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Media Release
Credit Suisse Group Reports Net Income of CHF 11.3 Billion for 2006
Credit Suisse Group today reported net income of CHF 11,327 million for the full year 2006, up 94% compared to net income of CHF 5,850 million for 2005. Net income for 2006 included a net capital gain of CHF 1,817 million from the sale of Winterthur, which was recorded in the fourth quarter.
Basic earnings per share from continuing operations were CHF 7.53 for the full year 2006, compared to CHF 3.98 for 2005. Basic earnings per share were CHF 10.30 for the full year 2006, compared to CHF 5.17 for 2005.
Fourth-quarter 2006 net income totaled CHF 4,673 million, compared to net income of CHF 1,103 million in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Credit Suisse recorded net new assets of CHF 95.4 billion for the full year 2006.
Financial highlights |
in CHF million |
12 mths |
Change in % vs |
4Q2006 |
Change in % |
Change in % |
2006 |
12 mths 2005 |
vs 3Q2006 |
vs 4Q2005 |
Net revenues |
38,603 |
27 |
10,814 |
34 |
43 |
Total operating expenses |
24,414 |
5 |
6,520 |
15 |
0 |
Income from continuing operations |
8,281 |
83 |
2,599 |
77 |
284 |
Income from discontinued operations, |
net of tax |
3,070 |
134 |
2,074 |
389 |
387 |
Net income |
11,327 |
94 |
4,673 |
147 |
324 |
Return on equity |
27.5 |
% |
44.1 |
% |
Basic earnings per share from |
continuing operations (CHF) |
7.53 |
2.42 |
Basic earnings per share (CHF) |
10.30 |
4.35 |
BIS tier 1 ratio (as of December 31) |
13.9 |
% |
Zurich, February 15, 2007 "2006 was a record year for Credit Suisse. Our integrated banking model proved successful and provided us with an effective platform to capture the growth opportunities arising from high levels of client activity, while at the same time significantly improving our profitability," stated Oswald J. Grübel, CEO of Credit Suisse.
He added: "In our first year as an integrated bank, we have made excellent progress in strengthening our operating efficiency but there is still great potential for further improvement as we continue to invest in the growth of our business."
He concluded: "Our clients have responded well to our integrated approach and Credit Suisse now has excellent opportunities for further growth in the context of globalization, which we believe will create dynamic markets for the foreseeable future."
Media Release |
February 15, 2007 Page 2/8 |
Segment results |
| |
in CHF million |
12 mths |
Change in % vs |
4Q2006 |
Change in % |
Change in % |
2006 |
12 mths 2005 |
vs 3Q2006 |
vs 4Q2005 |
Investment |
Net revenues |
20,469 |
32 |
6,085 |
45 |
63 |
Banking |
Total operating expenses |
14,556 |
4 |
3,723 |
8 |
8 |
Income from continuing |
operations before taxes |
5,951 |
272 |
2,342 |
209 |
Private |
Net revenues |
11,678 |
11 |
2,973 |
11 |
9 |
Banking |
Total operating expenses |
7,155 |
8 |
1,871 |
11 |
9 |
Income from continuing |
operations before taxes |
4,596 |
16 |
1,143 |
12 |
11 |
Asset |
Net revenues |
2,861 |
2 |
738 |
7 |
(3) |
Management |
Total operating expenses |
2,352 |
31 |
648 |
21 |
26 |
Income from continuing |
operations before taxes |
508 |
(50) |
89 |
(44) |
(63) |
Investment Banking
The Investment Banking segment reported record income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 5,951 million for the full year 2006, an increase of CHF 4,352 million compared to 2005, with strong contributions across the underwriting, advisory, fixed income trading and equity trading businesses. Excluding the CHF 508 million of credits from insurance settlements for litigation and related costs in 2006 and the CHF 960 million charge to increase litigation reserves in 2005, income from continuing operations before taxes rose 113% in 2006. Net revenues increased 32% to a record level in 2006, driven by a strong performance across all key business areas and regions amid favorable market conditions, high levels of deal activity and improved market share in certain products. Total operating expenses for the full year increased 4%, or 15% excluding the insurance settlements and litigation charge. The compensation/revenue ratio was 50.1% in 2006, compared to 55.5% for 2005. The pre-tax income margin was 29.1%, or 26.6% excluding the insurance settlements, compared to 16.5% excluding the litigation charge in 2005.
In the fourth quarter of 2006, income from continuing operations before taxes totaled a record CHF 2,342 million, an increase of CHF 2,056 million compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Net revenues grew 63% to a record level in the fourth quarter of 2006, benefiting from strong performances in both the investment banking and trading businesses. Total operating expenses rose 8% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting higher compensation expenses in line with higher revenues, partly offset by a decrease in other expenses due to improvements in operating efficiency. The compensation/revenue ratio was 42.2% in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 53.5% in the first three quarters of the year. The pre-tax income margin was 38.5% in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 7.7% in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Private Banking
The Private Banking segment, which comprises the Wealth Management and Corporate & Retail Banking businesses, reported record income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 4,596 million for the full year 2006, an increase of 16% compared to 2005.
In the fourth quarter of 2006, income from continuing operations before taxes was CHF 1,143 million, an increase of 11% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005.
Media Release |
February 15, 2007 Page 3/8 |
The Wealth Management business reported record income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 3,237 million for the full year 2006, an improvement of 22% compared to 2005. Net revenues grew 15% and total operating expenses rose 12%. The pre-tax income margin was 39.6% for 2006, compared to 37.3% in 2005.
In the fourth quarter of 2006, income from continuing operations before taxes amounted to CHF 811 million, up 15% from the fourth quarter of 2005. This increase reflected strong net revenues driven by higher commissions and fees, mainly from brokerage, product issuances and asset-based fees, as well as higher net interest income from higher liability margins and liability volumes. The growth in net revenues more than offset a 10% rise in total operating expenses, driven primarily by higher personnel expenses related to strategic investments in the global business and higher performance-related compensation expenses. The pre-tax income margin was 39.0% for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 37.6% in the fourth quarter of 2005.
The Corporate & Retail Banking business reported a 4% increase in income from continuing operations before taxes to CHF 1,359 million for the full year 2006, compared to 2005. Net revenues increased 4% in 2006 and total operating expenses rose 1%. The pre-tax income margin was 38.9% for 2006, compared to 38.7% in 2005.
In the fourth quarter of 2006, income from continuing operations before taxes was CHF 332 million, an increase of 3%, compared to the same period of 2005. Net revenues grew 6%, driven by higher asset-based commissions and fees and increased net interest income. Total operating expenses rose by 7% due to higher compensation and benefits, primarily reflecting higher performance-related compensation expenses. The pre-tax income margin was 37.1% for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 38.0% in the fourth quarter of 2005.
Asset Management
The Asset Management segment reported income from continuing operations before taxes of CHF 508 million for the full year 2006, a decline of 50% compared to 2005. This decrease reflects lower private equity and other investment-related gains, which are cyclical in nature, and higher operating expenses, partly due to the realignment of the business in 2006. Net revenues rose 2% compared to the previous year and net revenues before private equity and other investment-related gains grew 12%, reflecting the growth in assets under management. Private equity and other investment-related gains totaled CHF 502 million in 2006, a decrease of 28% from 2005. Total operating expenses rose 31% in 2006, including CHF 225 million of realignment costs. The pre-tax income margin was 17.8% for 2006, compared to 35.9% in 2005. As of December 31, 2006, assets under management totaled CHF 669.9 billion, an increase of 14% from December 31, 2005.
In the fourth quarter of 2006, income from continuing operations before taxes totaled CHF 89 million, a decrease of 63% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Net revenues declined 3% in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to the same period of the previous year. Net revenues before private equity and other investment-related gains improved by 18%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting the growth in assets under management. Private equity and other investment-related gains totaled CHF 92 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, a decrease of 56% compared to the same period of 2005. Total operating expenses increased 26% in the fourth quarter of 2006, primarily reflecting higher compensation and benefits related to the ongoing efforts to hire new investment talent and build product development and
Media Release |
February 15, 2007 Page 4/8 |
distribution capabilities and other expenses related to the realignment of Asset Management. The pre-tax income margin was 12.1% for the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to 31.8% in the fourth quarter of 2005. Credit Suisse continued to realign Asset Management in the fourth quarter of 2006 as part of the previously announced strategy to reposition businesses with low profitability, reshape the product offering, improve investment and sales processes, and reduce the overall cost base.
