share of the net identifiable assets of the acquired
      associates  at  the  date  of  investment.   Goodwill  on  investment  of
      associates  is included in  interests in  associates.  Goodwill is tested
      annually for impairment and carried at cost less  accumulated  impairment
      losses.  Gains  and  losses on the  disposal  of an  entity  include  the
      carrying amount of goodwill relating to the entity sold.

      Goodwill  is  allocated  to  cash-generating  units  for the  purpose  of
      impairment testing.

      1.9  Inventories

      Inventories  are  stated at the lower of cost and net  realisable  value.
      Cost is  determined  using the  first-in,  first-out  (FIFO)  method  and
      comprises all costs of purchase and other costs  incurred in bringing the
      inventories  to their present  locations and  conditions.  Net realisable
      value is the estimated  selling price in the ordinary course of business,
      less applicable variable selling expenses.

      1.10  Trade and other receivables

      Trade and other  receivables are recognised  initially at fair value less
      provision for  impairment.  A provision for impairment of trade and other
      receivables  is  established  when there is objective  evidence  that the
      Group  will not be able to  collect  all  amounts  due  according  to the
      original terms of receivables.  Significant financial difficulties of the
      debtor,  probability  that the debtor will enter  bankruptcy or financial
      reorganisation,  and default or  delinquency  in payments  (more than 180
      days  overdue) are  considered  indicators  that the trade  receivable is
      impaired.  The  amount  of the  provision  is  recognised  in the  income
      statement within administrative expenses.

      1.11  Cash and cash equivalents

      Cash and cash  equivalents  include cash in hand,  deposits  held at call
      with banks,  other  short-term  highly liquid  investments  with original
      maturities of three months or less, and bank overdrafts.  Bank overdrafts
      are shown within borrowings in current liabilities on the balance sheet.


      1.12  Share capital

      Ordinary shares are classified as equity.

      Incremental  costs  directly  attributable  to the issue of new shares or
      options  are  shown  in  equity  as a  deduction,  net of tax,  from  the

      1.13  Borrowings

      Borrowings  are  recognised  initially at fair value,  net of transaction
      costs incurred. Transaction costs are incremental costs that are directly
      attributable to the  acquisition,  issue or disposal of a financial asset
      or financial  liability,  including fees and commissions  paid to agents,
      advisers,   brokers  and  dealers,  levies  by  regulatory  agencies  and
      securities  exchanges,  and  transfer  taxes and duties.  Borrowings  are
      subsequently  stated  at  amortised  cost;  any  difference  between  the
      proceeds  (net  of  transaction   costs)  and  the  redemption  value  is
      recognised  in the income  statement  over the  period of the  borrowings
      using the effective interest method.

      1.14  Deferred income tax

      Deferred income tax is provided in full, using the liability  method,  on
      temporary  differences  arising  between  the tax  bases  of  assets  and
      liabilities  and their  carrying  amounts in the  consolidated  financial
      statements.  However,  if the  deferred  income tax arises  from  initial
      recognition  of an asset  or  liability  in a  transaction  other  than a
      business  combination that at the time of the transaction affects neither
      accounting nor taxable profit or loss, it is not accounted for.  Deferred
      income  tax is  determined  using tax  rates  (and  laws)  that have been
      enacted  or  substantially  enacted  by the  balance  sheet  date and are
      expected to apply when the related  deferred income tax asset is realised
      or the deferred income tax liability is settled.

      Deferred  income  tax  assets are  recognised  to the  extent  that it is
      probable that future taxable  profit will be available  against which the
      temporary differences can be utilised.

      Deferred  income tax is  provided  on  temporary  differences  arising on
      investments in subsidiaries,  associates and jointly controlled entities,
      except where the timing of the reversal of the  temporary  difference  is
      controlled by the Group and it is probable that the temporary  difference
      will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

      1.15  Employee benefits

      (a)  Pension obligations
      The Group  participates  in defined  contribution  plans,  the Group pays
      contributions  to publicly or privately  administered  pension  insurance
      plans on a mandatory,  contractual or voluntary  basis. The pension plans
      are generally funded by payments from employees and by the relevant Group
      companies.  The  Group  has  no  further  payment  obligations  once  the
      contributions  have  been  paid.  The  contributions  are  recognised  as
      employee   benefit   expense  when  they  are  due  and  are  reduced  by
      contributions  forfeited by those employees who leave the scheme prior to
      vesting fully in the contributions.  Prepaid contributions are recognised
      as an asset to the extent that a cash refund or a reduction in the future
      payments is available.

