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Regal-Beloit Corporation
  (Exact Name of Registrant as Specified in Its Charter)
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200 State Street
Beloit, Wisconsin 53511

Notice of 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
To Be Held April 28, 2008

To the Shareholders of Regal Beloit Corporation:

You are hereby notified that the 2008 annual meeting of shareholders of Regal Beloit Corporation will be held at the James L. Packard Learning Center located at the Company’s corporate headquarters, 200 State Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511, on Monday, April 28, 2008, at 9:30 a.m., Central Daylight Time, for the following purposes:
To elect three directors to serve until the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.
To ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company’s independent auditors for 2008.
To transact such other business as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment or postponement thereof.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on March 5, 2008 as the record date for the determination of the shareholders entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting.
We hope that you will be able to attend the meeting in person, but if you are unable to do so, please complete, sign and promptly mail back the enclosed proxy form, using the return envelope provided.  You also have the option to vote your shares by the Internet or telephone by following the instructions printed on the enclosed proxy card.  If, for any reason, you should subsequently change your plans, you may, of course, revoke your proxy at any time before it is actually voted.
By Order of the Board of Directors

Paul J. Jones
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary

Beloit, Wisconsin
March 28, 2008

Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Shareholder Meeting to Be Held on April 28, 2008.  The Regal Beloit Corporation proxy statement for the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and 2007 Annual Report to Shareholders are available at





This proxy statement and accompanying proxy card are being mailed to holders of Regal Beloit Corporation (“we” or the “Company”) beginning on or about March 28, 2008.  The Company, on behalf of its Board of Directors (the “Board”), is soliciting your proxy to vote your shares of Regal Beloit common stock at the 2008 annual meeting of shareholders, and all adjournments or postponements thereof (the “Annual Meeting”).  We solicit proxies to give all shareholders of record an opportunity to vote on matters that will be presented at the Annual Meeting.  In this proxy statement, you will find information on these matters, which is provided to assist you in voting your shares.
What am I being asked to vote on?
Election of directors; and
Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent auditors for 2008.
Who can vote?
Holders of our common stock as of the close of business on the record date, March 5, 2008, may vote at the Annual Meeting, either in person or by proxy.  Each share of common stock has one vote.
How do I vote?
By Proxy—Before the Annual Meeting, you can give a proxy to vote your shares of common stock in one of the following ways:
by telephone;
by using the Internet; or
by completing and signing your proxy card and mailing it in time to be received prior to the Annual Meeting.
The telephone and Internet voting procedures are designed to confirm your identity, to allow you to give your voting instructions and to verify that your instructions have been properly recorded. If you wish to vote by telephone or Internet, please follow the instructions that are printed on the enclosed proxy card.
If you mail us your properly completed and signed proxy card, or vote by telephone or the Internet, then your shares of common stock will be voted according to the choices that you specify. If you sign and mail your proxy card to us without making any choices, your proxy will be voted:
FOR the election of all persons nominated by the Board for election as directors; and
FOR the ratification of the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent auditors for 2008.
Other than the election of directors and the ratification of the selection of our independent auditors, we are not currently aware of any other matters that will be brought before the Annual Meeting.  However, by giving your proxy, you appoint the persons named as proxies as your representatives at the Annual Meeting.  If a matter comes up for a vote at the Annual Meeting that is not included in the proxy material, then the proxy holders will vote your shares in accordance with their best judgment.

In Person—You may come to the Annual Meeting and cast your vote there.  If your shares are held in the name of your broker, bank or other nominee and you wish to vote at the Annual Meeting, then your broker, bank or other nominee will provide you with instructions for voting your shares.
May I change or revoke my vote?
You may change your vote or revoke your proxy at any time prior to your shares being voted by:
notifying our Secretary in writing that you are revoking your proxy;
giving another signed proxy that is dated after the date of the proxy that you wish to revoke;
using the telephone or Internet voting procedures; or
attending the Annual Meeting and voting in person (attendance at the Annual Meeting alone will not revoke your proxy).
Will my shares be voted if I do not provide my proxy?
It depends on whether you hold your shares in your own name or in the name of a brokerage firm.  If you hold your shares directly in your name, then they will not be voted unless you provide a proxy or vote in person at the Annual Meeting.  Brokerage firms or other nominees generally have the authority to vote customers’ unvoted shares on certain “routine” matters.  If your shares are held in the name of a brokerage firm, the brokerage firm has the discretionary authority to vote your shares in connection with the election of directors and the ratification of our independent auditors if you do not timely provide your proxy because these matters are considered “routine” under the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) listing standards.
What constitutes a quorum?
As of the record date, 31,386,833 shares of our common stock were issued and outstanding and entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting.  To conduct the Annual Meeting, a majority of the shares entitled to vote must be present in person or by proxy. This is referred to as a “quorum.” If you submit a properly executed proxy card or vote by telephone or the Internet, then you will be considered present at the Annual Meeting for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum.  Abstentions and broker “non-votes” will be counted as present and entitled to vote for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum.  A broker “non-vote” occurs when a broker or other nominee who holds shares for another person has not received voting instructions from the owner of the shares and, under the New York Stock Exchange listing standards, does not have discretionary authority to vote on a proposal.
What vote is needed for these proposals to be adopted?
Proposal 1—The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of our common stock represented and voted at the Annual Meeting is required to elect each director (assuming a quorum is present).  Withhold votes and abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but will be disregarded in the calculation of votes cast.
Proposal 2—The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares of our common stock represented and voted at the Annual Meeting (assuming a quorum is present) is required to ratify the selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent auditors for 2008.  Abstentions will be counted for purposes of determining the presence of a quorum but will be disregarded in the calculation of votes cast.
Who conducts the proxy solicitation and how much will it cost?
Regal Beloit is requesting your proxy for the Annual Meeting and will pay all costs of soliciting shareholder proxies.  In addition to soliciting proxies by mail, we may request proxies personally and by telephone, fax or other means.  We can use our directors, officers and regular employees to request proxies.  These people do not receive additional compensation for these services.  We will reimburse brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for their reasonable out-of-pocket and clerical expenses for forwarding solicitation materials to beneficial owners of our common stock.
Are the Company’s proxy materials available on the Internet?
Yes.  The Company’s proxy statement for the 2008 Annual Meeting of Shareholders and 2007 Annual Report to Shareholders are available at

The Board is currently comprised of nine directors, divided into three classes of three members each, with the terms of one class of directors expiring each year.  The Board has nominated Thomas Fischer, Rakesh Sachdev and Carol Skornicka for election at the Annual Meeting as Class C directors to serve until the 2011 annual meeting of shareholders and, for all nominees, until their successors are duly elected and qualified.  All of our other directors are expected to serve on the Board until their respective terms expire as indicated below.  As a result, the Board has nominated individuals for election as directors with respect to all open seats on the Board.
Unless shareholders otherwise specify, the shares represented by the proxies received will be voted in favor of the election as directors of the persons named as nominees herein.  The Board has no reason to believe that any of the listed nominees will be unable or unwilling to serve as a director if elected.  However, in the event that any nominee should be unable or unwilling to serve, the shares represented by proxies received will be voted for another nominee selected by the Board.
The following sets forth certain information, as of March 5, 2008, about each of the Board nominees for election at the Annual Meeting and each director whose term will continue after the Annual Meeting.  Except as otherwise noted, each nominee has engaged in the principal occupation or employment and has held the offices shown for more than the past five years.
Nominees for Election at the Annual Meeting
Principal Occupation; Office, if any,
Held in the Company; Other Directorships
Class C Directors—Terms Expiring at the 2011 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
tj fischer picture
Thomas J. Fischer
Corporate financial and accounting consultant since 2002; retired Milwaukee office managing partner, Arthur Andersen LLP; director, Badger Meter Inc., Actuant Corporation and Wisconsin Energy Corporation.
sachdev picture
Rakesh Sachdev
Sr. Vice President and President of Asia Pacific, ArvinMeritor, Inc. (supplier of integrated systems, modules and components to the motor vehicle industry); employed with ArvinMeritor since 1999. Mr. Sachdev was appointed as a director by the Board in July 2007 to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of Mr. Stephen Graff.  Mr. Sachdev was originally recommended as a nominee by a third-party search firm acting on behalf of the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee.
skornicka picture
Carol N. Skornicka
Retired Sr. Vice President-Corporate Affairs, Secretary and General Counsel of Midwest Air Group (a holding company for a commercial airline company); employed by Midwest from 1996 to her retirement in February 2008; director of Johnson Financial Group, Inc. Ms. Skornicka was appointed by the Board as a director in 2006.  Ms. Skornicka was originally recommended as a nominee by the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee.
Directors Continuing in Office:
Principal Occupation; Office, if any,
Held in the Company; Other Directorships
Class A Directors—Terms Expiring at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
kasten picture
G. Frederick Kasten, Jr.
Retired Chairman and director, Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc.; served as President of Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc. from 1979-1999; as Chief Executive Officer from 1983-2000; and as Chairman and director from 2000-2005.
knueppel picture
Henry W. Knueppel
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company since April 2006; elected Chief Executive Officer April 2005; President and Chief Operating Officer from 2002-2005; Executive Vice President from 1987-2002; employed by the Company since 1979.
foate picture
Dean A. Foate
President and Chief Executive Officer of Plexus Corporation (an electronics manufacturing services company) since 2002; served as Chief Operating Officer of Plexus Corporation from 2001-2002; director of Plexus Corporation.
Class B Directors—Terms Expiring at the 2010 Annual Meeting of Shareholders
doerr picture
Christopher L. Doerr
Co-CEO of Sterling Aviation Holdings, Inc. (aircraft management and charter company) since 2004 and Co-CEO of Passage Partners, LLC (a private investment company) since 2001; former President and Co-CEO, LEESON Electric Corporation from 1986-2001.
                                                                                      Principal Occupation; Office, if any,
Held in the Company; Other Directorships
gliebe picture
Mark J. Gliebe
President and Chief Operating Officer of the Company since December 2005; Vice President and President-Electric Motors Group of the Company from January 2005 to December 2005; prior thereto employed by General Electric Company (a diversified industrial and commercial manufacturing corporation) as the General Manager of GE Motors & Controls in the GE Consumer & Industrial business unit from 2000-2004.
stoelting picture
Curtis W. Stoelting
Chief Executive Officer of RC2 Corporation (a designer, producer and marketer of toys, collectibles, hobby and infant care products) since 2003; prior thereto as Chief Operating Officer from 2000-2003 and Executive Vice President from 1998-2003 of RC2 Corporation.