Net New Assets
The Wealth Management business generated CHF 50.5 billion of net new assets in 2006, an increase of 18% compared to 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2006, Wealth Management recorded CHF 8.6 billion of net new assets. The Asset Management business reported CHF 50.8 billion of net new assets in 2006, including money market assets of CHF 33.4 billion and alternative investment assets of CHF 12.5 billion. In the fourth quarter, Asset Management recorded a net outflow of CHF 2.9 billion. Overall, Credit Suisse recorded CHF 95.4 billion of net new assets for the full year 2006, including net new assets of CHF 6.9 billion in the fourth quarter. Total assets under management were CHF 1,485.1 billion as of December 31, 2006, an increase of 13% from December 31, 2005.
Sale of the Insurance Business
On December 22, 2006, Credit Suisse Group completed the sale of Winterthur for cash consideration of CHF 12.3 billion. The Group realized a net capital gain of CHF 1,817 million on the transaction. As a result of the sale of Winterthur, the results of Winterthurs operations are reported as income from discontinued operations, net of tax. Income from discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of 2006 was CHF 2,074 million, including the gain from the sale. For the full year 2006, income from discontinued operations was CHF 3,070 million, compared to CHF 1,310 million for the full year 2005.
Dividend Proposal and Share Repurchase Program
The Board of Directors of Credit Suisse Group will propose a cash dividend of CHF 2.24 per share for the financial year 2006 and a par value reduction of CHF 0.46 per share at the Annual General Meeting on May 4, 2007. This compares to a dividend of CHF 2.00 per share for the financial year 2005.
The Board of Directors will also propose a share repurchase program of up to CHF 8 billion at the Annual General Meeting. Subject to the approval of shareholders, the program will commence after the Annual General Meeting and run for a maximum of three years.
Credit Suisse believes that the growth prospects for the global economy will remain good and expects client activity to continue at around the levels of 2006. Interest rates are unlikely to increase significantly and valuations for equities are still relatively low. High corporate earnings will attract capital flows into the equity markets, which will continue to trend higher with occasional corrections. Credit Suisse has had a good start to 2007 and is well positioned to capture these growth opportunities with its integrated banking model.
Media Relations Credit Suisse, telephone +41 844 33 88 44, media.relations@credit-suisse.com
Investor Relations Credit Suisse, telephone +41 44 333 71 49, investor.relations@credit-suisse.com
Media Release |
February 15, 2007 Page 5/8 |
For additional information on Credit Suisse Groups fourth-quarter and full-year 2006 results, please refer to the Groups Quarterly Report Q4/2006, as well as the Groups slide presentation for analysts and the press, which are available on the Internet at: www.credit-suisse.com/results
Credit Suisse Group
As one of the world's leading banks, Credit Suisse provides its clients with investment banking, private banking and asset management services worldwide. Credit Suisse offers advisory services, comprehensive solutions and innovative products to companies, institutional clients and high-net-worth private clients globally, as well as retail clients in Switzerland. Credit Suisse is active in over 50 countries and employs approximately 45,000 people. Credit Suisse's parent company, Credit Suisse Group, is a leading global financial services company headquartered in Zurich. Credit Suisse Group's registered shares (CSGN) are listed in Switzerland and, in the form of American Depositary Shares (CS), in New York. Further information about Credit Suisse can be found at www.credit-suisse.com.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Information
This press release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. In addition, in the future we, and others on our behalf, may make statements that constitute forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements may include, without limitation, statements relating to our plans, objectives or goals; our future economic performance or prospects; the potential effect on our future performance of certain contingencies; and assumptions underlying any such statements.
Words such as believes, anticipates, expects, "intends and plans and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements but are not the exclusive means of identifying such statements. We do not intend to update these forward-looking statements except as may be required by applicable laws.
By their very nature, forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, and risks exist that predictions, forecasts, projections and other outcomes described or implied in forward-looking statements will not be achieved. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause results to differ materially from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in such forward-looking statements. These factors include (i) market and interest rate fluctuations; (ii) the strength of the global economy in general and the strength of the economies of the countries in which we conduct our operations in particular; (iii) the ability of counterparties to meet their obligations to us; (iv) the effects of, and changes in, fiscal, monetary, trade and tax policies, and currency fluctuations; (v) political and social developments, including war, civil unrest or terrorist activity; (vi) the possibility of foreign exchange controls, expropriation, nationalization or confiscation of assets in countries in which we conduct our operations; (vii) the ability to maintain sufficient liquidity and access capital markets; (viii) operational factors such as systems failure, human error, or the failure to implement procedures properly; (ix) actions taken by regulators with respect to our business and practices in one or more of the countries in which we conduct our operations; (x) the effects of changes in laws, regulations or accounting policies or practices; (xi) competition in geographic and business areas in which we conduct our operations; (xii) the ability to retain and recruit qualified personnel; (xiii) the ability to maintain our reputation and promote our brand; (xiv) the ability to increase market share and control expenses; (xv) technological changes; (xvi) the timely development and acceptance of our new products and services and the perceived overall value of these products and services by users; (xvii) acquisitions, including the ability to integrate acquired businesses successfully, and divestitures, including the ability to sell non-core assets; (xviii) the adverse resolution of litigation and other contingencies; and (xix) our success at managing the risks involved in the foregoing.
We caution you that the foregoing list of important factors is not exclusive; when evaluating forward-looking statements, you should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and events, as well as the risks identified in our most recently filed Form 20-F and reports on Form 6-K furnished to the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Media Release |
February 15, 2007 Page 6/8 |
Presentation of the fourth-quarter and full-year 2006 results
Analyst and Media Conference
§ |
Thursday, February 15, 2007 |
09:30 CET / 08:30 GMT / 03:30 EST |
Credit Suisse Forum St. Peter, Zurich
§ |
Simultaneous interpreting: German English, English German |
§ |
Speakers |
Oswald J. Grübel, Chief Executive Officer of Credit Suisse
Renato Fassbind, Chief Financial Officer of Credit Suisse |
§ |
Internet |
Live broadcast at: www.credit-suisse.com/results
Video playback available approximately 3 hours after the event
§ |
Telephone |
Live audio dial-in on +41 91 610 5600 (Europe), +44 207 107 0611 (UK) and |
+1 866 291 4166 (US); ask for "Credit Suisse Group quarterly results".
Please dial in 10-15 minutes before the start of the presentation.
Telephone replay available approximately 1 hour after the event on +41 91 612 4330 (Europe), |
+44 207 108 6233 (UK) and +1 866 416 2558 (US); conference ID English 596#, conference
ID German 311#.