      (b) Share-based compensation
      The Group operates an equity-settled,  share-based compensation plan. The
      fair value of the employee services received in exchange for the grant of
      the options is recognised as an expense.  The total amount to be expensed
      over the vesting  period is  determined by reference to the fair value of
      the  options  granted,  excluding  the impact of any  non-market  vesting
      conditions  (for  example,   profitability  and  sales  growth  targets).
      Non-market  vesting  conditions  are  included in  assumptions  about the
      number  of  options  that are  expected  to become  exercisable.  At each
      balance  sheet date,  the Company  revises its estimates of the number of
      options that are expected to become exercisable. It recognises the impact
      of the revision of original  estimates,  if any, in the income statement,
      and a  corresponding  adjustment  to equity  over the  remaining  vesting

      (c) Profit-sharing and bonus plans
      The expected cost of profit  sharing and bonus payments are recognised as
      a liability when the Group has a present legal or constructive obligation
      as a result of services  rendered by employees and a reliable estimate of
      the obligation can be made.

      Liabilities for profit sharing and bonus plans are expected to be settled
      within 12 months and are measured at the amounts expected to be paid when
      they are settled.

      1.16  Provisions

      Provisions for environmental  restoration,  asset retirement obligations,
      restructuring costs and legal claims are recognised when: the Group has a
      present legal or constructive  obligation as a result of past events;  it
      is more likely than not that an outflow of resources  will be required to
      settle  the  obligation;  and the  amount  has been  reliably  estimated.
      Restructuring   provisions  comprise  lease  termination   penalties  and
      employee termination  payments.  Provisions are not recognised for future
      operating losses.

      Where there are a number of similar  obligations,  the likelihood that an
      outflow will be required in settlement is determined by  considering  the
      class of obligations  as a whole.  A provision is recognised  even if the
      likelihood  of an outflow  with  respect to any one item  included in the
      same class of obligations may be small.


      1.17  Revenue recognition

      Revenue from  transponder  utilisation  is recognised on a  straight-line
      basis over the period of the agreements. The excess of revenue recognised
      on a  straight-line  basis over the amount  received and receivable  from
      customers  in  accordance  with the  contract  terms is shown as unbilled

      Revenue from the sale of transponder  capacity under transponder purchase
      agreements  is  recognised  on a  straight-line  basis  from  the date of
      delivery  of the  transponder  capacity  until  the end of the  estimated
      useful life of the satellite.

      Deposits  received  in  advance  in  connection  with  the  provision  of
      transponder capacity are deferred and included in other payables.

      Services under  transponder  utilisation  agreements are generally billed
      quarterly  in  advance.  Such  amounts  received  in advance  and amounts
      received from the sale of transponder capacity under transponder purchase
      agreements  in excess of amounts  recognised  as revenue are  recorded as
      deferred  revenue.  Deferred  revenue  which  will be  recognised  in the
      following year is classified under current  liabilities and amounts which
      will be recognised after one year are classified as non-current.

      Interest income is accrued on a time basis, by reference to the principal
      amounts outstanding and at the interest rate applicable.

      1.18  Operating leases (as the lessee)

      Leases  in which a  significant  portion  of the  risks  and  rewards  of
      ownership are retained by the lessor are classified as operating  leases.
      Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives received from
      the lessor) are expensed in the income statement on a straight-line basis
      over the period of the lease.

      1.19  Dividend distribution

      Dividend  distribution to the Company's equity holders is recognised as a
      liability  in  the  financial  statements  in the  period  in  which  the
      dividends are approved by the Company's equity holders.