Corporate Governance and Independent Directors
The Board has in effect Corporate Governance Guidelines that, in conjunction with the Board committee charters, establish processes and procedures to help ensure effective and responsive governance by the Board.  The Corporate Governance Guidelines are available, free of charge, on our website at or in print to any shareholder who requests a copy in writing addressed to the Company’s Secretary.  We are not including the information contained on or available through our website as a part of, or incorporating such information by reference into, this Proxy Statement.
The Corporate Governance Guidelines provide that a majority of the members of the Board must be independent directors under the listing standards of the NYSE.  The Board has adopted certain categorical standards of director independence, which specifically relate to the rules imposed by the NYSE listing standards, to assist it in making determinations of director independence and which are contained in the Corporate Governance Guidelines.  A copy of these categorical standards of director independence are also attached as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement.
Based on these standards, the Board has affirmatively determined by resolution that Messrs. Doerr, Fischer, Foate, Kasten, Sachdev and Stoelting and Ms. Skornicka have no material relationship with the Company, and, therefore, each is independent in accordance with the NYSE listing standards.  The Board will regularly review the continuing independence of the directors.
Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
The Board has adopted the Regal Beloit Corporation Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which applies to our directors, officers and employees. The Code is available, free of charge, on our website at or in print to any shareholder who requests a copy in writing addressed to the Company’s Secretary.
Presiding Director; Executive Sessions
The Corporate Governance Guidelines require that the Board designate a “Presiding Director” to lead each executive session of the Board.  The position of the Presiding Director rotates periodically among the non-employee directors as determined by the Board upon the recommendation of the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee.  Mr. Foate currently serves as the Presiding Director.
  The Board will have at least four regularly scheduled meetings a year at which the non-employee directors will meet in executive session without members of our management being present.  The non-employee directors may also meet without management present at such other times as they determine appropriate.  Members of the Company’s senior executive management who are not members of the Board will participate in Board meetings to present information, make recommendations, and be available for direct interaction with members of the Board.
Communications with the Board
Shareholders and other interested parties may communicate with the full Board, the Chairman of the Board, non-management directors as a group or individual directors, including the Presiding Director, by delivering a written communication to Regal Beloit Corporation, Attention: Board of Directors, 200 State Street, Beloit, Wisconsin 53511, or by sending an e-mail communication to  The communications should be addressed to the specific director or directors whom the shareholder or interested party wishes to contact and should specify the subject matter of the communication. The Company’s Secretary will deliver appropriate communication directly to the director or directors to whom it is addressed.  The Secretary will generally not forward to the director or directors communication that he determines to be primarily commercial in nature or concerns our day-to-day business activities, or that requests general information about the Company.
Concerns about accounting or auditing matters or possible violations of the Regal Beloit Corporation Code of Ethics should be reported pursuant to the procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct and in our policy regarding Reporting Ethical, Legal and Accounting Concerns, both of which are available on our website at
We have standing Audit, Compensation and Human Resources, and Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committees of the Board.  Each committee is appointed by and reports to the Board.  The Board has adopted, and may amend from time to time, a written charter for each of the Audit, Compensation and Human Resources, and Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committees.  We make copies of each of these charters available free of charge on our website at  Shareholders may also obtain a copy of the charters by directing a written request to the Company’s Secretary.
Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee consists of Messrs. Fischer (Chairperson) and Stoelting and Ms. Skornicka.  Each of the members of the committee is independent as defined by the NYSE listing standards and the rules of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”).  The Board has determined that each of Messrs. Fischer and Stoelting qualifies as an “audit committee financial expert” as defined in SEC rules and meets the expertise requirements for audit committee members under the NYSE listing standards.  The principal functions performed by the Audit Committee, which met four times in 2007, are to assist the Board in monitoring the overall quality of the Company’s financial statements and financial reporting, the independent auditor’s qualifications and independence, our accounting controls and policies, the performance of our internal audit function and independent auditors, and our compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. The Audit Committee has the sole authority to appoint, retain, compensate and terminate our independent auditors and to approve the compensation paid to the independent auditors.  The committee has conditioned its selection of independent auditors for 2008 upon the ratification of this selection by our shareholders at the Annual Meeting.  See “Proposal 2: Ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the Company’s Independent Auditors for 2008.”
One member of the Audit Committee, Mr. Fischer, serves on the audit committees of three other public companies.  On February 1, 2008, the Board of Directors considered what it believes to be all of the relevant facts and responsibilities relating to such simultaneous service by Mr. Fischer and affirmatively determined that the simultaneous service would not impair Mr. Fischer’s ability to serve effectively on our Audit Committee.
Compensation and Human Resources Committee.  The Compensation and Human Resources Committee consists of Messrs. Doerr (Chairperson), Foate and Stoelting.  Each of the members of the Compensation and Human Resources Committee is independent as defined by the NYSE listing standards.  The principal functions of the Compensation and Human Resources Committee, which met four times in 2007, are to help develop our overall compensation philosophy; administer our incentive compensation plans (including our equity incentive plans); determine and approve the Chief Executive Officer’s compensation; recommend to the Board the annual compensation of the other principal corporate officers; review and monitor succession and leadership development planning; and review, formulate, recommend and administer short- and long-range compensation programs for the principal corporate officers and key employees.  A more complete description of our Compensation and Human Resources Committee’s practices can be found in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this Proxy Statement.
Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee.  The Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee consists of Messrs. Kasten (Chairperson) and Sachdev and Ms. Skornicka.  Each of the members of the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee is independent as defined by the NYSE listing standards.  The principal functions of the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee, which met three times in 2007, are to develop and recommend to the Board a set of corporate governance principles applicable to our company, including matters of (a) Board organization, membership, compensation, independence and function, (b) committee structure and membership; and (c) otherwise take a leadership role in shaping our corporate governance; to identify directors qualified to serve on the committees established by the Board; and to recommend to the Board the members and the chairperson for each committee to be filled by the Board. This Committee also serves as the nominating committee of the Board and is responsible for identifying individuals qualified to become directors (consistent with the criteria approved by the Board) and to recommend candidates for all directorships to be filled by the Board or by our shareholders.
Nominations of Directors
The Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee will consider persons recommended by shareholders to become nominees for election as directors in accordance with the criteria set forth in the Corporate Governance Guidelines under the heading “Director’s Qualifications”.  The Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee will only review recommendations for director nominees from any shareholder or group of shareholders beneficially owning in the aggregate at least 5% of the issued and outstanding shares of our common stock for at least one year as of the date that the recommendation is made.  Recommendations with respect to the 2009 annual meeting of shareholders must be submitted by February 11, 2009, for the recommendation to be considered by the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee.
In identifying and evaluating nominees for director, the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee believes that directors must possess the highest personal and professional ethics, integrity and values, and commitment to representing the long-term interest of the shareholders.  Directors must also possess a diverse set of skills and experience with a background in areas that are relevant to our activities. Directors should also be inquisitive and have an objective perspective, a practical wisdom and mature judgment. Directors must be willing and able to devote whatever time is necessary to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively. Directors will not be nominated unless they are willing to serve for an extended period of time.
For a timely recommendation submitted by a shareholder to be considered by the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee, the candidate recommended by a shareholder must be “independent” as defined in the NYSE independence standards and the SEC regulations, and meet the minimum expectations for a director set forth in the Company’s Corporate Governance Guidelines.  The Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee will have sole discretion whether to nominate an individual recommended by a shareholder. As to any candidate identified by the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee to become a nominee, the candidate must possess the requisite qualifications, although the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee need not require such nominee to be independent. Nevertheless, we strive to have all directors, other than those directors who are members of our management, be independent as defined by the NYSE independence standards and the SEC regulations.
Policies and Procedures Regarding Related Person Transactions
Our Board of Directors has adopted written policies and procedures regarding related person transactions.  For purposes of these policies and procedures:
a “related person” means any of our directors, executive officers, nominees for director or greater than 5% shareholder, and any of their immediate family members, as well as any entity in which any of these persons is employed or is a partner or principal or in a similar position or in which such person has a 5% or greater beneficial ownership interest; and
a “related person transaction” generally is a transaction in which we were or are to be a participant and the amount involved exceeds $120,000, and in which any related person had or will have a direct or indirect interest.
The related person, the director, executive officer, nominee or beneficial owner who is an immediate family member of a related person, or a business unit or function/department leader of the Company responsible for a proposed related person transaction must notify our General Counsel of certain information relating to proposed related person transactions.  If our General Counsel determines that a proposed transaction is a related person transaction subject to the policy, then he will submit the transaction to the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee for consideration at the next committee meeting or, if expedited consideration is required, to the committee chairperson.  The committee or chairperson, as applicable, will consider all of the relevant facts and circumstances available regarding the proposed related person transaction and will approve only those related person transactions that are in, or are not inconsistent with, the best interests of our company and our shareholders.  The chairperson is required to report to the committee at the next committee meeting any approval granted under the policy.
The policy also provides for ongoing review by the General Counsel of any amounts paid or payable to, or received or receivable from, any related person.  Additionally, at least annually, the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee is required to review any previously approved or ratified related person transactions that remain ongoing and have a remaining term of more than six months or remaining amounts payable to or receivable from us of more than $60,000.  Based on all relevant facts and circumstances, the committee will determine if it is in the best interests of our company and our shareholders to continue, modify or terminate the related person transaction.
If any of our Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer or General Counsel becomes aware of a pending or ongoing related person transaction that has not been previously approved or ratified under the policy, then the transaction must be disclosed to the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee or its chairperson.  The committee or the chairperson must then determine whether to ratify, amend or terminate the related person transaction, or take any other appropriate action.  If the related person transaction is complete, then the committee or its chairperson will evaluate the transaction to determine if rescission of the transaction and/or any disciplinary action is appropriate.
In 2007, there were no proposed, pending or ongoing related person transactions subject to review by the Corporate Governance and Director Affairs Committee under the policy.
Meetings and Attendance
The Board held nine meetings in 2007.  Each director attended at least 75% of the aggregate of (a) the total number of meetings of the Board and (b) the total number of meetings held by all committees of the Board on which the director served during 2007 during the time that such person served as director.
Directors are expected to attend our annual meeting of shareholders each year.  All of the current directors who were directors at the time of the 2007 annual meeting of shareholders attended that meeting.
The following table sets forth information, as of March 5, 2008, regarding beneficial ownership of our common stock by each director and nominee, each of our named executive officers as set forth in the Summary Compensation Table, and all of the directors and executive officers as a group.  As of March 5, 2008, no director or executive officer beneficially owned one percent or more of our common stock, other than Mr. Knueppel, who beneficially owned 2.1% of our common stock.  On that date, the directors and executive officers as a group beneficially owned 3.1% of our common stock.  Except as otherwise indicated in the footnotes, all of the persons listed below have sole voting and investment power over the shares of our common stock identified as beneficially owned.
Name of Beneficial Owner
Amount and Nature of
Beneficial Ownership(1)(2)(3)(4)
David A. Barta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Terry R. Colvin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Christopher L. Doerr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
David L. Eisenreich . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thomas J. Fischer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dean A. Foate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mark J. Gliebe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paul J. Jones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Henry W. Knueppel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Rakesh Sachdev. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Carol N. Skornicka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Curtis W. Stoelting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All directors and executive officers
as a group (13 persons) . . . . . . . . . . .
Includes shares subject to currently exercisable rights to acquire common stock and options exercisable within 60 days of March 5, 2008 as follows:  Mr. Barta, 13,332 shares; Mr. Colvin, 0 shares Mr. Doerr, 23,000 shares; Mr. Eisenreich, 59,250 shares; Mr. Fischer, 20,000 shares; Mr. Foate, 14,000 shares; Mr. Gliebe, 44,000 shares; Mr. Jones, 0 shares; Mr. Kasten, 25,000 shares; Mr. Knueppel, 354,000 shares; Ms. Skornicka, 10,000 shares; Mr. Stoelting, 13,000 shares; and all directors and executive officers as a group, 520,332 shares.  Also includes shares of restricted stock that are subject to forfeiture until they vest on the third anniversary of the date of grant as follows: Mr. Barta, 3,000 shares; Mr. Colvin, 750 shares; Mr. Eisenreich, 3,000 shares; Mr. Gliebe, 8,000 shares; Mr. Jones, 1,250 shares; and Mr. Knueppel, 25,000 shares.
Amount shown for Mr. Knueppel includes 14,111 shares that are held in trust under the Company’s Personal Savings Plan (401(k)) or a non-Company sponsored individual retirement account and 83,821 shares related to the exercise of options in 2002, the delivery of which shares is delayed until Mr. Knueppel’s normal retirement.
Amounts shown for Messrs. Fischer and Knueppel include 1,000 shares and 149,930 shares, respectively, as to which they share voting and investment power with their spouses.  The amount shown for Mr. Stoelting includes 7,500 shares held in the Curtis W. Stoelting 1994 Revocable Trust over which Mr. Stoelting retains sole voting and investment power during his lifetime.
Amounts shown for Messrs. Colvin, Eisenreich and Gliebe include 256 shares, 6,073 shares and 465 shares, respectively, held in trust under the Company’s 401(k) plans.
Other Beneficial Owners
The following table sets forth information, as of December 31, 2007, regarding beneficial ownership by the only persons known to us to own more than 5% of our outstanding common stock.  The beneficial ownership set forth below has been reported on filings made on Schedule 13G with the SEC by the beneficial owners.
Amount and Nature of Beneficial Ownership
Voting Power
Investment Power
Name and Address
of Beneficial Owner
AXA Financial, Inc.
1290 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10104
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
1299 Ocean Avenue
Santa Monica, CA  90401
Barclays Global Investors, NA
45 Fremont Street
San Francisco, CA  94105