Credit Suisse Group |
Quarterly Report 2006/Q4 |
Cover: Manish Kumar, Investment Banking (CMOS), New
York Photographer: John Wildgoose |
Financial calendar : please see inside back
cover. |
Credit Suisse Group financial highlights | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 |
Change in % from 4Q 2005 |
2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 |
Consolidated statements of income | ||||||||||||||||||
Net revenues | 10,814 | 8,076 | 7,566 | 34 | 43 | 38,603 | 30,489 | 27 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes,minority interests, extraordinary items andcumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,314 | 2,460 | 1,059 | 75 | 307 | 14,300 | 7,401 | 93 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations beforeextraordinary items and cumulative effectof accounting changes | 2,599 | 1,468 | 677 | 77 | 284 | 8,281 | 4,526 | 83 | ||||||||||
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax | 2,074 | 424 | 426 | 389 | 387 | 3,070 | 1,310 | 134 | ||||||||||
Net income | 4,673 | 1,892 | 1,103 | 147 | 324 | 11,327 | 5,850 | 94 | ||||||||||
Return on equity | 44.1% | 18.9% | 11.2% | – | – | 27.5% | 15.4% | – | ||||||||||
Earnings per share, in CHF | ||||||||||||||||||
Basic earnings per share from continuing operationsbefore cumulative effect of accounting changes | 2.42 | 1.35 | 0.59 | – | – | 7.53 | 3.98 | – | ||||||||||
Basic earnings per share | 4.35 | 1.74 | 0.98 | – | – | 10.30 | 5.17 | – | ||||||||||
Diluted earnings per share from continuing operationsbefore cumulative effect of accounting changes | 2.29 | 1.29 | 0.59 | – | – | 7.19 | 3.90 | – | ||||||||||
Diluted earnings per share | 4.12 | 1.67 | 0.95 | 9.83 | 5.02 | |||||||||||||
Cost/income ratio – reported | 60.3% | 70.0% | 86.5% | – | – | 63.2% | 76.2% | – | ||||||||||
Cost/income ratio1) | 65.7% | 75.9% | 93.1% | – | – | 69.6% | 81.6% | – | ||||||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 6.9 | 31.1 | 8.0 | – | – | 95.4 | 57.4 | – | ||||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 |
Change in % from 31.12.05 |
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 1,485.1 | 1,441.3 | 1,319.4 | 3.0 | 12.6 | |||||||
Consolidated balance sheets | ||||||||||||
Total assets | 1,255,956 | 2) | 1,473,113 | 1,339,052 | (15) | (6) | ||||||
Shareholders' equity | 43,586 | 41,643 | 42,118 | 5 | 3 | |||||||
Consolidated BIS capital data | ||||||||||||
Risk-weighted assets | 253,676 | 252,139 | 232,891 | 1 | 9 | |||||||
Tier 1 ratio | 13.9% | 10.8% | 11.3% | – | – | |||||||
Total capital ratio | 18.4% | 13.2% | 13.7% | – | – | |||||||
Number of employees | ||||||||||||
Switzerland – Banking | 20,353 | 20,261 | 20,194 | 0 | 1 | |||||||
Outside Switzerland – Banking | 24,518 | 24,456 | 24,370 | 0 | 1 | |||||||
Winterthur | 0 | 2) | 18,984 | 18,959 | – | – | ||||||
Number of employees (full-time equivalents) | 44,871 | 63,701 | 63,523 | (30) | (29) | |||||||
Stock market data | ||||||||||||
Share price per common share, in CHF | 85.25 | 72.35 | 67.00 | 18 | 27 | |||||||
High (closing price) year-to-date, in CHF | 85.35 | 74.20 | 68.50 | 15 | 25 | |||||||
Low (closing price) year-to-date, in CHF | 62.70 | 62.70 | 46.85 | 0 | 34 | |||||||
Share price per American Depositary Share, in USD | 69.85 | 57.95 | 50.95 | 21 | 37 | |||||||
Market capitalization, in CHF m | 90,575 | 77,946 | 75,399 | 16 | 20 | |||||||
Market capitalization, in USD m | 74,213 | 62,432 | 57,337 | 19 | 29 | |||||||
Book value per share, in CHF | 41.02 | 38.65 | 37.43 | 6 | 10 | |||||||
Share information | ||||||||||||
Shares issued | 1,214,862,013 | 1,214,054,870 | 1,247,752,166 | 0 | (3) | |||||||
Treasury shares | (152,394,952) | (136,710,156) | (122,391,983) | 11 | 25 | |||||||
Shares outstanding | 1,062,467,061 | 1,077,344,714 | 1,125,360,183 | (1) | (6) | |||||||
1) Excludes minority interest revenues of CHF 998 million, CHF 640 million, CHF 554 million, CHF 3,663 million and CHF 2,074 million and minority interest expenses of CHF 71 million, CHF 10 million, CHF 15 million, CHF 103 million and CHF 32 million in 4Q 2006, 3Q 2006, 4Q 2005, 12 months 2006 and 12 months 2005, respectively, from the consolidation of certain private equity funds and other entities in which the Group does not have a significant economic interest in such revenues and expenses. 2) The Group completed the sale of Winterthur to AXA on December 22, 2006. |
Contents |
Enquiries |
Suisse Group Investor Relations Ian Roundell, Marc Buchheister Tel. +41 44 333 7149 Fax +41 44 333 2587 investor.relations@credit-suisse.com Credit Suisse Group Media Relations Charles Naylor, Andrés Luther Tel. +41 844 33 8844 Fax +41 44 333 8877 media.relations@credit-suisse.com |
Message from the Chief Executive Officer |
Oswald J. Grübel |
Chief Executive Officer |
Dear shareholders, clients and colleagues |
was a record year for Credit Suisse. Our integrated banking
model proved successful and provided us with an effective
platform to capture the growth opportunities arising from
high levels of client activity while significantly improving
our profitability. We are particularly pleased with our
performance in Investment Banking. In our first year as an
integrated bank we made excellent progress in strengthening
our operating efficiency but there is still great potential
for further improvement as we continue to invest in the
growth of our business. Our clients have responded well to
our integrated approach and Credit Suisse now has excellent
opportunities for further growth in the context of
globalization, which we believe will create dynamic markets
for the foreseeable future. |
Strong annual results with basic earnings per share from continuing operations of CHF 7.53 |
Suisse Group reported a significant improvement in
profitability in 2006,
driven by good net revenues and improved operating
efficiency. Net income totaled CHF 11.3 billion, including a
net capital gain of CHF 1.8 billion from the sale of
Winterthur, which was recorded in the fourth quarter of 2006.
Income from continuing operations was CHF 8.3 billion or CHF
7.53 per share. Basic earnings per share were CHF 10.30. Our
return on equity improved significantly to 27.5% in 2006 from
15.4% in 2005. In the fourth quarter of 2006, net income rose
to CHF 4.7 billion, compared to CHF 1.1 billion in the fourth
quarter of 2005. We generated net new assets of
CHF 95.4 billion in 2006, compared to CHF 57.4 billion in
2005. |
Returning capital to our shareholders |
Suisse Group today has the strongest capital base in its
history. We are pleased that we have the requisite resources
to grow our business while, at the same time, returning
capital to our shareholders. At the forthcoming Annual
General Meeting on May 4, 2007, the Board of Directors of
Credit Suisse Group will ask the shareholders to approve a
further share buyback program of up to CHF 8 billion over
three years.
It will also propose a distribution of CHF 2.70 per share for
the financial year 2006, comprising a cash dividend of
CHF 2.24 per share and a par value reduction of CHF 0.46 per share. |
Investment Banking delivers strong results |
achieved record results in Investment Banking in 2006,
reflecting a strong performance in all key businesses and
regions amid favorable market conditions, high levels of
client activity and improved market share in a range of
products. Against this backdrop, we generated record revenues
in advisory and debt and equity underwriting and
significantly increased our trading revenues. Income from
continuing operations before taxes grew by 272% compared to
2005. Excluding credits from insurance settlements for
litigation and related costs in 2006 and a charge to increase
litigation reserves in 2005, income from continuing
operations before taxes grew by 113%. Our strong results
reflect continued progress against our strategy to deliver a
more profitable business. Highlights in Investment Banking in 2006 included our continued leadership position in some of the world’s fastest growing emerging markets, such as China, Russia, Brazil and Mexico. This was demonstrated, among other things, by our number one market share ranking in equity issuance and announced mergers and acquisitions in Latin America and our recognition as the “China Equity House” in International Financing Review’s Asia Awards 2006. Credit Suisse was presented with the “European IPO House of the Year” award in the annual Financial News Awards for Excellence in Investment Banking for 2006. In addition The Banker magazine’s annual Investment Banking Awards 2006 recognized Credit Suisse as the “Best Bank of the Year for IPOs.” We also maintained our leadership position in other important growth areas such as commercial mortgage-backed securities, leveraged finance and financial sponsors. We advised on a number of notable transactions that were announced in the fourth quarter of the year, including Google Inc.’s acquisition of YouTube, the sale of Raytheon Aircraft Company to Hawker Beechcraft Corporation and the acquisition of Corus Group plc by Tata Steel. |
Continued expansion in Private Banking |
our Private Banking segment, which comprises the Wealth
Management and Corporate & Retail Banking businesses, we
delivered very strong results with significantly higher net
revenues in 2006. This revenue growth outpaced an increase in
total operating expenses driven partly by ongoing strategic
investments in the Wealth Management business. This resulted
in record income from continuing operations before taxes for
2006. Asset gathering also reached a record level, with net
new assets of CHF 50.5 billion in Wealth Management,
representing a growth rate of 7.3%. We continued to expand
our global reach in Wealth Management through 2006 and
announced the launch of new onshore operations in Brazil,
Russia, Australia, Qatar and Lebanon. |
Realignment of Asset Management |
our Asset Management segment, we generated strong net new
assets of
CHF 50.8 billion in 2006, including alternative investment
assets of CHF 12.5 billion. Our net revenues before private
equity and other investment-related gains increased 12%,
driven by higher asset management revenues and private equity
commissions and fees. Income from continuing operations
before taxes decreased by half compared to 2005, reflecting
higher total operating expenses, partly due to realignment
expenses, and lower private equity and other
investment-related gains. We achieved further progress in the realignment of Asset Management during the fourth quarter of the year, as part of the previously announced strategy to reposition businesses with low profitability, reshape the product offering, improve investment and sales processes and reduce the overall cost base. In addition, we continued to invest in expanding the geographic footprint of our Asset Management business in key markets in 2006, while also taking steps to broaden our alternative investment business with a series of strategic alliances aimed at adding new capabilities and at increasing our product offering. |
Strategic priorities going forward |
have defined three clear strategic priorities in order to
accelerate the expansion of our business going forward. We will continue to capitalize on our integrated banking model by building on a series of targeted internal initiatives that drive revenue growth and reduce costs. We will deploy our capital as efficiently as possible. The target for our investments is an annual rate of return of 20% or above in the medium term. We will continue to expand our activities in high-growth markets and products. For example, we signed an agreement to acquire the Brazilian asset manager Hedging-Griffo in the fourth quarter of 2006. This strategic step will help us to leverage our integrated banking model in Brazil to provide a comprehensive range of investment banking, private banking and asset management services to onshore clients in this market. We also aim to realize our third priority through measures such as the expansion of our activities in dynamic emerging markets and the growth of leading businesses and products, including alternative investments and structured products. Our objective is to generate long-term, sustainable returns. We will therefore focus on and invest in businesses which fit our model and are in line with that objective. |
Outlook |
growth prospects for the global economy remain good and we
expect client activity to continue at around the levels of
2006. Interest rates are unlikely to increase significantly
and valuations for equities are still relatively low. High
corporate earnings will attract capital flows into the equity
markets, which will continue to trend higher with occasional
corrections. We have had a good start to 2007 and are well
positioned to capture these growth opportunities with our
integrated banking model. Yours sincerely Oswald J. Grübel February 2007 |
Credit Suisse Group |
Credit Suisse Group reported net income of CHF 4,673 million
in the fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of CHF 3,570
million compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Fourth
quarter net income included a net capital gain of CHF 1,817
million from the sale of Winterthur. Net income for the full
year 2006 was CHF 11,327 million, an increase of CHF 5,477
million, or 94%, compared to the full year 2005. Income from
continuing operations in 2006 was CHF 8,281 million, an
increase of 83%. In the fourth quarter, Investment Banking
results improved significantly as a result of favorable
market conditions and increased client and deal activity.