2.    Sales and segment information

      The Group's sales is analysed as follows:

                                                                      2006          2005
      Income from provision of satellite transponder capacity
          - recurring                                              850,425       850,436
          - non-recurring                                           49,911             -
      Sales of satellite transponder capacity                       24,491        24,491
      Other revenue                                                  5,075         4,778
                                                                  ----------    ----------
                                                                   929,902       879,705
                                                                  ==========    ==========

      The  Group  has  only  one  business   segment,   namely  the  operation,
      maintenance  and  provision  of satellite  telecommunication  systems for
      broadcasting and telecommunications. The Group's primary reporting format
      for segment reporting  purposes under HKAS 14 "Segment  Reporting" is the
      geographical basis. For the purpose of classification,  the country where
      the  customer  is  incorporated  is  deemed  to be the  source  of sales.
      However, the Group's operating assets consist primarily of its satellites
      which are used,  or are intended for use,  for  transmission  to multiple
      geographical areas and therefore cannot be allocated between geographical
      segments.  Accordingly,  no geographical analysis of expenses, assets and
      liabilities has been presented.

      The  following  table  provides  an  analysis  of the  Group's  sales  by
      geographical markets:

                                                                      2006         2005
      Hong Kong                                                    341,567      341,698
      Greater China, including Taiwan                              194,831      202,730
      United States of America                                      79,813       78,205
      United Kingdom                                                53,211       49,401
      Australia                                                     37,317       27,927
      Others                                                       223,163      179,744
                                                                  ---------    ----------
                                                                   929,902      879,705
                                                                  =========    ==========


3.   Operating profit

                                                                                     2006         2005

       Interest income                                                             92,710       43,606
       Gain on disposal of property, plant and equipment other than transponders       70           99
       Others                                                                          13            6
                                                                                  --------    ----------
                                                                                   92,793       43,711
                                                                                  ========    ==========

       Salary and other benefits, including directors' remuneration                82,930       60,748
       Pension costs - defined contribution plans                                   4,625        4,344
                                                                                  --------    ----------
       Total staff costs                                                           87,555       65,092
                                                                                  ========    ==========

       Auditors' remuneration                                                       1,775          769
       Bad debts written off                                                       11,997        2,987
       (Write back)/provision for impairment of receivables made                   (8,468)       7,700
       Depreciation, amortisation and impairment expenses                         297,758      295,278
       Operating leases
            - premises                                                              4,383        5,872
            - leasehold land & land use rights                                        583          583
       Net exchange loss                                                              404          547
                                                                                  ========    ==========

4.   Income tax expense

      A significant  portion of the Group's profit is treated as earned outside
      Hong Kong and is not subject to Hong Kong profits tax.  Hong Kong profits
      tax has been provided at the rate of 17.5% (2005: 17.5%) on the estimated
      assessable profit for the year.

      Overseas  tax,  including  the  Foreign  Enterprises  Income  Tax  in the
      People's  Republic  of  China,  is  calculated  at 5% to 20% of the gross
      revenue earned in certain of the overseas jurisdictions.

      The  Group  currently  has a tax  case in  dispute  with the  Indian  tax
      authorities. Details of this are set out in note 7.

                                                                                     2006        2005
      Current income tax
      - Hong Kong profits tax                                                      38,856      45,056
      - Overseas taxation                                                          17,581      18,818
      Deferred income tax reversal                                                   (915)    (12,604)
                                                                                  --------    ---------
                                                                                   55,522      51,270
                                                                                  ========    =========

      The tax on the Group's  profit  before tax differs  from the  theoretical
      amount that would arise using the weighted average tax rate applicable to
      profits of the consolidated companies as follows:

                                                                                      2006         2005
      Profit before tax                                                            508,927      416,635
                                                                                  =========    ==========

      Tax calculated at tax rate of 17.5% (2005: 17.5%)                             89,062       72,911
      Tax effect of income not subject to tax                                      (96,999)     (84,164)
      Tax effect of expenses not deductible for tax purposes                        45,440       43,027
      Tax effect of tax losses of associates not recognised                            438          678
      Effect of income tax rate differential between Hong Kong and overseas
         locations                                                                  17,581       18,818
                                                                                  ---------    ----------
      Tax expense                                                                   55,522       51,270
                                                                                  =========    ==========

      The effective tax rate of the Group was 10.9% (2005: 12.3%).