What is our company’s general compensation philosophy?
We recognize the importance of maintaining sound principles for the development and administration of our compensation and benefit programs.  Our overall compensation philosophy is to offer the opportunity for our management team to earn competitive pay, with performance having a direct connection to total compensation and the creation of shareholder value.  Our Compensation and Human Resources Committee, or the Committee, is responsible for making executive compensation decisions and recommendations regarding program design and individual pay.  Our executive compensation programs are designed to advance principles that we have identified as being core to the function of executive compensation.  These principles are:
Attract and Retain Quality People — We provide the opportunity for executives to be compensated at competitive levels to ensure we attract and retain a highly competent and committed management team.
Pay for Creation of Value — We provide our executives the opportunity to earn above-median pay (as measured against selected peer groups) for performance that creates shareholder value by generating ever increasing returns as compared to our cost of capital.  We believe that this level of performance results in long-term value creation for our shareholders via appreciation in our stock price.  Alternatively, we pay compensation below the median level for corporate performance that fails to generate those levels of returns.
Link to Shareholder Interests — We link compensation to corporate performance through equity-based awards to ensure that executives receive above-median compensation only when we create long-term value for our shareholders.
Alignment through Equity Ownership — We ensure that executives’ long-term interests are further aligned with shareholders’ interests by requiring our executives to own a significant equity stake in our company.
We believe that a focus on these principles will benefit our shareholders in the long-term by assuring that we can attract and retain highly qualified executives who are committed to our long-term success and the creation of shareholder value.
How do we set executive compensation?
Our Board, our Committee and our Chief Executive Officer, or CEO, each play a role in setting the compensation of our named executive officers.  Our Board appoints the members of the Committee, which consists entirely of independent directors who are “outside directors” for purposes of Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code and “non-employee directors” for purposes of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.  The current members of the Committee are Messrs. Doerr (Chairman), Foate and Stoelting.  The Committee, subject to the approval of our Board, is responsible for establishing the executive compensation packages offered to our named executive officers.  The Committee administers and has final authority for setting awards under our annual cash incentive and long-term equity incentive plans.
The Committee reviews data from market surveys, proxy statements of companies it considers our peers and independent compensation consultants to assess our competitive position with respect to total executive compensation, including annual compensation, deferred compensation, benefits and perquisites.  In reviewing data with respect to annual compensation, we assess the following components of executive compensation:
Base salary;
Annual incentives; and
Long-term incentive compensation.
The Committee’s objective generally is to establish base compensation between the thirty-fifth (35th) and fiftieth (50th) percentile as compared with our selected peer group, with the opportunity for our executives to earn above-median total compensation for performance that generates ever increasing returns in excess of our cost of capital as measured against our peer group.
The Committee also considers individual performance, the level of responsibility and skills and the experience of our executive officers in recommending base salary levels for approval by the Board.  For annual and long-term incentives, the Committee considers a peer group analysis as well as other existing compensation awards or arrangements in making compensation decisions and recommendations.  The Committee considers internal comparisons relative to pay equity among our executive officers, but does not use a formulaic approach in setting compensation levels among those executive officers.  In its decision-making process, the Committee receives and considers the recommendations of our CEO as to executive compensation to be paid to all of our executive officers, other than his own compensation as to which he makes no recommendation.
Based on the foregoing information, the Committee reviews and makes recommendations to the Board on our compensation and benefit programs, with the objective of making our executive compensation and benefits programs consistent with our overall compensation philosophy.  The Committee makes and recommends to the Board decisions regarding adjustments to future base salaries, annual incentives and long-term incentives concurrent with the assessment of the executives’ performance for the year.
The Committee periodically solicits proposals from a variety of independent compensation consultants to assist the Committee in the performance of its responsibilities.  After selecting an independent compensation consultant, the Committee periodically meets with that consultant throughout the year at such times as the Committee deems appropriate, and receives reports and advice from the consultant on matters of executive compensation.  Our CEO has access to the independent compensation consultant only at the direction of the Committee.
For 2007, the Committee selected Towers Perrin to serve as its independent compensation consultant.  For 2008, the Committee has engaged The Delves Group to serve as the independent compensation consultant.  The Committee has also engaged Stern Stewart & Co. every three years to assist with the setting of goals under our Shareholder Value Added (SVA) Plan.  The independent compensation consultants retained by the Committee perform no other services for us or our named executive officers other than the services provided at the direction of the Committee.
In assisting the Committee in setting compensation for 2007, the Committee directed Towers Perrin to assemble compensation data for our named executive officers and compare those data against aggregated data for persons holding similarly-situated positions in other companies.  Pursuant to its engagement and to approximate our market, Towers Perrin benchmarked compensation data against approximately 100 companies in both the industrial manufacturing and the electronics and scientific equipment industries.  We refer to these 100 companies and the sixteen companies described in the next paragraph as our “peer group.”  In reviewing and analyzing these data, Towers Perrin considered information for each named executive officer position with respect to the following elements of compensation:
Base salary;
Total cash compensation (salary and actual bonus);
Target bonus;
Long-term incentives; and
Total direct compensation (salary, actual bonus and long-term incentives).
The Committee directed Towers Perrin to prepare benchmarking statistics that reflected performance at our peer group’s twenty-fifth (25th), fiftieth (50th) and seventy-fifth (75th) percentiles in connection with the foregoing analysis.  The Committee requested Towers Perrin to report on the methodology that it used in its analysis, a summary of its findings, and its general views relating to market trends in executive compensation.
In addition to the peer analysis performed by Towers Perrin on the aggregated peer group data, the Committee also reviewed compensation data on a company-by-company basis for sixteen companies that the Committee identified and considered to be most comparable to our company based on the criteria set forth below.  The sixteen companies include the following:
American Power Conversion Corp.
A.O. Smith Corp.
Crane Co.
Donaldson Co. Inc.
Federal Signal Corp.
Gardner Denver Inc.
Hubbell Inc.
IDEX Corporation
Lincoln Electric Holdings Inc.
Modine Manufacturing Co.
Roper Industries Inc.
Sauer Danfoss Inc.
Superior Essex Inc.
Thomas & Betts Corp.
Wabash National Corp.
The Committee selected the companies in this comparison group because they generally meet all or most of the following criteria:
Comparable revenue and/or similar market capitalization;
Compete with our company in the marketplace;
Compete with our company for executive talent; and
Are manufacturing companies in our industries.
What specific steps did the Committee take in 2007?
In fulfilling its objectives as described above, the Committee took the following steps in 2007:
Engaged and directed Towers Perrin to assess the competitiveness of our overall compensation and benefits programs and to provide the Committee with guidance as to the composition of our peer group for compensation benchmarking purposes.
Reviewed in consultation with our CEO (other than with respect to his own compensation) and Towers Perrin each element of compensation per officer individually as well as in the aggregate using tally sheets that reflected each component of compensation as well as total compensation.
With the assistance of Towers Perrin, adjusted executive compensation structures in accordance with our philosophy to target base salaries between the thirty-fifth (35th) and fiftieth (50th) percentile as measured against our peer group while also providing executives the opportunity to earn above-median annual incentives for above-average performance.
Reviewed the performance of our CEO (independent of input from him) and recommended to the independent members of the Board the total compensation for the CEO based on competitive levels and using the same philosophies as stated above as measured against our peer group.
Reviewed the performance of our other executive officers with assistance from our CEO and recommended to the independent members of the Board the total compensation for each individual officer based on competitive levels and using the same philosophies as stated above as measured against our peer group.
Maintained the practice of holding executive sessions (without management present) at every Committee meeting, including executive sessions in which our independent compensation consultants participated.
Reviewed the overall incentive compensation program for our executive officers.
How do we determine total compensation?
We intend to continue our strategy of compensating our executives at competitive levels as compared to our peer group, with the opportunity to earn above-median compensation for performance that generates ever increasing returns as compared to our cost of capital (which we believe results in long-term equity appreciation), through programs that emphasize performance-based incentive compensation in the form of annual cash payments, deferred cash payments and equity-based awards.  To that end, total executive compensation is tied directly to our performance and is structured to ensure that, due to the nature of our business, there is an appropriate balance focused on our long-term versus short-term performance, and also a balance between our financial performance, individual performance of our executive officers and the creation of shareholder value.  The Committee’s balance with respect to annual and long-term compensation is focused on providing above-median compensation through long-term incentives, but only to the extent the executive officers create long-term value for shareholders.  In this regard, the Committee does not fix a percentile at which it seeks to tie the amount of overall compensation paid by us to each of our named executive officers; rather, the Committee allows our named executive officers the opportunity to earn above-median compensation for performance that generates ever increasing returns as compared to our cost of capital.  In this way, the Committee believes our named executive officers are only rewarded with above-median pay if they are able to create value for our shareholders.
We believe that the total compensation paid or awarded to our named executive officers during 2007 was consistent with our financial performance and the individual performance of each of our named executive officers.  We paid above-median total compensation in 2007 because we generated results that produced increased returns in excess of our cost of capital.  Based on the Committee’s analysis and the advice of Towers Perrin, we also believe that the compensation was reasonable in its totality as compared to our peer group and is consistent with our compensation philosophies as described above.
What are the components of total compensation?
We achieve our executive compensation objectives through the following ongoing programs.  All of our named executive officers participate in these programs.  A more detailed discussion of each program is provided below in this Compensation Discussion and Analysis.