Private Banking also reported good results as higher revenues
associated with client activity were partially offset by
higher compensation expenses, including costs of strategic
investments in the Wealth Management business. Asset
Management results declined reflecting lower private equity
and other investment-related gains and higher compensation
and other operating expenses, partly due to the business
realignment. |
Summary of segment results |
Banking |
Banking reported record income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 2,342 million in the fourth quarter of
2006, an increase of CHF 2,056 million compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005. These results reflected strong performance
across all key business areas and regions amid favorable
market conditions, high levels of deal activity and improved
market share in certain products. For the full year 2006,
Investment Banking reported income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 5,951 million, an increase of CHF 4,352
million compared to the full year 2005. Excluding the CHF 508
million credits from insurance settlements for litigation and
related costs in 2006 and the CHF 960 million charge to
increase litigation reserves in 2005, income from continuing
operations before taxes for the full year 2006 increased 113%
compared to the full year 2005. |
Banking |
Banking reported record income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 1,143 million in the fourth quarter of
2006, CHF 117 million, or 11%, above the fourth quarter of
2005. The fourth quarter of 2006 was characterized by strong
equity markets, which led to strong client activity and a 9%
increase in revenues. Operating expenses increased 9%,
reflecting ongoing strategic investments in international
growth in the Wealth Management business and new business
initiatives in Corporate & Retail Banking. Full year 2006
income from continuing operations before taxes was a record
CHF 4,596 million, 16% higher than in 2005. Private Banking
reported net new assets of CHF 9.7 billion in the fourth
quarter of 2006 and CHF 52.2 billion in full year 2006.
Assets under management were CHF 940.3 billion as of December
31, 2006, an increase of 12.3% compared to December 31,
2005. |
Management |
Management income from continuing operations before taxes was
CHF 89 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, a decrease of
CHF 152 million, or 63%, from the fourth quarter of 2005.
This reflected lower private equity and other
investment-related gains compared to the strong fourth
quarter of 2005 and higher operating expenses, partly due to
realignment costs. Full year 2006 income from continuing
operations before taxes was CHF 508 million, a decrease of
50% from the full year 2005. Asset Management reported a net
asset outflow of CHF 2.9 billion in the fourth quarter of
2006 and net new assets of CHF 50.8 billion in full year
2006. Assets under management increased to CHF 669.9 billion
as of December 31, 2006 from CHF 589.4 billion as of December
31, 2005. |
Credit Suisse Group consolidated results |
Group recorded net income of CHF 4,673 million in the fourth
quarter of 2006, an increase of CHF 3,570 million compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005. Fourth quarter net income
included a net capital gain of CHF 1,817 million from the
sale of Winterthur. Basic earnings per share increased to CHF
4.35, compared with CHF 0.98 in the fourth quarter of 2005.
The return on equity in the fourth quarter of 2006 was 44.1%
compared to 11.2% in the fourth quarter of 2005. |
from continuing operations before extraordinary items and
cumulative effect of accounting changes for the fourth
quarter of 2006 was CHF 2,599 million or CHF 2.42 per share.
This compares to CHF 677 million or CHF 0.59 per share in the
fourth quarter of 2005. |
year net income was CHF 11,327 million, an increase of 5,477
million, or 94%, compared to full year 2005. Full year 2006
basic earnings per share improved to CHF 10.30. Full year
2006 return on equity was 27.5%, compared to 15.4% in 2005.
For the full years 2006 and 2005, income from continuing
operations before extraordinary items and cumulative effect
of accounting changes was CHF 8,281 million and CHF 4,526
million, or CHF 7.53 and CHF 3.98 per share,
respectively. |
revenues |
Group reported net revenues of CHF 10,814 million in the
fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of CHF 3,248 million, or
43%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Full year 2006
net revenues were CHF 38,603 million, 27% above full year
2005. |
interest income was 9% higher in the fourth quarter of 2006
compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting
an increase in Private Banking largely due to an increase in
liability margins and volumes. |
and fees increased 25% compared to the fourth quarter of
2005, primarily as a result of higher underwriting and
advisory fees in Investment Banking, and to a lesser extent,
higher brokerage and issuing fees in Private Banking due to
stronger client activity. |
The following tables set forth an overview of segment results for the fourth quarter of 2006 and 2005, respectively: | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006, in CHF m | Investment Banking |
Private Banking |
Asset Management |
Corporate Center |
1) | Credit Suisse Group |
Net revenues | 6,085 | 2,973 | 738 | 1,018 | 10,814 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | 20 | (41) | 1 | 0 | (20) | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 2,566 | 1,037 | 327 | 170 | 4,100 | |||||||
Other expenses | 1,157 | 834 | 321 | 108 | 2,420 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 3,723 | 1,871 | 648 | 278 | 6,520 | |||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes and minority interests | 2,342 | 1,143 | 89 | 740 | 4,314 | |||||||
4Q 2005, in CHF m | Investment Banking |
Private Banking |
Asset Management |
Corporate Center |
1) | Credit Suisse Group |
Net revenues | 3,735 | 2,716 | 757 | 358 | 7,566 | |||||||
Provision for credit losses | (13) | (21) | 0 | 0 | (34) | |||||||
Compensation and benefits | 2,136 | 888 | 252 | 708 | 3,984 | |||||||
Other expenses | 1,326 | 823 | 264 | 144 | 2,557 | |||||||
Total operating expenses | 3,462 | 1,711 | 516 | 852 | 6,541 | |||||||
Income/(loss) from continuing operations before taxes and minority interests | 286 | 1,026 | 241 | (494) | 1,059 | |||||||
1) Includes consolidation eliminations, revenues and expenses from certain parent company investments and certain other revenues and expenses not allocated to the segments. Also includes minority interest revenues of CHF 998 million and CHF 554 million in 4Q 2006 and 4Q 2005, respectively, and minority interest expenses of CHF 71 million and CHF 15 million in 4Q 2006 and 4Q 2005, respectively, from the consolidation of certain private equity funds and other entities in which the Group does not have a significant economic interest in such income. |
The following table presents the Group's condensed consolidated statements of income: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 |
Change in % from 4Q 2005 |
2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 |
Net revenues | 10,814 | 8,076 | 7,566 | 34 | 43 | 38,603 | 30,489 | 27 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (20) | (40) | (34) | (50) | (41) | (111) | (144) | (23) | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 4,100 | 3,427 | 3,984 | 20 | 3 | 15,697 | 13,974 | 12 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 2,420 | 2,229 | 2,557 | 9 | (5) | 8,717 | 9,258 | (6) | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 6,520 | 5,656 | 6,541 | 15 | 0 | 24,414 | 23,232 | 5 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes,minority interests, extraordinary items andcumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,314 | 2,460 | 1,059 | 75 | 307 | 14,300 | 7,401 | 93 | ||||||||||
Income tax expense/(benefit) | 805 | 367 | (108) | 119 | – | 2,389 | 927 | 158 | ||||||||||
Minority interests | 910 | 625 | 490 | 46 | 86 | 3,630 | 1,948 | 86 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations beforeextraordinary items and cumulative effectof accounting changes | 2,599 | 1,468 | 677 | 77 | 284 | 8,281 | 4,526 | 83 | ||||||||||
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax | 2,074 | 424 | 426 | 389 | 387 | 3,070 | 1,310 | 134 | ||||||||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | – | (24) | 0 | – | ||||||||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | – | 0 | 14 | (100) | ||||||||||
Net income | 4,673 | 1,892 | 1,103 | 147 | 324 | 11,327 | 5,850 | 94 | ||||||||||
revenues increased 130% compared to the fourth quarter of
2005, primarily reflecting Investment Banking’s strong
trading revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006, in particular
in fixed income. |
revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 increased 46%,
compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, which was the result
of higher minority interest-related revenues from
consolidated private equity funds and other entities in which
the Group does not have a significant economic interest in
such revenues. |
for credit losses |
Group reported a net release of provisions for credit losses
of CHF 20 million in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to a
net release of CHF 34 million in the fourth quarter of 2005.