5.    Earnings per share

      Basic   earnings  per  share  is   calculated   by  dividing  the  profit
      attributable  to equity  holders of the Company by the  weighted  average
      number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. 2005 2004 2006 2005

      Profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                         454,009     366,184
                                                                                  =========   ==========

      Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)              390,266     390,266
                                                                                  =========   ==========

      Basic earnings per share (HK$ per share)                                        1.16        0.94
                                                                                  =========   ==========


5. Earnings per share (continued)

      Diluted  earnings per share is calculated  adjusting the weighted average
      number  of  ordinary  shares  outstanding  to  assume  conversion  of all
      dilutive  potential  ordinary  shares.  The Company has share  options of
      dilutive  potential ordinary shares. The calculation is done to determine
      the  number  of  shares  that  could  have been  acquired  at fair  value
      (determined  as the average  annual  market share price of the  Company's
      shares) based on the monetary value of the  subscription  rights attached
      to outstanding share options. The number of shares calculated as above is
      compared  with the number of shares that would have been issued  assuming
      the exercise of the share options.

                                                                                      2006         2005
      Profit used to determine diluted earnings per share                          454,009      366,184
                                                                                  =========    ==========

      Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue (thousands)              390,266      390,266
      Adjustments for - share options (thousands)                                        -           26
                                                                                  ---------    ----------
      Weighted average number of ordinary shares for diluted earnings per share
         (thousands)                                                               390,266      390,292
                                                                                  =========    ==========

      Diluted earnings per share (HK$ per share)                                      1.16         0.94
                                                                                  =========    ==========

6.   Dividends

      The  dividends  paid during the years  ended 2006 and 2005 were  $136,593
      (HK$0.35 per share) and  $136,593  (HK$0.35  per share)  respectively.  A
      dividend  in respect of 2006 of HK$0.27 per share,  amounting  to a total
      dividend of $105,372 is to be proposed at the Annual  General  Meeting on
      18 May 2007.  These  financial  statements  do not reflect this  dividend
      payable. 2006 2005

      Interim dividend paid of HK$0.08 (2005: HK$0.08) per ordinary share           31,221       31,221
      Proposed final dividend of HK$0.27 (2005: HK$0.27) per ordinary share        105,372      105,372
                                                                                  ---------    ---------
                                                                                   136,593      136,593
                                                                                  =========    =========

7.   Contingencies

      Under Indian tax  regulations,  the Group may be subject to Indian income
      tax on revenues received by the Group in respect of income from provision
      of satellite  transponder  capacity to the Group's customers for purposes
      of those  customers  carrying on business in India or earning income from
      any source in India.

      The  Indian tax  authorities  have  assessed  the Group for income tax as

      Assessment year                                                                Amount HK$         Amount INR
                                                                                  (approximate)      (approximate)
      1997-98                                                                        20 million        115 million
      1998-99                                                                        23 million        141 million
      1999-00                                                                        22 million        127 million
      2000-01                                                                        14 million         84 million
      2001-02                                                                        29 million        171 million
      2002-03                                                                        38 million        210 million
      2003-04                                                                        50 million        316 million
      2004-05                                                                        58 million        330 million
                                                                                  --------------    ---------------
      Total                                                                         254 million      1,494 million
                                                                                  ==============    ===============

      The Group has filed appeals for each of the  assessment  years 1997-98 to

      No  assessment  has yet been made for the  2005-06 or 2006-07  assessment

      The Income Tax Appellate  Tribunal (the  "Tribunal") in an earlier appeal
      filed against the original  assessment  for the  assessment  year 1997-98
      held  that the Group is  liable  for  Indian  income  tax  under  certain
      circumstances.  The Group  does not  believe  that it is  liable  for the
      Indian income tax as held by the Tribunal and has filed an appeal against
      the Tribunal's  decision.  The tax authorities  have also filed an appeal
      against the Tribunal's  decision.  Both the appeals have been admitted by
      the High Court.

      In order to  obtain a stay of  recovery  proceedings,  the Group has made
      payments as follows and has  recorded  these  payments as an asset on the
      assumption that the amounts are recoverable:


7. Contingencies (continued)

      Assessment year                                                                Amount HK$        Amount INR
                                                                                  (approximate)     (approximate)
      1997-98                                                                        13 million        78 million
      1998-99                                                                        14 million        88 million
      1999-00                                                                        11 million        62 million
      2000-01                                                                         9 million        50 million
      2001-02                                                                        20 million       119 million
      2002-03                                                                        27 million       148 million
      2003-04                                                                        39 million       226 million
      2004-05                                                                        22 million       125 million
                                                                                  --------------    --------------
      Total                                                                         155 million       896 million
                                                                                  ==============    ==============