Objectives Achieved
Annual Cash Compensation
Base Salary
· Annual cash compensation
· All employees
· Retention
· Drive superior performance
§ Individual contribution
Shareholder Value Added (SVA) Annual Cash Bonus
· Annual bonus with target awards established at each employee level
· Payments can be higher (subject to a 200% cap) or lower than target, based on business unit and total company annual results
· All executive officers and key managers
· Drive superior performance
§ Across total company
§ Across business units
· Retention
Long-Term Incentive Programs
Long-Term Incentive (LTI) Equity Awards
· Long-term incentive awards paid in SARs and/or RSUs; grant amounts vary to reflect individual contribution
· All executive officers and key managers
· Drive superior performance
§ Individual contribution
§ Increase stock price
· Focus on long-term success
· Ownership
· Retention
Retirement Programs
Retirement (401(k)) Savings Plan
· Company matching and annual contributions
· All Employees
· Retention
Target Supplemental Retirement Plan
· Retirement benefits for executives who have at least 15 years of service and work with us until the age of 58
· Key Executives
· Retention
· Competitive Practices
Other Executive Benefits
Perquisites and Executive Benefits
· Available to certain executives to assure protection of Company assets and/or focus on Company business with minimal disruption
· Specific benefits are offered to different groups of executive officers based on business purpose
· Retention
· Competitive Practices
Other Benefits
· Medical, welfare and other benefits
· All employees
· Retention

Base Salaries.  We believe that the purpose of base salary is to provide a competitive fixed rate of pay, recognizing different levels of responsibilities within our company.  We determine base salaries for our executives based upon job responsibilities, level of experience, individual performance and expectations with respect to contributions to our future performance as well as comparisons to the salaries of executives in similar positions as compared to our peer group.  The Committee’s goal for the base salary component is to compensate executives between the thirty-fifth (35th) and fiftieth (50th) percentile as compared to similarly-situated executives within our peer group.  The Committee consulted with Towers Perrin in making recommendations for base salary adjustments for 2007 based on the factors set forth above.  Our CEO in turn made recommendations to the Committee with respect to the base compensation of executives other than himself.  In setting base salary increases for 2007, the individual performance factors reviewed for Mr. Knueppel included revenue growth (including increases in organic revenue), return on invested capital, cash flow, total shareholder returns and performance against specified individual performance objectives, such as execution of our annual operating plan, implementation of a business talent review process, improvement of the depth of our management talent, development of an HR function and training center function, completion of a new business strategy, successful information technology transition related to prior acquisitions and consummation of several strategic acquisitions.  The individual performance factors reviewed for Messrs. Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich included revenue growth (including increases in organic revenue), operating profit improvement, cash flow and performance against specified individual performance objectives, including (i) for Mr. Barta, strengthening the finance team, reducing monthly report cycles, perfecting metrics and data bases used to compute our critical measures as against peer companies and reducing cash cycle days, (ii) for Mr. Gliebe, implementing a business talent review process, implementing a long-range planning process, achieving agreed upon Six Sigma savings, achieving a capital plan and associated productivity and executing an annual operating plan and (iii) for Mr. Eisenreich, the financial and operating performance, including return on invested capital, cash flow and growth rates, of the individual businesses for which he had reporting responsibility.  The Committee does not employ a formula or any type of weighting in its analysis of these factors but instead considers these factors in the exercise of its subjective judgment in setting salary levels for our named executive officers.  The Committee did not consider any such individual performance factors for Messrs. Jones and Colvin since they did not join our company until September 2006.
While merit-based salary increases historically took effect on January 1 of each year, the 2007 merit-based increases took effect on February 1, 2007.  Beginning in 2008, merit-based increases will take effect in April of each year coincident with the completion of annual performance reviews for the rest of the Company.  In 2007, Mr. Knueppel received an 18.1% increase in base salary, which reflected the larger size of our company (our revenues grew from approximately $619 million in 2003 to $1.6 billion in 2006), as well as his individual performance against objectives.  Mr. Knueppel’s increase also reflected our intent to increase his salary over time to be within the stated thirty-fifth (35th) to fiftieth (50th) percentile range for similarly-situated officers as compared to our peer group.  Mr. Knueppel’s salary for 2007 placed him in the thirty-fifth (35th) percentile relative to CEOs in our peer group.  The other named executive officers, Mr. Barta, Mr. Gliebe, Mr. Jones, Mr. Colvin and Mr. Eisenreich received base salary increases of 4.7%, 5.9%, 3.8%, 10.0% and 2.8%, respectively.  Mr. Barta’s salary increase reflected our increased size, his individual performance and contributions to our company’s performance, as well as the intent to increase his salary over time to be within the stated thirty-fifth (35th) to fiftieth (50th) percentile range as compared to our peer group.  With the increase for 2007, Mr. Barta was in the thirtieth (30th) percentile for salaries relative to CFOs in our peer group.  The salary increases for Messrs. Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich were reflective of their individual performance and our objectives regarding the level of base salaries paid to our executives as described above.  The salaries for Messrs. Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich in 2007 placed them in the forty-fifth (45th), thirty-fifth (35th), twenty-fifth (25th) and the forty-fifth (45th) percentiles, respectively, for salaries relative to similarly-situated persons in our peer group.
Annual Incentives. We have in effect a Shareholder Value Added (SVA) Plan, which was approved by our shareholders in 2006 and is designed to promote the maximization of shareholder value over the long term.  We chose SVA as the basis for annual incentives for the following reasons.  First, it is the corporate performance measure that is tied most directly, both theoretically and empirically, to the creation of shareholder wealth.  Managing for high SVA is, by definition, managing for higher stock price.  Second, it is a framework developed for setting goals and measuring performance that rewards participants for both short and long term results realized by the Company.  Finally, by focusing on our financial performance as a function of invested capital, management is incented to make prudent investments in assets that are capable of providing strong returns.  In summary, we believe that SVA, as we use it, best recognizes the value that members of our management team add to the capital invested by our stockholders.  We intend the SVA plan to provide a competitive amount of compensation for the executive officers based on their individual participation levels when the Company achieves the SVA targets as approved by the Committee.  The SVA plan provides bonus opportunities based on a comparison of actual annual SVA to target SVA for the year in question.  Performance above target SVA earns a bonus greater than the target bonus, while performance below target SVA earns a bonus less than the target bonus or no bonus at all.  In years of strong corporate performance, the bonus amount that an executive can earn would be considered above the median level for our peer group, and the bonus amount that an executive can earn would be below the median level for our peer group in years when we are underperforming.  To benchmark and determine target bonus amounts, and to determine an annual improvement factor and leverage factor that impacts the target bonus amount, the Committee retains nationally-recognized independent compensation consultants every three years, or more frequently as deemed necessary.  The targets for the SVA plan were last established in 2006 with the assistance of Stern Stewart & Co.
SVA is a calculation that attempts to approximate the value executives add to our company above our cost of capital.  SVA is calculated by subtracting a charge for the average net capital employed by us during a fiscal year from the net operating profit after tax that we earn during that same year.  For this purpose, the cost of capital is determined based on our weighted average cost of equity and our after-tax cost of debt.  To encourage improved performance in accordance with the SVA plan, the Committee establishes an expected improvement factor in addition to setting a target SVA amount.  The SVA target amount for 2007 was $32,310,000, which we surpassed.  This target was set by formula. The formula is (previous year target + previous year actual) divided by 2 + improvement factor = new target.  As a result of the improvement factor, incentive payments under the SVA plan are dependent upon our executives driving ever increasing returns as compared to our cost of capital.
In addition to setting target SVA, the Committee also sets the target bonus percentage amount for each of our executive officers.  This amount is based on a percentage of the base salary paid to the executive officers.  For fiscal year 2007, Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich had target bonus percentage amounts of 100%, 50%, 60%, 45%, 40% and 50%, respectively, which equated to target bonus amounts of $725,000, $167,500, $273,000, $123,750, $88,000 and $145,000, respectively.  The Committee, in consultation with Towers Perrin and our CEO (other than with respect to his own compensation), set target bonus amounts at the median level with respect to each respective position held by our executive officers relative to our peer group.  As a result, our executives were given the opportunity to earn above-median annual cash incentive awards for generating ever increasing returns as compared to our cost of capital while at the same time facing below-median awards (or no award at all) for failing to meet that objective.  The Committee believes that tying above-median incentives to generating returns in excess of our cost of capital is a disciplined way to reward our named executive officers for creating shareholder value.
Based on our performance in 2007, we achieved actual SVA substantially in excess of our SVA target, which would indicate an earned bonus of 200.9% of the target bonus.  However, we have capped the maximum bonus at 200%.  The Committee established this cap based on competitive data supplied by Towers Perrin with respect to peer group company bonus plans, and believes the cap eliminates the potential for a windfall award based on unexpectedly high corporate performance in any given year.  The Committee approved bonuses for 2007 equal to 200% of the target bonus in accordance with the terms of the SVA plan.  As a result, the Committee determined that Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich earned SVA bonuses of $1,450,000, $335,000, $546,000, $247,500, $176,000 and $290,000, respectively.  We pay fully all bonuses earned up to the target bonus (100% bonus) in cash following the end of that year in accordance with the SVA plan.  Bonus amounts earned above the target bonus value are paid in installments, with one-third of the above-target amount being paid to the participant in cash after the end of each of the following three years, so long as the named executive officer has not voluntarily terminated his employment with us or been terminated for cause.  We do not credit participants with interest on amounts subject to payment in installments.  In 2007, since the bonus performance value was approved at 200%, a portion of each of the SVA bonuses identified above as being earned will be paid in installments.  The amounts subject to payment in installments for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich were $725,000, $167,500, $273,000, $123,750, $88,000 and $145,000, respectively.
Long-Term Compensation.  We believe that equity-based compensation ensures that our executives have a continuing stake in the long-term success of our company and allows our executives to earn above-median compensation only if our shareholders experience appreciation in their equity holdings.  The Committee granted stock appreciation rights and restricted stock units to our named executive officers in fiscal year 2007 as described below.
Consistent with our overall compensation philosophy, the Committee, in consultation with Towers Perrin, granted long-term compensation awards (namely, stock appreciation rights and restricted stock units) other than to Mr. Knueppel at levels approximating the median level of these awards granted by the companies in our peer group.  We value such awards using the binomial formula.  After considering Mr. Knueppel’s substantial existing holdings of our common stock, the Committee granted to Mr. Knueppel a long-term compensation award below the median level of these awards granted by companies in our peer group.  In addition to the analysis undertaken against our peer group, the Committee also considered our performance against our strategic plan generally as well as the number of awards granted to our officers as compared to grants to all of our other employees.
Other than in the case of newly hired executives, we generally plan (starting in 2008) to grant long-term equity-based awards in April of each year coincident with the completion of annual performance reviews.  In any event, we make equity-based awards only during an “open window” period following the release of either our quarterly or annual company financial results.
Stock Appreciation Rights.  The Committee granted stock appreciation rights to each named executive officer in 2007 in the amounts indicated in the “Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for Fiscal 2007” and the narrative following the table.  The Committee set the base price per share of all of the stock appreciation rights that it granted in 2007 equal to the closing market price of our common stock on the date of grant so that the stock appreciation rights will have value only if the market price of our common stock increases after the grant date.  In addition, the Committee made the stock appreciation rights subject to ratable vesting over five years to provide additional incentive for our named executive officers to remain in our employment.  Although in previous years the Committee has granted stock options to our named executive officers, in 2007 the Committee granted stock appreciation rights in place of stock options because it viewed stock appreciation rights as less dilutive to our shareholders.
Restricted Stock Units.  The Committee awarded restricted stock units to each of our named executive officers in 2007 in the amounts indicated in the Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for Fiscal 2007 and the narrative following the table.  A restricted stock unit gives the holder a right to have us issue a share of our common stock upon the conditions or date specified in the award.  In addition to providing competitive compensation and an incentive to create shareholder value, these awards are intended to align management and shareholder interests as well as provide a retention incentive for the executive to remain employed by our company.  The Committee determined the number of restricted stock units to grant to each of our executives with reference to the compensation philosophy described above.  The Committee made the restricted stock  units subject to forfeiture until the third anniversary of the grant date to provide an additional incentive for our named executive officers to remain in our employment.
What other benefits do we provide to our executives?
We have certain other plans that provide, or may provide, compensation and benefits to our named executive officers.  These plans are principally our 401(k) Plan and our Target Supplemental Retirement Plan and Marathon Electric Pension Plans.  We also provide life and medical insurance as part of our compensation package.  The Committee considers all of these plans and benefits when reviewing total compensation of our executive officers.
401(k).  Our 401(k) plan covers eligible hourly and salaried employees including Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin.  In addition to a company match, there is an annual company contribution for employees.
Mr. Eisenreich participates in the Marathon Electric Salaried Employees 401(k) Savings Plan, which allows an eligible employee to receive a company matching contribution.
Target Supplemental Retirement Plan.  The Target Supplemental Retirement Plan limits participants to officers and other key employees recommended by our CEO and approved by the Committee.  The purpose of the plan is to extend retirement benefits to participants without regard to statutory limitations under tax-qualified plans.  To be eligible for a benefit from this plan, an employee must have provided fifteen (15) years of uninterrupted service to our company and remain employed with us until at least age 58.  When the plan was adopted by the Board in January 1994, the benefit amounts were benchmarked against a group of then peer companies in consultation with a compensation consultant.  The Committee periodically reviews these benchmarks to determine if they are still appropriate.  The Committee completed its most recent review of the benefit amounts provided under the plan in 2006 with the assistance of Towers Perrin.  The peer companies the Committee considered in its 2006 benchmarking analysis approximate the companies included in our peer group as discussed above.  Based on its 2006 review, the Committee approved adjustments to the plan in 2007 that lowered the age of a participant’s eligibility for early retirement from 62 to 58 years of age; revised the calculation of benefits under the plan for participants who retire on or after January 1, 2008 to include the participant’s target bonus for the year rather than the participant’s actual bonus for the year; and increased the death benefits payable to the surviving spouse of a deceased plan participant to 100% of the participant’s monthly benefit payment (from 50% of the participant’s monthly benefit payment).  Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin participate in the Target Supplemental Retirement Plan.  The Committee’s intent in offering benefits under the Target Supplemental Plan is to provide a competitive retirement package to our named executive officers.  For more information regarding this plan, see the narrative discussion following the “Pension Benefits for Fiscal 2007” table.
Marathon Electric Pension Plans.  Mr. Eisenreich participates in the Marathon Electric Pension Plans.  No other named executive officers participate in these plans.  To find more information regarding the Marathon Electric Pension Plans, see the narrative discussion after the “Pension Benefits for Fiscal 2007” table.
What perquisites do we provide?
We provided a modest level of personal benefits to named executive officers in 2007, as summarized below:
Messrs. Knueppel and Gliebe had limited use of a company aircraft for personal travel.
All of the executive officers had use of a company car for personal travel.
Mr. Knueppel has a special life insurance benefit and does not receive a life insurance benefit under the basic program offered to other named executive officers and other salaried employees.  We are the owner of the policy on the life of Mr. Knueppel with a basic death benefit of $3,000,000.  At the time Mr. Knueppel ceases to be employed by us, we become the sole beneficiary on his policy.  Mr. Knueppel’s beneficiary would receive $500,000 in the event of his death while employed by us.  The balance of Mr. Knueppel’s death benefit would be paid to us, including any increased death benefit, since the policy has increasing death benefits as cash value is created.  We pay the entire annual premium on the policy, and income is imputed to Mr. Knueppel in accordance with governmental regulations.
Our executive officers are provided with enhanced short-term and long-term disability benefits compared with our other salaried employees.  For salaried employees who are not executive officers, the short-term disability benefit provides up to six months of salary replacement in an amount between 60% and 100% of the salaried employee’s base salary depending on the salaried employee’s credited years of service with our company.  For our executive officers, salary replacement is 100% regardless of credited years of service.  For salaried employees who are not executive officers, the long-term disability benefit commences following six months of disability and provides a benefit of 60% of base salary (capped at $300,000).  For our executive officers, the same formula applies but there are no caps.
How do we assure that compensation keeps our executives focused on long-term success?
Our long-term success depends on excellent financial and operational performance year after year.  Therefore, to focus on both the short and long-term success of the Company, our named executive officers’ compensation includes a significant portion—approximately 60%--that is “at risk” because the value of such compensation is determined based on the achievement of specified results.  If short-term and long-term financial and operational goals are not achieved, then performance-related compensation will decrease.  If goals are exceeded, then performance-related compensation will increase.
In addition, compensation paid in the form of equity awards, such as RSUs and SARs, instead of cash is at-risk because its value varies with changes in the stock price.  By creating a total compensation package where a considerable percentage is paid in equity awards, our executive officers have a significant stake in the long-term success of the Company and gain financially along with our shareholders.
As shown in the following charts, in fiscal 2007, 63% of the CEO’s total compensation and, on average, 59% of the other named executive officers’ compensation was at-risk dependent on performance.  Twenty-six percent (26%) of the CEO’s total compensation and, on average, 32% of the other named executive officers’ total compensation was paid in RSUs or SARs.
Equity Chart
SVA Chart
What are our executive’s stock ownership requirements?
To underscore the importance of linking executive compensation and shareholder interests, we have implemented stock ownership requirements for certain executives, including our named executive officers.  Executives subject to these stock ownership requirements must own a certain dollar value amount of stock before they are permitted to sell shares (other than shares sold to pay option exercise prices or shares sold or surrendered to cover taxes).  Executives who sell shares in violation of these requirements may be ineligible for future long-term incentive awards.  The stock ownership policy requires our CEO to hold shares with a value five (5) times his base salary.  For our Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer, the ownership threshold is three (3) times base salary and for all other executives the ownership threshold is one (1) times base salary.
What severance and change in control benefits do we provide?
We have no employment agreements with any of our named executive officers that provide benefits prior to a change in control of our company. However, we have entered into change in control and termination agreements with Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin, and, under our equity incentive plans, a change in control of our company may trigger potential benefits for all participants, including accelerated vesting of awards.  For a detailed description of the material terms and conditions of these agreements and the change in control provisions of our equity incentive plans, see the “Potential Payments upon a Termination or Change in Control” section below.
Based on the subjective analysis of the Committee and the advice of our independent compensation consultants, we believe that the change in control and termination agreements and our equity incentive plans contain terms that are similar to those offered to executives of comparable companies.  The Committee last reviewed the form of agreement in 2007 and, based on such review, the Board determined that all of our named executive officers should have “double trigger” termination provisions in their agreements.  Formerly, we had on occasion provided a “single trigger” provision that gave the executive officer the right to receive severance benefits under the agreement based solely on his voluntarily termination of his employment within a 30-day window following the first anniversary of a change in control of our company.  Following the Board’s determination, all of our change in control agreements now contain “double trigger” provisions, which means that, for an executive officer to receive severance benefits under the agreement, in addition to the change in control there must be some adverse change in the circumstances of the executive officer’s employment.  The Committee recommended double trigger provisions because, based on the advice of our independent compensation consultants and the experiences of the individual members of the Committee, the Committee believed the single trigger provision was not required for us to provide competitive change in control agreements to our executive officers.
The Committee believes the change in control and termination benefits that we provide our named executive officers under the change in control and termination agreements and our equity incentive plans are consistent with the Committee’s overall objective of building shareholder value.  The purpose of the benefits is to focus our named executive officers on taking actions that are in the best interests of our shareholders without regard to whether such action may ultimately have an impact on their job security, and to avoid the loss of key managers that may occur in connection with an anticipated or actual change in control.  The change in control benefits that we provide our executive officers fulfill these purposes by generally maintaining the executive officers’ expected current and long-term compensation for a specified period following the change in control, vesting awards granted prior to the change in control and making the executive officers whole for certain excise taxes that may result from compensation paid and benefits provided in connection with the change in control and any related termination of employment.  The Committee selected the triggering events for change in control and termination benefits to our named executive officers based on its subjective judgment that these events were likely to result in the job security distractions and retention concerns described above.  Other than the change in control and termination agreements, we have no formal severance program in place for our named executive officers.