For the full year 2006, the net release of provision for
credit losses was CHF 111 million compared to CHF 144 million
in 2005. While the credit environment is likely to remain
favorable in the near term, we do not expect these very
benign conditions to continue. |
operating expenses |
Group reported total operating expenses of CHF 6,520 million
in the fourth quarter of 2006, CHF 21 million below the
fourth quarter of 2005. Compensation and benefits increased
CHF 116 million, or 3%, to CHF 4,100 million compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005, which included a CHF 630 million
expense, recorded in the Corporate Center, relating to a
change in the Group’s accounting for share-based
compensation awards subject to a non-competition provision
that have scheduled vesting beyond an employee’s
eligibility for early retirement. In the fourth quarter of
2006, compensation and benefits primarily reflected higher
performance-based compensation in Investment Banking and
Private Banking. |
expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were CHF 2,420
million, a decrease of CHF 137 million, or 5%, compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005 primarily reflecting lower
professional fees, a credit from an insurance settlement and
lower travel and entertainment expenses in Investment Banking
offset by realignment costs in Asset Management. |
the full year 2006, the Group reported total operating
expenses of CHF 24,414 million, an increase of CHF 1,182
million, or 5%, compared to the previous year. Full year 2006
expenses included credits from insurance settlements for
litigation and related costs of CHF 508 million. Full year
2005 expenses included the reserve for private litigation
matters of CHF 960 million and a CHF 630 million expense
relating to the above-mentioned change in the Group’s
accounting for share-based compensation awards. Excluding
these items, total operating expenses increased 15%,
primarily as a result of higher performance-based
compensation expenses in Investment Banking and Private
Banking. |
tax expense |
Group recorded income tax expense of CHF 805 million in the
fourth quarter of 2006 reflecting the Group's higher income
from continuing operations before taxes. This compared to a
net tax benefit of CHF 108 million in the fourth quarter of
2005, reflecting the release of tax contingency accruals and
the impact of the above-mentioned change in the Group’s
accounting for share-based compensation awards. |
Group tax expense is not affected by minority interest
revenues and expenses from consolidated private equity and
other entities in which the Group does not have a significant
economic interest in such revenues and expenses. The amount
of non-taxable income relating to these investments varies
from one period to the next and was CHF 927 million in the
fourth quarter of 2006 compared to CHF 539 million in the
fourth quarter of 2005. The Group’s effective tax rate
in the fourth quarter of 2006 was 19%. Excluding the effect
of non-taxable income from these investments, the
Group’s effective tax rate in the fourth quarter of
2006 was 24%. The Group’s effective tax rate in the
fourth quarter of 2005 was negative as a result of the
release of tax contingency accruals and the impact of the
above-mentioned change in the Group’s accounting for
share-based awards. |
interests |
interests were CHF 910 million in the fourth quarter of 2006,
an increase of CHF 420 million compared to the fourth quarter
of 2005. This increase was primarily due to revenues from
certain private equity funds and other entities that were
consolidated for the first time in 2006. For further details,
see “Notes to the condensed consolidated financial
statements - unaudited - Recently adopted accounting
standards.” |
Group’s net revenues and operating expenses reflect the
consolidation of certain private equity funds and other
entities in which the Group does not have a significant
economic interest in such revenues and expenses. The
consolidation of these entities does not affect net income as
the amounts recorded in net revenues and expenses are offset
by corresponding amounts reported as minority interests. This
minority interest income, which is reported in the Corporate
Center, was CHF 927 million in the fourth quarter of 2006,
and is comprised of revenues of CHF 998 million, primarily
other revenues, and compensation and other expenses of CHF 71
million. |
operations |
December 22, 2006, the Group completed the sale of Winterthur
for cash consideration of CHF 12.3 billion. The Group
realized a net capital gain of CHF 1,817 million on the
transaction. As a result of the sale of Winterthur, the
results of operations of Winterthur are reflected in
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax in the
consolidated statements of income for all periods presented.
Income from discontinued operations in the fourth quarter of
2006 was CHF 2,074 million, including the gain from the sale.
For full year 2006, income from discontinued operations was
CHF 3,070 million compared to CHF 1,310 million for full year
2005. |
further details, see “Notes to the condensed
consolidated financial statements - unaudited - Discontinued
operations.” |
Credit Suisse Group structure |
Group’s business consists of three segments: Investment
Banking, Private Banking and Asset Management. The three
segments are complemented by Shared Services, which provides
support in the areas of finance, legal and compliance, risk
management and information technology. Prior period results
presented in this Quarterly Report have been revised to
reflect the operational and management structure in place
during 2006. |
Group’s segments are managed and reported on a pre-tax
basis. Minority interest-related revenues and expenses
resulting from the consolidation of certain private equity
funds and other entities in which the Group does not have a
significant economic interest in such revenues and expenses
are reported in the Corporate Center. Net income is
unaffected by the consolidation of these entities due to
offsetting minority interests. |
Recent developments |
Suisse remains focused on its strategy to provide more value
to its clients through its integrated banking model and
active growth of its global footprint. During the fourth
quarter of 2006, Credit Suisse announced additional onshore
operations in the high-growth market of Brazil through the
acquisition of Hedging-Griffo. Hedging-Griffo is a leading
asset management company with a large and well-established
client base and also serves high-net-worth individuals
through its private banking platform in Brazil. It manages
CHF 9.2 billion in assets under management for high-net worth
individuals in Brazil and over the past three years has
increased these assets at an average annual growth rate of
38.5%. This acquisition will support Credit Suisse’s
integrated banking model by adding significant scale to its
onshore asset management business, strengthen its private
banking businesses and complement Credit Suisse’s
position as a premier investment bank in Brazil. This
transaction is expected to close by the middle of 2007,
subject to regulatory approval. |
Dividend proposal and share repurchase program |
Suisse Group’s Board of Directors will propose a
distribution of CHF 2.70 per share to the shareholders at the
Annual General Meeting on May 4, 2007. The proposed
distribution consists of a cash dividend of CHF 2.24, to be
paid out on May 10, 2007, and a par value reduction of CHF
0.46, to be paid out on July 18, 2007. Both distributions are
subject to approval at the Annual General Meeting. |
Board of Directors will also propose a new share repurchase
program of up to CHF 8 billion at the Annual General Meeting.