      In addition,  based on the general  principles set forth by the Tribunal,
      the amount of income taxable in India depends on the payments made by the
      Group's  customers  to the  Group  for the  purpose  of  those  customers
      carrying on business in India or earning income from any source in India.
      As such information is proprietary in nature and has not been provided by
      the Group's customers,  the Group cannot reasonably  estimate the taxable
      income and  therefore  also cannot  estimate  the amount of income tax to
      which the Group may be assessed.  Furthermore, as stated above, the Group
      has filed an appeal against the Tribunal's decision.  The appeal has been
      admitted by the High Court and is pending before the Court.  Accordingly,
      no provision  has been  recognised  for Indian  income tax in the Group's
      financial statements.

8.    Purchase, sale or redemption of own securities

      During  the  year,  neither  the  Company  nor  any of  its  subsidiaries
      purchased, sold or redeemed any of the Company's listed securities.

9.    Corporate Governance

      Throughout  2006,  the Group applied the principles and complied with the
      Code on Corporate Governance Practices ("CG Code") as set out in Appendix
      14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities  ("Listing Rules") on
      The Stock  Exchange of Hong Kong  Limited (the  "Exchange")  with certain
      deviations as outlined below.

      The CG Code provides  that a majority of the members of the  Remuneration
      Committee  should  be  independent   non-executive  directors  ("INEDs").
      However, the Remuneration Committee is composed of three members, of whom
      one is an INED and the other two are  Non-executive  Directors  ("NEDs").
      The  Committee  is  chaired  by  the  INED.   Having  committee   members
      representing the majority  shareholders adds value as the  representative
      of CITIC Group  ("CITIC")  brings in the  knowledge  of local  market pay
      practices (China in general and Hong Kong more specifically), whereas the
      SES S.A.  ("SES")  (formerly  SES GLOBAL  S.A.)  representative  adds the
      satellite  industry  specific  dimension.  It is  logical to have a small
      Remuneration  Committee  as  it  allows  open,  frank  and  very  focused
      discussions.  Strict compliance with the CG Code would have the Committee
      consist of at least 5 members,  implying  that all the INEDs and close to
      half  of the  NEDs  would  have to  participate  the  Committee  so as to
      maintain the balance of input from the main shareholders' representative.

      The  Group  has  adopted  procedures  governing   Directors'   securities
      transactions  in compliance with the Model Code as set out in Appendix 10
      of the Listing Rules.

10.   Audit Committee

      The  Audit  Committee  consists  of  five  members,  three  of  whom  are
      Independent  Non-executive  Directors who satisfy independent,  financial
      literacy and  experience  requirements,  whilst the other two members are
      Non-executive  Directors  and have only  observer  status  with no voting
      rights.  The  Committee  is  chaired  by  an  Independent   Non-executive
      Director,  who  possesses  appropriate  professional  qualifications  and
      experience in financial matters.

      The  Committee  has  reviewed the  accounting  principles  and  practices
      adopted by the Group and the  consolidated  financial  statements for the
      year ended 31 December 2006 in  conjunction  with the Company's  external

11.   Charges on Assets

      The Group did not have any charges on assets as at 31  December  2006 and
      31 December 2005.

12.   Publication of detailed results, announcement on the exchange's website

      A detailed results  announcement  containing all the information required
      by  paragraphs  45 of Appendix 16 of the Exchange  Listing  Rules will be
      published on the Exchange's website in due course.

13.   Miscellaneous

      The Directors are not aware of any material  changes from the information
      published in the annual report for the year ended 31 December 2006, other
      than disclosed in this announcement.


14.   Closure of register of members

      The  Register of equity  holders of the Company will be closed from 11 to
      18 May 2007 (both  days  inclusive).  In order to  qualify  for the final
      dividend, all transfers,  accompanied by the relevant share certificates,
      must be lodged  with the  Company's  Hong Kong Branch  Share  Registrars,
      Computershare  Hong Kong Investor  Services  Limited at Shops  1712-1716,
      17th  Floor,  Hopewell  Centre,  183  Queen's  Road  East,  Hong Kong for
      registration  not later than 4:30 p.m. on 10 May 2007. The final dividend
      will be paid on or about 22 May 2007.