Summary Compensation Table
The following table sets forth for each of our named executive officers: (1) the dollar value of base salary and bonus earned during the years indicated; (2) the dollar value of the compensation cost of all outstanding stock and option awards recognized during the years indicated, computed in accordance with FAS 123R; (3) the dollar value of earnings for services pursuant to awards granted during the indicated year under non-equity incentive plans; (4) the change in pension value and non-qualified deferred compensation earnings during the years indicated; (5) all other compensation for the years indicated; and, finally, (6) the dollar value of total compensation for the years indicated.  Our named executive officers are our CEO, our vice president and chief financial officer, each of our three other most highly compensated executive officers as of December 31, 2007 (each of whose total cash compensation exceeded $100,000 for fiscal year 2007) and one additional individual who would have been one of our three most highly compensated executive officers for 2007 except that he was no longer deemed an executive officer as of December 31, 2007 as a result of a realignment of the executive group earlier in the year.  In accordance with the rules of the SEC, the table includes information for the years ended December 30, 2006 and December 29, 2007 for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich and for the year ended December 29, 2007 for Messrs. Jones and Colvin, who were not named executive officers for the year ended December 30, 2006.
Name and Principal Position
($) (1)
($) (2)
 Incentive Plan
($) (3)
Change in
Value and
Earnings ($) (4)
All Other
($) (5)
Total ($)
Henry W. Knueppel
    725,000       0       442,300       567,371       1,450,000       626,255       103,075       3,914,001  
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
    613,686       0       300,430       627,826       968,000       1,946,774       82,365       4,539,081  
(Principal Executive Officer)
David A. Barta
    335,000       0       103,865       228,667       335,000       9,774       18,920       1,031,226  
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
    319,851       0       58,310       133,019       315,000       0       21,628       847,808  
(Principal Financial Officer)
Mark J. Gliebe
    455,000       0       211,420       310,253       546,000       0       46,734       1,569,407  
President and Chief Operating Officer
    429,851       0       118,505       190,512       510,000       232,661       37,360       1,518,889  
Paul J. Jones
    275,000       0       30,027       62,746       247,500       0       13,062       628,335  
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Terry R. Colvin
    220,000       0       18,016       37,836       176,000       0       8,431       460,283  
Vice President, Corporate Human Resources
David L. Eisenreich(6)
    290,000       0       67,549       95,927       290,000       246,145       18,778       1,008,399  
Vice President and President, Mechanical Components &
    282,000       0       61,265       206,710       282,000       218,000       12,030       1,062,005  
Power Generation