If approved by the shareholders, the program will commence
after the Annual General Meeting and last for a maximum of
three years. The shares would be repurchased through a second
trading line on virt-x and cancelled. |
Factors affecting results of operations |
fourth quarter of 2006 was characterized by strong global
equity markets, supported by solid company earnings and
economic growth, modest inflation fears and a favorable
interest rate environment across all regions. US stock
markets were consistently buoyant throughout the period, as
all major indices reported an increase, with the Dow Jones
Industrial Average up 7%, the S&P 500 up 6% and the
Nasdaq Composite Index up 7%. |
stock markets also improved during the quarter, as the Swiss
Market Index increased 4%, the FTSE 100 4% and the German DAX
10%. Key markets in Asia also showed improvement, with the
Nikkei increasing 7% during the quarter. Positive market
developments resulted in strong trading conditions across all
markets. |
interest rates were steady as the US Federal Reserve held the
target federal funds rate at 5.25% during the fourth quarter
of 2006. The European Central Bank raised its target rate in
the quarter, reaching a five-year high of 3.5%, and indicated
that further increases could be expected, although at a
slower pace. The Bank of Japan kept its key interest rate
stable at 0.25%, reflecting the recent weak economic data.
The Swiss National Bank raised its target three-month Libor
by 0.25% in December, citing expected continued economic
growth throughout 2007. |
debt underwriting activity recovered from two consecutive
quarters of decreasing volumes to set an annual issuance
record. The fourth quarter of 2006 ranked as the second
highest quarter ever. A high level of financing activity and
mergers and acquisitions activity across many sectors helped
drive debt issuance volume, with both investment grade and
high-yield debt volumes up from the fourth quarter of
2005. |
equity underwriting volumes reached record levels in the
quarter and for the year, driven by the continued recovery in
the initial public offering market and the revival of
convertible issuances. Global initial public offering volume
rose for the third successive year, surpassing the previous
record in 2000. On a regional basis, Europe accounted for the
largest number and dollar volume of IPOs, and China was
highest on an individual country basis. |
volume of announced mergers and acquisitions transactions in
the fourth quarter represented the busiest quarter of the
year and was higher than the fourth quarter of 2005. The
total volume of announced mergers and acquisitions
transactions in 2006 exceeded the previous record set in
2000. Financial sponsors continued to drive mergers and
acquisitions activity, and European volume growth outpaced
the US compared to the prior year. |
Investment Banking |
Investment Banking provides financial advisory, lending and
capital raising services and sales and trading to
institutional, corporate and government clients
worldwide. |
Banking reported record income from continuing operations
before taxes of CHF 2,342 million in the fourth quarter of
2006, an increase of CHF 2,056 million, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005. These results reflected strong
performance across all key business areas and regions amid
favorable market conditions, high levels of deal activity and
improved market share in certain products. The weakening of
the average rate of the US dollar against the Swiss franc
from the fourth quarter of 2005 adversely affected revenues
and favorably impacted expenses. |
the full year 2006, Investment Banking reported income from
continuing operations before taxes of CHF 5,951 million, an
increase of CHF 4,352 million compared to the full year 2005.
Excluding the CHF 508 million of credits from insurance
settlements for litigation and related costs in 2006 and the
CHF 960 million charge to increase litigation reserves in
2005, income from continuing operations before taxes for the
full year 2006 increased 113% compared to the full year
2005. |
Banking’s progress in implementing its strategy to
deliver a more profitable franchise positioned it to
capitalize on favorable market conditions prevalent during
2006. Consequently, Investment Banking was able to achieve a
number of its financial objectives set out in December 2004
and continues to make incremental progress in other areas of
its strategy. For the full year 2006, Investment Banking
delivered strong revenue growth and began to make progress on
cost management initiatives. |
Banking will continue to build upon its existing strong
franchises, including the emerging markets, leveraged finance
and mortgage businesses. In 2006, Credit Suisse maintained
its leading position in some of the fastest growing emerging
markets, including China, Russia, Brazil and Mexico. The
acquisition of Hedging-Griffo is expected to complement
Credit Suisse’s position as a premier investment bank
in Brazil. In addition, Investment Banking will continue to
grow businesses where there are gaps to peers, such as prime
services, commodities and derivatives, with an aim to further
diversify its revenue mix and reduce earnings volatility.
With this foundation in place, Investment Banking is well
positioned to leverage revenue synergies obtained through the
integrated bank, with a strong focus on delivering solutions
and support to Private Banking and Asset Management
clients. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, pre-tax income margin was 38.5%,
and pre-tax return on average economic risk capital was
58.2%, compared to 7.7% and 10.8%, respectively, in the
fourth quarter of 2005. For the full year 2006, pre-tax
income margin was 29.1%, and pre-tax return on average
economic risk capital was 40.3%. Excluding the insurance
settlements, pre-tax income margin for the full year 2006 was
26.6%, and pre-tax return on average economic risk capital
was 37.1%. |
revenues were a record CHF 6,085 million, up CHF 2,350
million, or 63%, in the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting strong performance in
both the investment banking and trading businesses. This
revenue growth was well diversified, spread across most
product classes and regions. In US dollar terms, net revenues
were up 75%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. For the
full year 2006, net revenues were CHF 20,469 million, up CHF
4,922 million, or 32%, compared to the full year
2005. |
for credit losses were CHF 20 million in the fourth quarter
of 2006, compared to a net release of CHF 13 million in the
fourth quarter of 2005. Compared to September 30, 2006, total
impaired loans decreased CHF 65 million to CHF 188 million,
and valuation allowances as a percentage of total impaired
loans increased 35 percentage points to 136% as of December
31, 2006. The overall credit environment continued to be
favorable in the fourth quarter of 2006. While the credit
environment is likely to remain favorable in the near term,
the very benign credit environment is not expected to
continue, which may result in a modest increase in net new
provision levels towards the end of 2007. |
operating expenses were CHF 3,723 million in the fourth
quarter of 2006, up CHF 261 million, or 8%, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005. In US dollar terms, total operating
expenses were up 15% compared to the fourth quarter of 2005.
Compensation and benefits increased CHF 430 million, or 20%,
due primarily to higher compensation expenses in line with
higher revenues, with discretionary bonus representing a
considerable portion of the total amount. Compensation and
benefits for a given year are determined by the strength and
breadth of business results, staffing levels and the impact
of share-based compensation programs. The compensation/
revenue ratio of 42.2% in the fourth quarter of 2006 was
significantly lower than the 53.5% in the first three
quarters of 2006 due to the strong revenue performance in the
quarter. Other expenses decreased CHF 169 million, or 13%,
from the fourth quarter of 2005, indicating progress made in
improving Investment Banking’s operating efficiency.
Other expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 reflected lower
professional fees, a credit from an insurance settlement for
litigation and related costs of CHF 34 million and lower
travel and entertainment expenses, partially offset by higher
commissions in line with higher transaction volumes. Other
expenses in the fourth quarter of 2005 included a contingency
accrual of CHF 28 million for value-added tax and CHF 24
million for premiums paid for policies acquired in the
expanded life insurance finance business. |
the full year 2006, total operating expenses were CHF 14,556
million, up CHF 535 million, or 4%, compared to the full year
2005. Excluding the 2006 insurance settlements and the 2005
litigation charge, total operating expenses increased CHF
2,003 million, or 15%. Compensation and benefits increased
CHF 1,640 million, or 19%, due to higher compensation
expenses in line with higher revenues, with discretionary
bonus representing a considerable portion of the total
amount. The compensation/revenue ratio of 50.1% in 2006 was
below the targeted level of 53.5% and a decline from 55.5%
for the full year 2005. Other expenses decreased CHF 1,105
million, or 20%, compared to the full year 2005. Excluding
the insurance settlements and the litigation charge, other
expenses were up CHF 363 million, or 8%, from the full year
2005, due primarily to higher commissions in line with higher
business activity, higher professional fees due to increased
deal activity and the Centers of Excellence start-up
initiatives and higher premises and equipment
expenses. |
The following table presents the results of the Investment Banking segment: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 347 | 688 | 421 | (50) | (18) | 2,640 | 3,372 | (22) | ||||||||||
Commissions and fees | 2,836 | 1,853 | 1,984 | 53 | 43 | 8,941 | 6,709 | 33 | ||||||||||
Trading revenues | 2,713 | 1,580 | 1,203 | 72 | 126 | 8,368 | 4,931 | 70 | ||||||||||
Other revenues | 189 | 70 | 127 | 170 | 49 | 520 | 535 | (3) | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 5,738 | 3,503 | 3,314 | 64 | 73 | 17,829 | 12,175 | 46 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 6,085 | 4,191 | 3,735 | 45 | 63 | 20,469 | 15,547 | 32 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | 20 | (19) | (13) | – | – | (38) | (73) | (48) | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 2,566 | 2,241 | 2,136 | 15 | 20 | 10,261 | 8,621 | 19 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 1,157 | 1,211 | 1,326 | (4) | (13) | 4,295 | 1) | 5,400 | 2) | (20) | ||||||||
Total operating expenses | 3,723 | 3,452 | 3,462 | 8 | 8 | 14,556 | 14,021 | 4 | ||||||||||
Income from continuingoperations before taxes | 2,342 | 758 | 286 | 209 | – | 5,951 | 1,599 | 272 | ||||||||||
1) Includes credits from insurance settlements for litigation and related costs of CHF 508 million, of which CHF 34 million relates to 4Q 2006. 2) Includes a CHF 960 million charge to increase the reserve for certain private litigation matters. |
The following table presents the revenue details of the Investment Banking segment: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Debt underwriting | 686 | 451 | 394 | 52 | 74 | 2,206 | 1,484 | 49 | ||||||||||
Equity underwriting | 484 | 224 | 343 | 116 | 41 | 1,270 | 931 | 36 | ||||||||||
Underwriting | 1,170 | 675 | 737 | 73 | 59 | 3,476 | 2,415 | 44 | ||||||||||
Advisory and other fees | 785 | 377 | 448 | 108 | 75 | 1,900 | 1,475 | 29 | ||||||||||
Total investment banking | 1,955 | 1,052 | 1,185 | 86 | 65 | 5,376 | 3,890 | 38 | ||||||||||
Fixed income | 2,755 | 2,137 | 1,566 | 29 | 76 | 9,598 | 7,004 | 37 | ||||||||||
Equity | 1,596 | 1,062 | 1,021 | 50 | 56 | 5,881 | 4,340 | 36 | ||||||||||
Total trading | 4,351 | 3,199 | 2,587 | 36 | 68 | 15,479 | 11,344 | 36 | ||||||||||
Other (including loan portfolio) | (221) | (60) | (37) | 268 | 497 | (386) | 313 | – | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 6,085 | 4,191 | 3,735 | 45 | 63 | 20,469 | 15,547 | 32 | ||||||||||
investment banking revenues include debt underwriting, equity
underwriting and advisory and other fees. In the fourth
quarter of 2006, investment banking revenues were a record
CHF 1,955 million, up CHF 770 million, or 65%, compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting record revenues in all
key businesses, which were positively impacted by favorable
market conditions, high levels of deal activity and volumes
and improved market share in certain products in the quarter.