A stable year benefited from one-time  receipts,  and this combination  enabled
AsiaSat to report an increase in profit for 2006.  As we  indicated at the time
of the interim report,  the underlying results from the Company's core business
remained largely in line with the previous year.

Asia is experiencing positive economic expansion generally, yet there remains a
lack of significant growth in the satellite sector.  While the satellite market
typically lags behind other  industries as economies pick up, this situation is
exacerbated  by  overcapacity  and  price  cutting  at  the  lower  end  of the
transponder market.

Nevertheless,  we maintain our leadership and are reporting a growing roster of
prime  customers,  a  6%  increase  in  overall  utilisation,  and  signs  that
utilisation rates are firming.


As announced on 13 February  2007,  the Board received a request from Modernday
Limited (the  "Offeror"),  a company  jointly  owned by CITIC Group and General
Electric Capital  Corporation,  to put forward the Share Proposal to the Scheme
Shareholders for a proposed  privatisation of the Company by way of a scheme of
arrangement  under Section 99 of the  Companies  Act of Bermuda.  The Board has
reviewed  the Share  Proposal  and has  agreed to put it  forward to the Scheme
Shareholders.  Details of the joint announcement are available at the Company's
website, http://www.asiasat.com. The Scheme Document containing further details
of the Proposals and the Scheme, the expected timetable, the recommendations of
the  Independent  Board  Committee in respect of the  Proposals,  the letter of
advice  from  the  independent  financial  adviser  to  the  Independent  Board
Committee,  an  explanatory  statement as required under the Companies Act, and
notices of the Court Meeting and the Special General Meeting will be despatched
to the shareholders in due course.  By the time you receive this annual report,
you may have already received the Scheme Document.


The presentation of the financial results,  specifically the comparison between
the 2005 and 2006  figures,  are again  distorted by the  inclusion of one-time
receipts in 2006 for early termination of contracts.

Turnover for the year ended 31 December 2006 amounted to HK$930  million (2005:
HK$880  million),  HK$50 million  above the prior year.  Excluding the one-time
receipts  of HK$50  million  on the  contract  termination,  turnover  remained

The profit  attributable  to equity  holders for 2006 was HK$454 million (2005:
HK$366  million),  an increase of HK$88  million or 24%, of which HK$45 million
was  attributable  to the one-time  receipts and balance  coming from  interest

In 2006, the Group generated a net cash inflow of HK$344 million (2005:  HK$401
million)  after paying  capital  expenditure  of HK$307  million  (2005:  HK$24
million) and dividends of HK$137 million (2005: HK$137 million).  At the end of
2006, the Group's cash balance  increased to HK$1,979  million (2005:  HK$1,636

Operating  expenses were contained at HK$207 million  (2005:  HK$208  million).
Expense increases in some areas were offset by savings in others.

Depreciation  expense  increased to HK$298 million (2005:  HK$295 million),  1%
above  the  prior  year.  This  was  mainly  attributable  to the  increase  in
depreciation of miscellaneous assets.


At the  forthcoming  Annual General  Meeting,  to be held on 18 May 2007,  your
Directors will  recommend a final dividend of HK$0.27 per share (2005:  HK$0.27
per  share).  This,  together  with the  interim  dividend of HK$0.08 per share
(2005:  HK$0.08 per share),  gives a total of HK$0.35 per share (2005:  HK$0.35
per share), the same as in the prior year.


The  Company  is  progressing  on  schedule  with the  construction  of our new
satellite,  AsiaSat 5, which is to replace AsiaSat 2 at the orbital location of
100.5  degrees  East.  However,  we have been  advised of a delay in the launch
vehicle availability.

If there were no changes to be made to the current launch programme, other than
the date, the construction would continue on time and the launch would be moved
from the second half of 2008 into 2009. This would present no operational or
customer issues as AsiaSat 2 is not planned to be retired until 2010. However,
this delayed schedule would not provide sufficient time before the anticipated
retirement of AsiaSat 2 to rebuild and re-launch a new satellite in the event
of an unsuccessful first launch. AsiaSat management is currently considering a
number of options to ensure continuity to service in the event of a launch

Throughout 2006, the Group's three in-orbit  satellites,  AsiaSat 2, AsiaSat 3S
and AsiaSat 4, continued to perform well  delivering  excellent  service to our
customers.  At year end,  as reported  above,  we had  increased  the number of
transponders  leased and sold,  including  the 4  Broadcast  Satellite  Service
("BSS")  transponders  leased to  Skywave  TV for its  Direct  to Home  ("DTH")
services,  by 6%. This reflects  customers'  appreciation of the service levels
provided  by  AsiaSat  through  our own earth  station  in Tai Po,  Hong  Kong,
combined with back up from our leased Stanley station.