These amounts reflect the dollar value of the compensation cost of all outstanding stock awards recognized for the indicated fiscal year, computed in accordance with FAS 123R.  Pursuant to SEC rules, the amounts shown exclude the impact of estimated forfeitures related to service-based vesting conditions.  The assumptions made in valuing the stock awards for 2007 and 2006 are included under the caption “Shareholders Investment” in Notes 2 and 7, respectively, of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2007 and 2006 Annual Reports on Form 10-K, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
These amounts reflect the dollar value of the compensation cost of all outstanding option awards recognized over the requisite service period, computed in accordance with FAS 123R.  Pursuant to SEC rules, the amounts shown exclude the impact of estimated forfeitures related to service-based vesting conditions.  The assumptions made in valuing the stock awards for 2007 and 2006 are included under the caption “Shareholders Investment” in Notes 2 and 7, respectively, of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in the 2007 and 2006 Annual Reports on Form 10-K, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.
As discussed in more detail in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, under the SVA plan we pay any bonus amounts earned above the target bonus value in three equal annual installments.  Since the amounts shown with respect to each named executive officer represent 200% of the applicable target bonus value for the year indicated, we have paid or will pay, as applicable, a portion of each amount in such installments as long as the named executive officer has not voluntarily terminated his employment with us or been terminated for cause on the installment payment date.
The values shown are the changes in the accumulated benefit obligations under the Target Supplemental Retirement Plan for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin in 2007 and, for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, in 2006.  For Mr. Eisenreich, the values shown include changes in accumulated benefit obligations in the Marathon Electric Employee Pension Plan (qualified), the Marathon Electric Supplemental Pension Plan (non-qualified), and the Supplemental Life Insurance and Retirement Income Plan (non-qualified) of $29,898, $215,441 and $806, respectively, for 2007, and $90,000, $124,000 and $4,000, respectively, for 2006.
The amounts shown include payments for personal benefits and for the other items identified below.  We provide a modest level of personal benefits to named executive officers.  These personal benefits include use of a company car and very limited use of company aircraft for personal travel, the payment of certain moving expenses and the payment of life insurance premiums.  We value the personal use of company aircraft under an incremental cost method calculated based on the average variable operating costs to our company. Variable operating costs include fuel, maintenance, landing/ramp fees and other miscellaneous variable costs. The total annual variable costs are divided by the annual number of passenger miles the company aircraft flew to derive an average variable cost per mile. This average variable cost per mile is then multiplied by the miles flown for personal use to derive the incremental cost. The methodology excludes fixed costs that do not change based on usage, such as pilots’ and other employees’ salaries, purchase costs of the aircraft and non-trip related hangar expenses.  Based on this method, the value of the personal use of company aircraft by Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich in 2007 was $18,236, $0, $13,457, $0, $0 and $0, respectively.  For 2007, other items included in this column were: (a) quarterly payments, equal to the per share dividend paid to shareholders, paid on the cumulative amount of restricted stock awards held by the named executive officers of $15,620, $3,190, $5,200, $725, $464 and $4,122 for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich, respectively; (b) payments in lieu of dividends for Mr. Knueppel of $48,616 on shares related to his exercise of stock options in 2002, as delivery of the shares for which the stock options were exercised was delayed until his retirement; (c) company contributions to the named executive officers’ 401(k) plans of $7,775, $7,775, $11,975, $3,375, $3,025 and $11,125 for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich, respectively; and (d) the reimbursement of amounts paid by Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich for taxes related to their use of the company aircraft of $4,434, $0, $2,773, $0, $0and $0, respectively.
Due to certain officer additions and other organizational changes, as of March 12, 2007, we determined that the position held by Mr. Eisenreich would no longer be considered an “executive officer” position within our organization.  Because Mr. Eisenreich’s position was an executive officer position for part of fiscal 2007, however, and his compensation for fiscal 2007 otherwise qualifies him as a named executive officer, we have included disclosure of his compensation in this proxy statement.


Grants of Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth information regarding all incentive plan awards that the Committee made to our named executive officers during 2007, including incentive plan awards (equity-based and non-equity based) and other plan-based awards.  Disclosure on a separate line item is provided for each grant of an award made to a named executive officer during the year.  The information supplements the dollar value disclosure of stock, option and non-stock awards in the Summary Compensation Table by providing additional details about these awards.  Non-equity incentive plan awards are awards that are not subject to FAS 123R and are intended to serve as an incentive for performance to occur over a specified period.
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-Equity Incentive Plan Awards (1)
All Other Stock Awards: Number of Shares of Stock or Units (#) 
      All Other Option Awards: Number of Securities Underlying Options (#)    
Exercise or
 Base Price
 of Option
Grant Date
 Fair Value of Stock and Option Awards
Grant Date
Threshold ($) 
Maximum ($) 
 Henry W. Knueppel
                            10,000            48.05        480,500  
    18.11         1,267,700  
      725,000       1,450,000                              
David A. Barta
                            3,000           48.05       144,150  
                                  25,000     18.11       452,750  
      167,500       335,000                              
Mark J. Gliebe
                            8,000            48.05       384,400  
                                  35,000     18.11       633,850  
      273,000       546,000                              
Paul J. Jones
                            1,250            44.12       55,150  
                                  13,000     16.68       216,840  
      123,750       247,500                              
Terry R. Colvin
                            750            44.12       33,090  
                                  7,500     16.68       125,100  
      88,000       176,000                              
David L. Eisenreich
                            1,000            48.05       48,050  
                                  10,000     18.11       181,100  
      145,000       290,000                              
The table reflects the estimated future payouts at the time these awards were granted under the SVA plan.  As of the date of this proxy statement, these awards have been earned and, up to the target amount, paid out.  As discussed in more detail in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis, bonuses earned above the target bonus value under the SVA plan are subject to payment in three equal annual installments.  To receive the installment payments, the named executive officer must not have voluntarily terminated his employment with us or been terminated for cause prior to the applicable payment date.  We do not credit interest on amounts subject to payment in installments.
Equity Incentive Plan Awards
As reflected in the tables above, the Committee granted equity-based awards to our named executive officers in 2007.  The Committee granted these awards under our two equity incentive plans:  the 2003 Equity Incentive Plan, or the 2003 Plan, and the 2007 Equity Incentive Plan, or the 2007 Plan.  Our equity incentive plans are administered by the Committee with respect to key employee participants, and the Committee generally has the authority to set the terms of awards under the plans except to the extent the plans specify such terms.
In February 2007, the Committee awarded 10,000, 3,000, 8,000 and 1,000 restricted stock units to Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich, respectively, under the 2003 Plan.  The restricted stock units had a grant date fair value of $48.05 per share as determined pursuant to FAS 123R, which is equal to the closing market price of a share of our common stock on the date of grant.  The units remain subject to forfeiture for three years following the date of grant.   In May 2007, the Committee awarded 1,250 and 750 restricted stock units to Messrs. Jones and Colvin, respectively, under the 2007 Plan.  The restricted stock units had a grant date fair value of $44.12 per share as determined pursuant to FAS 123R, which is equal to the closing market price of a share of our common stock on the date of grant.
The Committee also granted stock appreciation rights, or SARs, to each of our named executive officers in 2007.  In February 2007, the Committee granted Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich SARs under the 2003 Plan with respect to 70,000, 25,000, 35,000 and 10,000 shares, respectively, at a per share base price of $48.05.  The base price of these SARs equals the closing market price of a share of our common stock on the date of grant.  The SARs vest and become exercisable ratably over a five-year period, and will expire on February 6, 2017.  In May 2007, the Committee granted Messrs. Jones and Colvin SARs under the 2007 Plan with respect to 13,000 and 7,500 shares of our common stock, respectively, at a per share base price of $44.12.  These SARs vest in equal installments on each of the first five anniversaries of May 1, 2007, but are not exercisable until May 1, 2009.  These SARs will expire on May 1, 2017.
Except as otherwise provided by the Committee, awards under the 2003 Plan or any rights or interest may not be assigned or transferred except by will or the laws of descent and distribution during the lifetime of the participant.  Awards under the 2007 Plan and any rights under such awards are generally not assignable, alienable, saleable or transferable by participants.
Shareholder Value Added Plan
As reflected in the tables above, our named executive officers participated in the SVA plan, which is designed to promote the maximization of shareholder value over the long term.  The SVA plan provides bonus opportunities based on a comparison of actual annual SVA to target SVA for the year in question.  Performance above target SVA earns a bonus more than the target bonus while performance below target SVA earns a bonus less than the target bonus.  Under the SVA plan, the bonuses earned in one year up to the target bonus (100% bonus) are fully paid in cash following the end of that year.
Bonus amounts earned above the target bonus value are paid in installments, with one-third of the above-target amount being paid to the participant in cash after the end of each of the following three years, as long as the named executive officer has not voluntarily terminated his employment with us or been terminated for cause.  We do not credit participants with interest on amounts subject to payment in installments.  In 2007, the percent of target earned was 200%.  Therefore, the bonus payouts for 100% of the target bonus were $725,000, $167,500, $273,000, $123,750, $88,000 and $145,000 for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich, respectively.  The amounts subject to payment in installments for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones, Colvin and Eisenreich for 2007 were $725,000, $167,500, $273,000, $123,750, $88,000 and $145,000, respectively.  In 2006, the percent of target earned was 200%, the maximum level permitted by the plan.  Accordingly, the bonus payouts for 100% of the target bonus for 2006 were $484,000, $157,500, $255,000 and $141,000 for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich, respectively.  The amounts subject to payment in installments for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe and Eisenreich for 2006 were $484,000, $157,500, $255,000 and $141,000, respectively.
Target Supplemental Retirement Plan
The column entitled “All Other Compensation” in the Summary Compensation Table includes amounts attributable to the change in the actuarial present value of the respective accumulated benefits under the Supplemental Plan for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin.  The change in pension value for Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe reflects an increase in the present value of the accumulated benefit under the Target Supplemental Retirement Plan resulting from a change in 2005 to include in the calculation of benefits bonuses earned under the SVA plan.  The change in pension value for Mr. Knueppel also reflects an increase in the present value of his accumulated benefit resulting from his increased salary and target bonus related to his promotions in 2005 and 2006 to CEO and Chairman, respectively.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
The following table sets forth information on outstanding option and stock awards held by our named executive officers at December 29, 2007, including the number of shares underlying both exercisable and unexercisable portions of each stock option as well as the exercise price and expiration date of each outstanding option.
 Option Awards (1)
 Stock Awards
Number of
(#) Exercisable
Number of
(#) Unexercisable
Price ($)
Expiration Date
Number of
Shares or
Units of
Stock That
Have Not
Vested (#) (2)
Market Value
of Shares or
Units of Stock
That Have Not
Vested ($) (3)
Henry W. Knueppel
David A. Barta
Mark J. Gliebe
Paul J. Jones
Terry R. Colvin
David L. Eisenreich
(1)  Exercisable stock options are vested.  Unexercisable stock options vest as noted.
(2)  Restricted stock and restricted stock units vest as noted.
(3)  Based on $44.91 per share closing price of our common stock on the New York Stock Exchange on December 28, 2007.
(4)  All vest on 1/22/2008.
(5)  14,000 options vested on 1/27/2007 and 14,000 options will vest on each of 1/27/2008, 1/27/2009, 1/27/2010 and 1/27/2011, but no options were exercisable prior to 1/27/2008.
(6)  These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 14,000 shares per year, commencing 2/06/2008 through 2/06/2012.
(7)  5,000 shares vest on 1/21/2008, 20,000 shares vest on 1/27/2009 and 10,000 units vest on February 6, 2010.
(8)  8,333 vest on 6/28/2008 and 8,333 vest on 6/28/2009.
(9)  All vest on 1/21/2008.
(10) 5,000 options vested on 1/27/2007 and 5,000 options will vest on each of 1/27/2008, 1/27/2009, 1/27/2010 and 1/27/2011, but no options were exercisable prior to 1/27/2008.
(11) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 5,000 shares per year, commencing 2/06/2008 through 2/06/2012.
(12) 2,500 shares vest on 1/21/2008, 3,000 shares vest on 1/27/2009 and 3,000 units vest on February 6, 2010.
(13) 10,000 options vest on each of 1/03/2008, 1/03/2009 and, 1/03/2010.
(14) 7,000 options vested on 1/27/2007 and 7,000 options will vest on each of 1/27/2008, 1/27/2009, 1/27/2010 and 1/27/2011, but no options were exercisable prior to 1/27/2008
(15) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 7,000 shares per year, commencing 2/06/2008 through 2/06/2012.
(16) 8,000 shares vest on 1/27/2009 and 8,000 units vest on February 6, 2010.
(17) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 2,600 shares per year, commencing on 5/01/2008 through 5/01/2012, but are not exercisable with respect to any shares until 5/01/2009.
(18) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 2,400 shares per year, commencing on 9/11/2007 through 9/11/2011.
(19) 1,250 shares vest on September 11, 2009 and 1,250 units vest on May 1, 2010.
(20) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 1,500 shares per year, commencing on 5/01/2008 through 5/01/2012, but are not exercisable with respect to any shares until 5/01/2009.
(21) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 1,500 shares per year, commencing on 9/11/2007 through 9/11/2011.
(22) 750 shares vest on September 11, 2009 and 750 units vest on May 1, 2010.
(23) 3,000 options vested on 1/27/2007 and 3,000 options will vest on each of 1/27/2008, 1/27/2009, 1/27/2010 and 1/27/2011, but no options were exercisable prior to 1/27/2008.
(24) These stock appreciation rights vest with respect to 2,000 shares per year, commencing 2/06/2008 through 2/06/2012.
(25) 2,500 shares vest on 1/21/2008, 2,000 shares vest on 1/27/2009 and 1,000 units vest on February 6, 2010.