For the full year 2006, total investment banking revenues
were also a record CHF 5,376 million, up CHF 1,486 million,
or 38%, from the full year 2005. These results reflected
Credit Suisse’s participation in several high profile
transactions, certain improvements in market share and an
increase in the breadth and diversity of the business. Credit
Suisse's emerging markets business demonstrated increased
strength during the year with a number one market share
ranking in equity issuance and announced mergers and
acquisitions in Latin America for the full year 2006 and its
recognition as the "China Equity House" from International
Financing Review’s Asia Awards 2006. |
underwriting revenues were CHF 686 million in the fourth
quarter of 2006, up CHF 292 million, or 74%, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005. These results primarily reflected
significantly higher revenues in leveraged finance, which
benefited from higher industry-wide issuance volumes,
improved market share and continued strength in the financial
sponsor client base. During the quarter, Credit Suisse
executed the combined high-yield bond offering and syndicated
loan facility in connection with the leveraged buyout of
Freescale Semiconductor by a private equity consortium,
representing the largest amount of high-yield net new money
raised in a single day. The investment grade capital markets
business had good revenue growth compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005, in line with the focus on profitability in
this business. For the full year 2006, debt underwriting
revenues were CHF 2,206 million, up CHF 722 million, or 49%,
compared to the full year 2005, due primarily to more
favorable market conditions and increased market share. For
the full year 2006, Credit Suisse ranked third in global
high-yield securities new issuance volumes. |
underwriting revenues in the fourth quarter of 2006 were CHF
484 million, up CHF 141 million, or 41%, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005, primarily reflecting higher
industry-wide equity issuance activity and improved global
equity market share. For the full year 2006, equity
underwriting revenues were CHF 1,270 million, up CHF 339
million, or 36%, from the full year 2005, primarily
reflecting record industry-wide equity issuance volumes
resulting from improvement in both the initial public
offering and convertibles markets. Credit Suisse ranked
fourth in global initial public offering market share for the
full year 2006, down from first in the full year 2005,
despite its higher global initial public offering new
issuance volumes in 2006 in line with industry trends. Credit
Suisse also maintained a leading position in financial
sponsor-backed equity offerings. During the quarter, Credit
Suisse was a joint bookrunner in the largest initial public
offering to date for the Industrial and Commercial Bank of
China Limited, China’s leading commercial bank, and
also participated in a number of other key equity
transactions across a broad range of industries and
geographies. The Banker magazine's annual Investment
Banking Awards 2006 recognized Credit Suisse as the "Best
Bank of the Year for IPOs." In Europe, Credit Suisse was
presented with the "European IPO House of the Year”
award in the annual Financial News Awards for
Excellence in Investment Banking for 2006. |
and other fees were CHF 785 million in the fourth quarter of
2006, up CHF 337 million, or 75%, compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005, due primarily to increased activity and a
number of high-fee transactions in the fourth quarter of
2006. Credit Suisse ranked fourth in global announced mergers
and acquisitions and seventh in global completed mergers and
acquisitions in the fourth quarter of 2006, up from
thirteenth and eighth, respectively, in the fourth quarter of
2005. Notable transactions announced in the fourth quarter of
2006 reflected the breadth of Credit Suisse’s advisory
business and included Google, Inc.’s acquisition of
YouTube, the sale of Raytheon Aircraft Company to Hawker
Beechcraft Corporation and the acquisition of Corus Group plc
by Tata Steel. For the full year 2006, advisory and other
fees increased CHF 425 million, or 29%, to CHF 1,900 million
compared to the full year 2005, primarily due to a
significant increase in industry-wide activity and increased
market share. For the full year 2006, Credit Suisse ranked
sixth in global announced mergers and acquisitions, up from
tenth for the full year 2005 and reflecting the largest
market share increase among the top ten ranked banks. For the
full year 2006, Credit Suisse ranked eighth in global
completed mergers and acquisitions, with improved market
share from the full year 2005. The advisory and other fees
results also reflected significantly higher revenues from the
private fund group, which raises capital for hedge funds,
private equity funds and real estate funds. |
trading revenues include results from fixed income and equity
sales and trading. Total trading revenues for the fourth
quarter of 2006 were CHF 4,351 million, up CHF 1,764 million,
or 68%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, due to strong
performance in both fixed income and equity trading. For the
full year 2006, total trading revenues were CHF 15,479
million, up CHF 4,135 million, or 36%, compared to the full
year 2005. |
Banking’s average daily VaR in the fourth quarter of
2006 was CHF 71 million, flat from the fourth quarter of 2005
and down from CHF 80 million in the third quarter of 2006.
Compared to the third quarter of 2006, average daily VaR
decreased mainly due to reduced equity and interest rate
exposures, although commodity risk increased. Average
economic risk capital increased CHF 2.4 billion to CHF 16.9
billion, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, in line with
the strategy to extend incremental capital to support
high-growth and high-margin activities. |
income trading generated revenues of CHF 2,755 million in the
fourth quarter of 2006, up CHF 1,189 million, or 76%,
compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. These results
reflected the second highest level of fixed income trading
revenues for a quarter and primarily reflected higher
revenues in the commercial mortgage-backed securities,
emerging markets trading, global foreign exchange and
leveraged finance businesses. Credit spreads remained narrow
in the quarter resulting in continued liquidity in the
marketplace and solid activity levels. The commercial
mortgage-backed securities business was positively impacted
by a number of large deals in the quarter. Investment Banking
continued to expand its residential mortgage-backed
securities business, and revenues in the fourth quarter of
2006 were flat compared to the fourth quarter of 2005,
despite softer US market conditions. The high-yield market
had significant new issue supply in the quarter which
benefited the trading results in the leveraged finance
business. In addition, the commodities business continued its
revenue growth in the fourth quarter. For the full year 2006,
fixed income trading recorded revenues of CHF 9,598 million,
an increase of CHF 2,594 million, or 37%, from the full year
2005, due primarily to strong performance in the commercial
mortgage-backed securities, global foreign exchange and
leveraged finance businesses. |
trading revenues of CHF 1,596 million increased CHF 575
million, or 56%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, due
primarily to higher revenues in the derivatives and cash
businesses and equity proprietary trading. These results
reflected the second highest level of equity trading revenues
for a quarter. The derivatives business improved
significantly from the weak performance in the fourth quarter
of 2005 and the uneven performance in the third quarter of
2006. Market conditions in the derivatives business improved
in the US and Asia in the fourth quarter of 2006, and the
business had high levels of client-driven activity. The cash
businesses benefited from an increase in deal activity in
most regions, stronger secondary markets and continued strong
performance from the advanced execution services business.