SpeedCast  Holdings  Limited  ("SpeedCast"),  an associate in which the Company
holds 47%, again improved its overall performance.  The company's core business
is the  provision of two-way and  backbone  broadband  access.  I am pleased to
report that during the year  SpeedCast  increased its turnover by 35% to HK$112
million  (2005:  HK$83 million) and moved from making a small  contribution  in
2005 to a profit of HK$5 million in 2006.  Although SpeedCast operates at a low
margin, the company  contributed revenue of HK$46 million (2005: HK$32 million)
to AsiaSat in 2006.  At 31 December  2006,  SpeedCast  had cash on hand of HK$8
million (2005: HK$5 million).  The Group's carrying  investment in the company,
including goodwill, was below HK$ 0.5 million.

Skywave TV Company  Limited  ("Skywave"),  an 80%-owned  subsidiary of AsiaSat,
established  a low cost regional DTH service for Hong Kong,  Macau,  Taiwan and
Southern  China at the  beginning  of 2005.  Currently  the  company  offers 37


programmes branded under Family Favourites,  Premium Movies and Premium Sports.
As the company operates in a highly restrictive and regulated environment,  its
business remained static and is expected to do so until the market opens up for
free  competition.  For the year 2006,  Skywave incurred a loss of HK$4 million
(2005: HK$4 million), of which the Group's share was about HK$3 million.

Our joint  venture  in  Mainland  China,  Beijing  Asia Sky  Telecommunications
Technology  Company  Limited  ("Beijing  Asia"),  in which  AsiaSat holds a 49%
interest,  provides VSAT (very small aperture  terminal) services in China. The
company  achieved  high growth as turnover  reached  HK$9 million  (2005:  HK$3
million),  an increase of 200%.  The company's  loss increased to HK$17 million
(2005: HK$8 million).  At the end of the year,  AsiaSat's investment in Beijing
Asia amounted to HK$10 million (2005: HK$14 million).

The Group is committed to provide  transponder  capacity to Beijing Asia in the
form of a loan of up to HK$12  million over a few years,  of which 88% has been
utilised.  The Group's maximum exposure to Beijing Asia is approximately  HK$25
million, of which HK$13 million is in the form of a cash contribution.


In  addition to the listing on The Stock  Exchange  of Hong Kong  Limited,  the
Company is also  listed on the New York Stock  Exchange,  Inc.  ("NYSE").  As a
foreign private issuer on the NYSE, it needs to comply with the requirements of
Section 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act 2002.

Section 404 states that the  internal  control  report  requirement  applies to
companies filing annual reports with the SEC (The U.S.  Securities and Exchange
Commission) under either Section 13(a) or 15(d) of the Securities  Exchange Act
of 1934.  Compliance  for foreign  issuers is delayed  until their fiscal years
ended on or after 15 July 2005. Section 404 requires foreign private issuers to
evaluate and disclose their  conclusions  regarding the  effectiveness of their
internal  control  over  financial   reporting  and  disclosure   controls  and

Section 404 also requires the Company's  independent  auditors to attest to and
report on  management's  assessment  of the  Company's  internal  controls over
financial reporting.

Despite a further extension in the compliance  timeline for accelerated  filers
in  regards  to  their  independent  auditors  attesting  to and  reporting  on
management's  assessment of internal  controls over  financial  reporting,  the
Company has requested the  independent  auditors to conduct an  attestation  in
2006 as originally planned, and provide a report to be filed with the SEC.


Economic  improvement in Asia continues and demand for  transponders is picking
up very  slowly.  However,  new  satellite  supply has been added to an already
over-supplied  market,  and this is keeping rates under  pressure at the bottom
end and  holding  back growth in the premium  sector,  which is  disappointing.
Nevertheless,  it  is  encouraging  that  AsiaSat's  blue  chip  customers  are
committed  to our premium  services  and  reliability,  and that an  increasing
number of customers are signing contracts with AsiaSat.