Option Exercises and Stock Vested

The following table sets forth information relating to the number of stock options exercised and the stock awards that vested during the last fiscal year for each of our named executive officers on an aggregate basis.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Name of
Number of
Acquired on
Value Realized
On Exercise
Number of
Acquired on
Realized on
Henry W. Knueppel
David A. Barta
Mark J. Gliebe
Paul J. Jones
Terry R. Colvin
David L. Eisenreich
The following table sets forth the actuarial present value of each named executive officer’s accumulated benefit under each defined benefit plan, assuming benefits are paid at normal retirement age based on current levels of compensation.  The valuation method and all material assumptions applied in quantifying the present value of the current accumulated benefit for each of our named executive officers are included under the caption “Retirement Plans” in Note 6 of the Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 29, 2007, and such information is incorporated herein by reference.  The table also shows the number of years of credited service under each such plan, computed as of the same pension plan measurement date used in our audited financial statements for the year ended December 29, 2007.  The table also reports any pension benefits paid to each named executive officer during the year.

Plan name
Number of
Years Credited
Service (#)
Present Value
of Accumulated
Benefit ($)
During Last
Fiscal Year ($)
Henry W. Knueppel Regal Beloit Target Supplemental     28        3,682,302       0  
  Retirement Plan (non-qualified)                        
David A. Barta Regal Beloit Tartet Supplemental     3       9,774       0  
  Retirement Plan (non-qualified)                        
Mark J. Gliebe Regal Beloit Target Supplemental     26       796,098 (1)     0  
Paul J. Jones Regal Beloit Target Supplemental     1       0       0  
  Retirement Plan (non-qualified)                        
Terry R. Colvin Regal Beloit Target Supplemental     1       0       0  
  Retirement Plan (non-qualified)                        
David L. Eisenreich Marathon Electric Employee Pension Plan (qualified)     27       703,188       0  
  Marathon Electric Supplemental Pension Plan (non-qualified)     27       581,779       0  
  Supplemental Life Insurance and Retirement Income Plan (non-qualified)     27       69,464       0  

In addition to the three years that Mr. Gliebe has been employed by us, he has been credited under the Regal Beloit Target Supplemental Retirement Plan with the 23 years for which he had credit under his previous employer’s retirement plan.  When Mr. Gliebe’s benefits are paid under the Target Supplemental Retirement Plan, we will deduct from the benefit owed to Mr. Gliebe those amounts paid by his previous employer under the previous employer’s retirement plan.
Target Supplemental Retirement Plan
Messrs. Knueppel, Barta, Gliebe, Jones and Colvin participate in the Supplemental Plan.  The Supplemental Plan limits participants to officers and other key employees selected by the Committee.  The purpose of the Supplemental Plan is to provide replacement income for executives, which is comparable, on a percentage basis, to the retirement income that other employees are entitled to receive and to provide competitive retirement benefits as compared to our peer group of companies.  The Supplemental Plan does this by supplementing retirement income which is lost to higher paid employees due to Social Security caps and limits on income considered for our qualified retirement plans.  Under the Supplemental Plan, participants are entitled, upon normal or approved early retirement, to receive a target supplemental retirement benefit.  This benefit ensures that a participant receives an annual pension benefit that provides up to a maximum of 60% of compensation replacement by paying a benefit that is equal to two percent of the participant’s average annual earnings, which is comprised of the participant’s base salary and target bonuses, including bonuses pursuant to the SVA plan, during the final five years of service with our company, multiplied by the participant’s years of service with our company (up to a maximum of 30 years).  The monthly pension benefit payable to a participant under the Supplemental Plan is reduced by estimated monthly Social Security and 401(k) plan benefits.  For Mr. Gliebe, the monthly pension benefit payable under the Supplemental Plan is also reduced by the amount payable to Mr. Gliebe under his previous employer’s retirement plan.  To receive benefits under the Supplemental Plan, a participant needs a minimum of 15 years of continuous service and to have reached the age of at least 58 to qualify for retirement benefits.  However, the Committee has discretion to grant additional years of service and/or revise the retirement age requirement for a participant to qualify for benefits, which discretion has never been exercised.
Marathon Electric Salaried Pension Plans
Mr. Eisenreich participates in the Marathon Electric Salaried Pension Plan, a qualified plan, and the Marathon Electric Supplemental Pension Plan.  The Marathon Electric Supplemental Plan provides benefits that would otherwise be denied to Mr. Eisenreich under the Marathon Electric Pension Plan by reason of (1) Internal Revenue Code limitations on qualified benefit plans and (2) the exclusion of cash bonuses in calculating benefits under the qualified plan.  The benefits payable to Mr. Eisenreich under these plans are based upon remuneration covered by the plans, which includes Mr. Eisenreich’s base salary, and, for purposes of calculating the Marathon Electric Supplemental Plan benefits, includes cash bonuses paid to Mr. Eisenreich (including payments pursuant to the SVA plan), multiplied by Mr. Eisenreich’s 27 years of credited service.  These benefits are not reduced by the annual Social Security payment.
Mr. Eisenreich is eligible for early retirement.  For each month he would choose to retire prior to his normal retirement date at age 65, his benefits under the Marathon Electric Pension Plan would be reduced by one-half of one percent (0.5%).  The following table sets forth estimated benefits for Mr. Eisenreich at various average annual earnings and years of credited service.
Years of Credited Service
Average Annual Earnings for the Final
Applicable Years of Service
$  96,600
Marathon Electric Supplemental Life Insurance and Retirement Income Plan
Mr. Eisenreich participates in the Marathon Electric Supplemental Life Insurance and Retirement Income Plan, a non-qualified plan.  The plan provides $100,000 of life insurance to his designated beneficiary upon his death while he is employed by us.  After he is no longer our employee, we become the beneficiary of this life insurance policy.  He, or his estate in the event of his death, will then receive monthly payments for 10 years totaling $100,000.
Potential Payments on a Termination or Change in Control
We have no employment agreements with any of our named executive officers that provide for any benefits prior to a change in control of our company.  We have entered into agreements and maintain plans that require us to provide certain benefits to our named executive officers if we undergo a change in control and if the employment of our named executive officers terminates or is adversely affected under circumstances specified in the agreements and plans.
Termination of Employment Prior to a Change in Control
Under our equity incentive plans, if a named executive officer’s employment with us terminates for any reason other than “cause,” all outstanding stock option and stock appreciation right awards generally expire on approximately the thirtieth day following the termination, and all unvested restricted stock awards are forfeited, subject, under certain circumstances, to exceptions permitted by the Committee.  If a named executive officer’s employment is terminated for cause, restricted stock awards that have not vested are generally forfeited immediately, and each unexpired and uncancelled stock option or stock appreciation right award, to the extent not previously exercised, terminates immediately.  “Cause” is defined under our equity incentive plans as (i) the participant’s commission of any felony; (ii) the participant’s fraud, dishonesty, theft, embezzlement, disclosure of trade secrets or confidential information or (iii) other acts or omissions by the participant that result in a breach of any fiduciary duty the participant owes to us.
Change in Control without Termination of Employment
Other than the protections provided by our equity incentive plans, we do not maintain any formal severance program for our named executive officers outside of the context of a change in control of our company.  In the context of a change in control, however, our key executive employment and termination agreements with each of our named executive officers other than Mr. Eisenreich as well as our equity incentive plans require us to provide certain benefits to covered named executive officers in the event of a change in control of our company.  The agreements also provide for enhanced benefits if the employment of the covered named executive officers terminates in connection with a change in control of our company.  A change in control under our agreements with our named executive officers and our equity incentive plans means any of the following: (i) a person or entity acquires 20% or more of our common stock, (ii) a change occurs in the composition of the board of directors that is not approved by at least two-thirds of the existing directors, (iii) our shareholders approve a merger, consolidation or share exchange other than one that would result in less than a 50% change in ownership of us as the surviving entity, or (iv) our shareholders approve a plan for our dissolution or liquidation.
Under our agreements with our named executive officers other than Mr. Eisenreich, upon a change in control, we are required to cause all restrictions on any restricted stock awards made to the named executive officer prior to the change in control to lapse and to fully and immediately vest all stock options and SARs granted to the named executive officer prior to the change in control.  We are also required, after the change in control, generally to maintain base salaries, fringe benefits, and incentive compensation opportunities at a level equivalent to or higher than the level at which we provided such benefits prior to the change in control.
In addition, in the event of a change in control, under our equity incentive plans, any participant holding a stock option or SAR may exercise the option or SAR in full, even if the option was not otherwise exercisable, and has the right to receive, upon sixty days’ written notice to us after the change in control, cash equal to the excess of the change in control price of the shares covered under the surrendered option or SAR over the exercise or base price of the surrendered options or SARs.  On the date of the change in control, any unvested restricted stock awards held by a participant vests in full and each participant has the right, upon sixty days’ written notice to us, to receive, in exchange for the surrender of the restricted stock awards, an amount of cash equal to the change in control price of the restricted stock awards.
If the change in control transaction would trigger the adjustment provisions of our equity incentive plans, because, under the 2003 Plan, it is a recapitalization, stock split, reverse stock split, reorganization, merger, consolidation, split-up, spin-off, combination, repurchase, or exchange of shares, or because, under the 2007 Plan, it is a merger, specified subdivision, combination or dividend of shares, a cash dividend meeting certain requirements, or other event that, in the judgment of the Board or the Committee requires an adjustment to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits under the 2007 Plan, the Committee or the Board may make appropriate adjustments to prevent dilution or enlargement of the benefits or potential benefits available under our equity incentive plans.  Under the adjustment provision, the Committee may also determine a cash payment amount to be paid to the holder of any outstanding award in exchange for cancellation of all or a part of the award.  However, under the 2003 Plan, if the event or transaction creates a change in control, then any such payment must be the greatest amount the participant could have received under the change in control provisions described above and, if the Committee determines it is necessary, each share subject to an award may be substituted by the number and kind of shares, other securities, cash or other property to which holders of our common stock are or will be entitled pursuant to the transaction.
Termination of Employment Connected to  a Change in Control
The severance benefits provided under our agreements with our named executive officers are triggered if, during the period starting six months before and ending, in the case of Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, three years or, in the case of Messrs. Jones and Colvin, two years, after a change in control of our company, the executive’s employment is terminated.  If the executive’s employment is terminated for cause, or as a consequence of death or disability, our obligations under the agreement are limited to the payment of amounts already earned, plus a prorated portion of any bonus, including under the SVA plan, assuming the performance goal for such bonus had been attained.  We may terminate the executive for “cause” under these agreements if he (i) engages in intentional conduct not taken in good faith that has caused us demonstrable and serious financial injury, (ii) is convicted of a felony which substantially impairs the executive’s ability to perform his duties, or (iii) willfully and unreasonably refuses to perform his duties or responsibilities.
If the executive’s employment is terminated other than for cause or as a result of death or disability, or by the executive with good reason, our full obligations under the agreement will be triggered.  The executive may terminate his employment with “good reason” under the agreements if
we breach the terms of the agreement;
we reduce the executive’s base salary, bonus opportunity or benefits;
we remove the executive from positions within our company;
the executive determines in good faith that there has been a material adverse change in his working conditions or status;
we relocate the executive; or
we require the executive to travel 20% more frequently than prior to the change in control.
Under the agreements, the executive will receive a termination payment that is equal to, in the case of Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, three times or, in the case of Messrs. Jones and Colvin, two times the sum of (1) the executive’s annual base salary then in effect (2)  the higher of (i) the executive’s annual incentive target bonus for the fiscal year of the termination, which includes payments under the SVA plan, or (ii) the annual bonus received in the year prior to the change in control and (3) the value of all fringe benefits.  The agreements also contain a gross-up provision which provides for additional payments to the executives to compensate them for any excise taxes on payments related to the change in control that may be imposed on the executives under the Internal Revenue Code.  Additionally, the executive will receive outplacement services, health and life insurance for up to, in the case of Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, three years, or, in the case of Messrs. Jones and Colvin, two years, and the reimbursement of certain accounting and legal fees related to calculating the tax impact of these payments.  We will also waive any minimum years of service requirements with respect to supplemental retirement programs, including the Target Supplemental Retirement Plan, and will make a payment equal to the value of any additional retirement benefits the executive would receive if he had remained employed for, in the case of Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, three years, or in the case of Messrs. Jones and Colvin, two years.  The executive will also be credited with, in the case of Messrs. Knueppel, Barta and Gliebe, three years’ or, in the case of Messrs. Jones and Colvin, two years’ additional service under any post-retirement welfare benefit plan that we maintain.  Finally, we will pay any performance awards granted under a long-term incentive plan at target as if all performance requirements were met, but offset by any amount paid upon the change in control under the same award.  We do not currently maintain any long-term cash incentive plan and no awards are outstanding to our named executive officers under any such plan.

