Washington, D.C. 20549

                       Report of Foreign Private Issuer

                       Pursuant to Rule 13a-16 or 15d-16
                    of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

For the month of March, 2004

Commission File Number 1-15224

                        Energy Company of Minas Gerais
                (Translation of registrant's name into English)

                            Avenida Barbacena, 1200
                30190-131 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil
                   (Address of principal executive offices)

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Item      Description of Item
----      -------------------

1.        Extract from the minutes of the 322nd Meeting of the Board of
          Directors held on December 3, 2003

2.        Extract from the minutes of the 324th Meeting of the Board of
          Directors held on January 22, 2004

                                                                        Item 1

                                                   LOGO]                LISTED

               Listed Company - Taxpayer No. 17.155.730/0001-64

Extract from the minutes of the 322nd Meeting of the Board of Directors.

Date, time, and place: December 3, 2003, at 10:00 a.m., at the head offices at
Av. Barbacena, 1200 - 18th floor, Belo Horizonte - MG.

Presiding officers: President: Wilson Nelio Brumer / Secretary: Anamaria
Pugedo Frade Barros.

Summary of events: I- The Board approved the minutes of this meeting. II- The
Board authorized: - the re-ratification of PRCA (Proposal for Board Approval)
no. 012/2000, to ratify the extension of the term of Contract 4680000796,
executed with Autotrac Comercio e Telecomunicacoes S.A., for an additional two
months, beginning October 15, 2003 in order to conclude price negotiations
with respect to a new contract and to extend the term of the contract by fifty
months, but leaving the other decisions of that PRCA unaltered; - the
initiation of an Administrative Process for Non-Requirement of Public Tender,
as well as the execution of a direct telecommunication service contract for
data processing, text transmission and satellite positioning through the
OmniSAT system, to be installed in 966 vehicles of CEMIG's fleet, with
Autotrac Comercio e Telecomunicacoes S.A. for a term of forty-eight months; -
the re-ratification of the terms of PRCA-043/2002, to alter the amount to be
paid and to add mechanical and electric maintenance services, including the
supply of parts, for the Ford and Iveco vehicles of CEMIG's fleet, under a
contract which was previously authorized for a term of twelve months, which
may be extended for up to forty-eight months, but leaving the other decisions
of that PRCA unaltered; - the presentation, by CEMIG, of a financial proposal
for the acquisition of the companies of the CPEE Group, headquartered in the
town of Jaguariuna, and comprising four electric power distribution companies
(Companhia Paulista de Energia Eletrica S.A.- CPEE, Companhia Sul Paulista de
Energia S.A.-CSPE, Companhia Jaguari de Energia Eletrica S.A.-CJE and
Companhia Luz e Forca de Mococa S.A.-CLFM), 7% of the power from the Luiz
Eduardo Magalhaes Hydroelectric Power Station, located on the River Tocantins,
State of Tocantins, through the subsidiary Paulista Lajeado Energia S.A., as
well as an electric equipment operation and maintenance services company (CPEE
Equipamentos Eletricos e Servicos Ltda.), an electric power trading company
(CMS Comercializadora de Energia Ltda.), a farming company with no operational
activity (Agropecuaria Turvinho S.A.), a non-operating company (Companhia Nova
Paulista de Energia), CMS Participacoes and nine Minor Hydroelectric Plants,
the definitive purchase proposal to be subsequently delivered to the Executive
Committee and to the Board of Directors and submitted for the approval of a
General Meeting of the Shareholders of CEMIG; - the execution of the Contract
for the Use of the Transmission System, with the National Electric System
Operator (ONS), concerning the Irape Hydroelectric plant, to remain in force
up to the time the Utilization Concession expires, for the purpose of
establishing the terms and conditions that will govern the rendering of
transmission services carried out by Transmission Concessionaires and by the
ONS, required by the above-mentioned Utilization concession, the charges to be
fixed by ANEEL (National Electric Power Agency) and