In addition,  there are  positive  trends in the Asian  telecommunications  and
video markets.  They include a general  increase in demand for video,  which is
being  stimulated by the growth of IPTV (Internet  Protocol  Television),  HDTV


(High  Definition  Television),  Video to  Mobile,  and DTH  services.  To some
extent,  this is  being  driven  by a focus  on the  approaching  2008  Beijing

We are also seeing the gradual  liberalisation of the regulatory environment in
some  markets and these early  indicators  bode well for the future.  Even with
these positive indications,  the industry needs to see more dramatic changes in
some countries' regulatory  environments and the faster introduction of some of
these new services before we will  experience a satellite  market that emulates
that of Europe or the United States.

The  recent  submarine   earthquake  in  the  Pacific  region  highlighted  the
vulnerability  of cable networks and, in many cases,  the lack of  preparedness
and alternative methods of distribution  anticipated in the business continuity
plans of major users.  In the aftermath of the quake,  satellites  played a key
role in the rapid restoration of communications in the region, and it is likely
that lessons learned will place AsiaSat well for the future.

We also see increasing  demand in India and, while there are Indian  satellites
that are  benefiting  from  this,  growth is likely to  outstrip  supply in due
course and AsiaSat is well  positioned to benefit from this  potential  demand.
There is also  increasing  demand for backbone  delivery  for mobile  telephone
networks in rural areas as  governments  and  service  providers  seek to bring
communications to the most remote areas.

Globally,  the satellite market is seeing  consolidation and we anticipate that
this will  continue and help to reduce  excess  capacity and bolster rates over

Looking ahead,  the unique  advantages that satellites  offer over  terrestrial
services,   especially   to  television   distribution   services  and  private
telecommunications  networks, will drive future growth for AsiaSat. The Company
is financially robust, managed to the highest of world-class standards,  and is
well  positioned for the future.  However,  progress is very slow and it is for
this reason that the Company's share price has  under-performed  the market and
why the proposal to privatise the Company has been presented.


Mr. R Donald  Fullerton  resigned in May 2006 as an  Independent  Non-executive
Director,  chairman  of the  Remuneration  Committee  and  member  of the Audit
Committee after serving the Company for 10 years.  On behalf of the Company,  I
would like to thank him for his valuable contribution.

Mr. James  Watkins was appointed in June 2006 as an  Independent  Non-executive
Director,  chairman  of the  Remuneration  Committee  and  member  of the Audit
Committee to fill the vacancy. I would like to welcome him to the Board.

Mr. Robert Bednarek  resigned in October 2006 as a  Non-executive  Director and
chairman of the Business  Development  Committee  after serving the Company for
more than four years.  He will be devoting  his time to a new  position  and on
behalf of the Company, I would like to thank him for his valuable contribution.

Mr. Romain Bausch stepped down as Chairman of the Board on 1 January 2007 after
serving  two years in that role and  assumed  the role as  Deputy  Chairman  in
accordance with the biennial  rotation  arrangement.  I would like to thank him
for his leadership and wise guidance in steering the Company through the recent
difficult times.


Mr. Denis Lau our General Manager Finance and Company  Secretary  retired on 31
December 2006 after 18.5 years of service with AsiaSat,  I wish him well in his
well earned  retirement.  Mr. Lau was replaced by Ms. Sue Yeung.  I welcome Ms.
Yeung to AsiaSat.

Finally,  I want to  convey  my  thanks  to  Management  and  Staff  for  their
dedication  and loyalty,  and for  upholding  AsiaSat's  world-class  operating
standards and reputation  during these less than optimal years.  It is for this
professionalism that our Company is respected the world over.


Hong Kong, 5 March 2007

As at the date of this  announcement,  the Board  comprises 12  directors.  The
Executive   Directors  are  Mr.  Peter  JACKSON  and  Mr.   William  WADE.  The
Non-executive  Directors  are Mr. MI Zeng Xin  (Chairman),  Mr.  Romain  BAUSCH
(Deputy Chairman), Ms. Cynthia DICKINS, Mr. DING Yu Cheng, Mr. KO Fai Wong, Mr.
JU Wei Min and Mr. Mark RIGOLLE.  The Independent  Non-executive  Directors are
Professor Edward CHEN, Mr. Robert SZE and Mr. James WATKINS.

Please also refer to the published version of this announcement in The