Tables Summarizing Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
The following tables describe the potential payments upon termination and change in control.  These tables assume that the triggering event or events occurred on December 28, 2007, the last business day of our fiscal year, and the price per share of our common stock was $44.91, the closing market price on that date.
The following table sets forth certain information relating to the compensation of Mr. Knueppel, our Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, upon a change in control of our company and following a termination of Mr. Knueppel’s employment.  Mr. Knueppel is currently eligible for early retirement, although he is not currently eligible for normal retirement.  Accordingly, the table omits a termination relating to normal retirement.
Executive Benefits
and Payments
Upon Change in Control or Termination
Voluntary Termination/
Not for Cause Termination(2)
For Cause Termination
Change in
Involuntary or
Good Reason
Termination /
Change in Control (3)
Death or Disability
Current Year SVA Bonus
  $ 721,027     $ 721,027                 $ 721,027     $ 721,027  
Payment of SVA from Prior Years
  $ 689,749     $ 689,749                 $ 689,749     $ 689,749  
Termination Payment
                              $ 5,172,195          
Target Supplemental Plan(4)
  $ 5,116,067     $ 5,116,067     $ 5,116,067     $ 5,116,067     $ 5,116,067     $ 5,116,067  
Stock Options
Unvested and Accelerated
  $ 912,000                     $ 912,000     $ 912,000     $ 912,000  
Restricted Stock
Unvested and Accelerated
  $ 1,571,850                     $ 1,571,850     $ 1,571,850     $ 1,571,850  
Stock Appreciation Rights
Unvested and Accelerated
Benefits and Perquisites:
Cash Payment Under Retirement Plans
                                  $ 620,216 (5)        
Post-termination Health & Life
                                  $ 84,981          
Life Insurance Proceeds
                                          $ 400,000 (5)
                                          $ 213,000 (6)
Accrued Vacation Pay
  $ 55,769     $ 55,769     $ 55,769     $ 55,769     $ 55,769     $ 55,769  
Accounting and Legal Services
                                  $ 15,000          
Outplacement Services
                                  $ 72,500          
280G Tax Gross-up
                                  $ 3,038,846          
  $ 9,066,462     $ 6,582,612     $ 5,171,836     $ 7,655,686     $ 18,070,200     $ 9,679,462 (7)

(1)    Assumes an approved early retirement.  Benefits upon a voluntary termination that is not an approved early retirement would consist of a target supplemental retirement benefit of $5,116,067 and accrued vacation of $55,769.
(2)   Assumes the executive’s employment is terminated by us without cause or by the executive with good reason not in connection with a change in control of our company.
(3)   Assumes the executive’s employment is terminated by us without cause or by the executive with good reason in connection with a change in control of our company.
(4)   Present value of annuity commencing on retirement and paid monthly for 15 years.
(5)   Reflects a cash payment that is equal to the value of additional retirement benefits that the executive would have received if he remained employed with us for an additional three years.
(6)   Disability benefit payable only in event of disability.  The amount shown reflects only the enhanced disability benefits that would be payable to the executive over the course of a year compared with the disability benefits to which non-executive officer salaried employees would receive over the same period.
(7)   The total amount shown is larger than the amount the executive would receive on a termination of employment in the event of death or disability because it includes both amounts that would be payable only on death and amounts that would be payable only on disability.

The following table sets forth certain information relating to the compensation of Mr. Barta, our Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, upon a change in control of our company and following a termination of Mr. Barta’s employment.  Mr. Barta is not currently eligible for either early retirement or normal retirement.  Accordingly, the table omits terminations under those circumstances.

Executive Benefits
and Payments
Upon Change in Control or Termination
Voluntary Termination
Not for Cause Termination(1)
For Cause Termination
Change in Control without Termination
Involuntary or
Good Reason Termination /
Change in Control (2)
Death or Disability
Current Year SVA Bonus
        $ 166,582                 $ 166,582     $ 166,582  
Payment of SVA from Prior Years
        $ 232,966                 $ 232,966     $ 232,966  
Termination Payment
                            $ 2,607,555          
Target Supplemental Plan(3)
                            $ 31,666          
Stock Options
Unvested and Accelerated
                      $ 631,134     $ 631,134     $ 631,134  
Restricted Stock
Unvested and Accelerated
                      $ 381,735     $ 381,735     $ 381,735  
Stock Appreciation Rights
Unvested and Accelerated
Benefits and Perquisites:
Cash Payment Under Retirement
Post-termination Health & Life
Life Insurance Proceeds
                                      $ 150,000 (5)
                                      $ 21,000 (6)
Accrued Vacation Pay
  $ 25,769     $ 25,769     $ 25,769     $ 25,769     $ 25,769     $ 12,885  
Accounting and Legal Services
                                  $ 15,000          
Outplacement Services
                                  $ 33,500          
280G Tax Gross-up
                                  $ 1,434,337          
  $ 25,769     $ 425,317     $ 25,769     $ 1,038,638     $ 5,883,068     $ 1,596,302 (7)

(1)   Assumes the executive’s employment is terminated by us without cause or by the executive with good reason not in connection with a change in control of our company.
(2)   Assumes the executive’s employment is terminated by us without cause or by the executive with good reason in connection with a change in control of our company.
(3)   Present value of annuity commencing on retirement and paid monthly for 15 years.
(4)   Reflects a cash payment that is equal to the value of additional retirement benefits that the executive would have received if he remained employed with us for an additional three years.
(5)   Life insurance death benefit payable only in event of death.
(6)   Disability benefit payable only in event of disability.  The amount shown reflects only the enhanced disability benefits that would be payable to the executive over the course of a year compared with the disability benefits to which non-executive officer salaried employees would receive over the same period.
(7)   The total amount shown is larger than the amount the executive would receive on a termination of employment in the event of death or disability because it includes both amounts that would be payable only on death and amounts that would be payable only on disability.

The following table sets forth certain information relating to the compensation of Mr. Gliebe, our President and Chief Operating Officer, upon a change in control of our company and following a termination of Mr. Gliebe’s employment.  Mr. Gliebe is not currently eligible for either early retirement or normal retirement.  Accordingly, the table omits terminations under those circumstances.
Executive Benefits
and Payments
Upon Change in Control or Termination
Voluntary Termination
Involuntary Not for Cause Termination(1)
For Cause Termination
Change in Control without Termination
Involuntary or
Good Reason Termination /
Change in Control (2)
Death or Disability
Current Year SVA Bonus
        $ 271,504                 $ 271,504     $ 271,504  
Payment of SVA from Prior Years
        $ 375,854                 $ 375,854     $ 375,854  
Termination Payment
                            $ 2,360,553          
Target Supplemental Plan
                            $ 2,402,956 (3)        
Stock Options
Unvested and Accelerated
                      $ 716,700     $ 716,700     $ 716,700  
Restricted Stock
Unvested and Accelerated
                      $ 718,560     $ 718,560     $ 718,560  
Stock Appreciation Rights
Unvested and Accelerated
Benefits and Perquisites:
Cash Payment Under Retirement Plans
                              $ 460,674 (4)        
Post-termination Health & Life
                              $ 39,345          
Life Insurance Proceeds
                                      $ 250,000 (5)
                                      $ 93,000 (6)
Accrued Vacation Pay
  $ 35,000     $ 35,000     $ 35,000     $ 35,000     $ 35,000     $ 35,000  
Accounting and Legal Services
                                  $ 15,000          
Outplacement Services
                                  $ 45,500          
280G Tax Gross-up
                                  $ 2,682,821          
  $ 35,000     $ 682,358