                                                                        Item 1

                                                   LOGO]                LISTED

due from the time the generating units start commercial operations; and, - the
Executive Committee to take all the administrative measures necessary to set
up the Credit Rights Investment Fund for Credits resulting from the Assignment
Contract in respect of the Outstanding Balance of the Results to be
Compensated Account (CRC), signed with the State of Minas Gerais, consisting
of the registration of the Regulations at a Deeds and Documents Registry,
registration at the Securities Commission (CVM) and at the National Register
of Corporations (CNPJ), the implementation of which is conditional upon the
prior consent of ANEEL and a favorable opinion from the State Attorney
General's Office, as well as the subsequent decision of this Board in relation
to the transfer of the credits and the subscription value; decisions relating
to the above-mentioned Fund are to be examined and approved by the Board of
Directors, including the decisions of CEMIG's representative at the Fund
Shareholders' Meeting. III- The Board ratified the implementation, in an
exceptional and temporary manner, of the Voluntary Dismissal Program, which
may be applied to the termination of a labor contract by dismissal without
just cause and upon the employee's free and spontaneous request. IV- The
matters relating to the hiring of a financial advisor to implement CEMIG's
participation in Empresa de Infovias S.A., as well as the hiring of services
for the implementation of the Project for the Preparation and Exploitation of
the Accumulation Basin of the Irape Hydroelectric Utilization, were withdrawn
from the agenda. V- The Executive President advised that the Executive Officer
Board, at a meeting held on December 2, 2003, ratified the signing of Electric
Power Purchase and Sale Contracts with Fiat Automoveis and Powertrain Ltda.,
for their units located in Betim-MG, for the term of four years and six
months, beginning July 11, 2003. VI- The Vice-Chairman, Board Members
Francisco Roberto Andre Gros, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Oderval Esteves
Duarte Filho, Marcelo Pedreira de Oliveira, Mario Lucio Lobato, Sergio Lustosa
Botelho Martins and Joao Bosco Braga Garcia, Directors Heleni de Mello
Fonseca, Elmar de Oliveira Santana and Flavio Decat de Moura, Control and
Corporate Management Superintendent Sergio Augusto Diniz Gomes, Corporate
Planning and Participations Superintendent Joao Luiz Senra de Vilhena and
representatives of Accenture, of Unibanco-Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros S.A., of
Hirashima e Associados and of Ulhoa Canto, Rezende e Guerra Advogados
commented on general matters and business of interest to the Company.
Participants: Board Members Wilson Nelio Brumer, Djalma Bastos de Morais,
Francelino Pereira dos Santos, Nilo Barroso Neto, Oderval Esteves Duarte
Filho, Marcelo Pedreira de Oliveira, Joao Bosco Braga Garcia, Sergio Lustosa
Botelho Martins, Francisco Roberto Andre Gros, Aecio Ferreira da Cunha, Mario
Lucio Lobato, Maria Estela Kubitschek Lopes, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa,
Francisco Sales Dias Horta, Fernando Lage de Melo, Luiz Antonio Athayde
Vasconcelos, Marco Antonio Rodrigues da Cunha, Estacio Gonzaga de Sa, Luiz
Felippe Leal da Fonseca Junior, Carlos Suplicy de Figueiredo Forbes, Marc Leal
Claassen, Eduardo Lery Vieira, Andre Luis Garbuglio, Fernando Henrique
Schuffner Neto and Franklin Moreira Goncalves; Directors Heleni de Mello
Fonseca, Celso Ferreira, Elmar de Oliveira Santana and Flavio Decat de Moura;
Superintendents Sergio Augusto Diniz Gomes and Joao Luiz Senra de Vilhena;
representatives of Accenture, of Unibanco-Uniao de Bancos Brasileiros S.A., of
Hirashima e Asscociados and of Ulhoa Canto, Rezende e Guerra Advogados; and
Secretary Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros.

Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros

                                                                        Item 2

                                                   LOGO]                LISTED

               Listed Company - Taxpayer No. 17.155.730/0001-64

Extract from the minutes of the 324th Meeting of the Board of Directors.

Date, time, and place: January 22, 2004, at 9:00 am, at the head offices, at
Av. Barbacena, 1200 - 18th floor, Belo Horizonte - MG.

Presiding officers: President: Wilson Nelio Brumer / Secretary: Anamaria
Pugedo Frade Barros.

Summary of events: I- The Board approved the minutes of this meeting. II-
Director Flavio Decat de Moura and Superintendent Joao Luiz Senra de Vilhena
presented preliminary versions of: a) the Company's financial forecasts,
including, among other things, the following items: macro-economic scenario
synthesis, electricity market growth, capital expenditures and regulatory,
pricing and tariffs, and debt matters; b) the Corporate Action Plan,
highlighting financial matters, customers, internal processes, and learning
and growth. III- The Executive President advised that the Executive Board,
during a meeting held on January 6, 2004: a) authorized the execution of an
Electric Power Purchase Contract with Companhia Paraibuna de Metais-CPM with
respect to the off-peak supply of 550,000 MWh of power from its industrial
unit located in Juiz de Fora/MG, for a term of twenty-four months, beginning
January 1, 2004; and b) ratified the execution of an Electric Power Purchase
Contract with Companhia Mineira de Metais-CMM, with respect to the off-peak
supply of power from its industrial unit located in Tres Marias/MG, amounting
to 122,449 MWh during 2003 and 261,055 MWh in 2004 and 2005. IV- The
President, the Vice President, and Board Members Francisco Roberto Andre Gros,
Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Oderval Esteves Duarte Filho, Marcelo Pedreira de
Oliveira, Mario Lucio Lobato, Marc Leal Claassen, and Joao Bosco Braga Garcia;
Directors Heleni de Mello Fonseca and Flavio Decat de Moura commented on
general topics and business of interest to the Company. Participants: Board
Members Wilson Nelio Brumer, Djalma Bastos de Morais, Francelino Pereira dos
Santos, Antonio Adriano Silva, Nilo Barroso Neto, Oderval Esteves Duarte
Filho, Marcelo Pedreira de Oliveira, Joao Bosco Braga Garcia, Francisco
Roberto Andre Gros, Aecio Ferreira da Cunha, Mario Lucio Lobato, Maria Estela
Kubitschek Lopes, Alexandre Heringer Lisboa, Marc Leal Claassen, Marco Antonio
Rodrigues da Cunha, Eduardo Lery Vieira, and Fernando Henrique Schuffner Neto;
Executive Officers Heleni de Mello Fonseca, Celso Ferreira, Elmar de Oliveira
Santana, and Flavio Decat de Moura; Superintendent Joao Luiz Senra de Vilhena;
and Secretary Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros.

Anamaria Pugedo Frade Barros


     Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

                                   COMPANHIA ENERGETICA DE MINAS
                                   GERAIS - CEMIG

                                   By:  /s/ Flavio Decat de Moura
                                         Name:  Flavio Decat de Moura
                                         Title: Chief Financial Officer
                                                and Investor Relations Officer

Date:   March 24, 2004