Equity proprietary trading had a strong performance across
most strategies and regions amid positive market conditions.
For the full year 2006, equity trading had revenues of CHF
5,881 million, up CHF 1,541 million, or 36%, compared to the
full year 2005, due primarily to higher revenues in the cash,
convertibles and derivatives businesses. Credit Suisse was
ranked number one among high-touch clients in
Institutional Investor’s 2006 All-America
Research Team analyst rankings. |
as a result of losses on credit default swaps used to hedge
the loan portfolio, other (including loan portfolio) had a
loss of CHF 221 million in the fourth quarter of 2006
compared to a loss of CHF 37 million in the fourth quarter of
2005, which reflected gains on credit default swaps. For the
full year 2006, other (including loan portfolio) had losses
of CHF 386 million compared to revenues of CHF 313 million
for the full year 2005. These results reflected lower gains
from private equity-related investments not managed as part
of Asset Management and losses on credit default swaps used
to hedge the loan portfolio compared to gains on such credit
default swaps in 2005. |
The following tables present key information of the Investment Banking segment: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | ||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 61.2% | 82.4% | 92.7% | 71.1% | 90.2% | |||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 38.5% | 18.1% | 7.7% | 29.1% | 10.3% | |||||||
Compensation/revenue ratio | 42.2% | 53.5% | 57.2% | 50.1% | 55.5% | |||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 16,853 | 15,811 | 14,429 | 15,853 | 12,581 | |||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital1) | 58.2% | 21.9% | 10.8% | 40.3% | 15.4% | |||||||
Average one-day, 99% VaR, in CHF m | 71 | 80 | 71 | 79 | 66 | |||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding interest costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||||
Total loans, in CHF m | 44,285 | 42,309 | 34,762 | 5 | 27 | |||||||
Non-performing loans/total loans | 0.3% | 0.5% | 0.4% | – | – | |||||||
Impaired loans/total loans | 0.4% | 0.6% | 1.5% | – | – | |||||||
Private Banking |
Private Banking provides comprehensive advice and a broad
range of investment products and services tailored to the
complex needs of high-net-worth individuals all over the
world through its Wealth Management business. In Switzerland,
Private Banking provides banking products and services to
business and retail clients through its Corporate &
Retail Banking business. |
Banking reported income from continuing operations before
taxes of CHF 1,143 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, CHF
117 million, or 11%, above the fourth quarter of 2005. The
good result was primarily driven by strong revenues, which
were the second best quarterly revenues despite the seasonal
slowdown in December. The fourth quarter of 2006 was
characterized by good equity markets, which led to strong
client activity. Net revenues for the fourth quarter of 2006
were CHF 2,973 million, up CHF 257 million, or 9%, compared
to the fourth quarter of 2005. This growth was mainly from
higher commissions and fees and net interest income. Total
operating expenses of CHF 1,871 million in the fourth quarter
of 2006 increased CHF 160 million, or 9%, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005. This increase was mainly driven by
ongoing strategic investments in international growth in the
Wealth Management business and new business initiatives in
Corporate & Retail Banking. In addition, there were
higher performance-related compensation expenses. Full year
2006 income from continuing operations before taxes was a
record CHF 4,596 million, CHF 630 million, or 16%, higher
than in 2005, reflecting an increase in net revenues of CHF
1,183 million, or 11%, and an increase in total operating
expenses of CHF 555 million, or 8%, compared to full year
2005. Assets under management were CHF 940.3 billion as of
December 31, 2006 compared to CHF 837.6 billion as of
December 31, 2005, an increase of 12.3%, reflecting strong
asset generation and higher equity valuations, offset in part
by the adverse impact of foreign exchange-related movements,
mainly the weaker US dollar. Net new assets were CHF 9.7
billion in the fourth quarter of 2006, leading to full year
2006 net new assets of CHF 52.2 billion, CHF 1.8 billion, or
3.6%, above the record level attained for 2005. |
Suisse remains focused on its strategy to provide more value
to its clients through its integrated bank model, actively
growing its global footprint and maintaining a market leading
position in the Wealth Management business. During the fourth
quarter of 2006, Credit Suisse announced additional onshore
operations in the high-growth market of Brazil through the
acquisition of Hedging-Griffo. Hedging-Griffo is a leading
asset management company with a large and well-established
client base and also serves high-net-worth individuals
through its private banking platform in Brazil. In addition
to increasing the scope and geographic reach of its
franchise, Credit Suisse is also dedicated to providing more
value to its clients through the continuing improvement of
its existing services and new, innovative products. In
response to client demand, Private Banking introduced more
than 350 products in the fourth quarter of 2006, particularly
tailor-made solutions in structured investments. Corporate
& Retail Banking relaunched its consumer financing
business in the fourth quarter of 2006 through BANK-now, a
specialized bank which serves as a supplier of consumer
credit and car leasing in Switzerland. Credit Suisse
established BANK-now to provide a more targeted response to
the Swiss consumer financing needs, a market which has grown
between 3% and 5% per annum over the last few
years. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, Private Banking had strong net
revenues of CHF 2,973 million, which were CHF 257 million, or
9%, higher than in the fourth quarter of 2005. The increase
in revenues was mainly driven by higher commissions and fees
of CHF 1,702 million, which were up CHF 167 million, or 11%,
primarily from higher brokerage and issuing fees due to
stronger client activity. In addition, asset-based
commissions and fees increased due to the higher level of
assets under management. Net interest income increased CHF
146 million, or 16%, largely due to an increase in liability
margins and volumes partially offset by asset margin
pressure. Full year 2006 net revenues were CHF 11,678
million, an increase of CHF 1,183 million, or 11%, compared
to 2005, primarily reflecting higher commissions and fees and
net interest income. |
for credit losses benefited from the continued favorable
credit environment, resulting in net releases of CHF 41
million in the fourth quarter of 2006, compared to net
releases of CHF 21 million in the fourth quarter of 2005. For
the full year 2006, net releases of provisions for credit
losses amounted to CHF 73 million, compared to net releases
of CHF 71 million for 2005. |
Banking had total operating expenses of CHF 1,871 million for
the fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of CHF 160 million,
or 9%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Compensation
and benefits increased CHF 149 million, or 17%, driven by
higher personnel expenses related to strategic investments in
Wealth Management’s global franchise and higher
performance-related compensation expenses. The increase in
performance-related compensation expenses was due to the
improved results and the decision taken in the third quarter
of 2006 to extend vesting for performance-related stock
awards earned in 2006 and granted in 2007. The equivalent
decision was taken in the fourth quarter of 2005, leading to
lower compensation expenses as a result of a higher portion
of deferred compensation. Other expenses increased CHF 11
million, or 1%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Total
operating expenses for the full year 2006 increased CHF 555
million, or 8%, to CHF 7,155 million, mainly reflecting
strategic investments in Wealth Management’s global
franchise and higher performance-related compensation
expenses in line with the better results. |
Banking reported a pre-tax income margin of 38.4% for the
fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of 0.6 percentage points
compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, as increased revenues
and higher releases of credit provisions outpaced the growth
in operating expenses. The full year 2006 pre-tax income
margin increased 1.6 percentage points to 39.4% compared to
2005, primarily reflecting the strong increase in net
revenues. As of December 31, 2006, assets under management
for Private Banking totaled CHF 940.3 billion, an increase of
CHF 102.7 billion, or 12.3%, compared to December 31, 2005.
This increase was due to strong asset generation and higher
equity valuations, offset in part by the adverse impact of
foreign exchange-related movements, mainly the weaker US
dollar. |
The following table presents the results of the Private Banking segment: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 1,070 | 1,009 | 924 | 6 | 16 | 4,095 | 3,716 | 10 | ||||||||||
Commissions and fees | 1,702 | 1,508 | 1,535 | 13 | 11 | 6,623 | 5,812 | 14 | ||||||||||
Trading revenues | 151 | 124 | 236 | 22 | (36) | 751 | 793 | (5) | ||||||||||
Other revenues | 50 | 41 | 21 | 22 | 138 | 209 | 174 | 20 | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 1,903 | 1,673 | 1,792 | 14 | 6 | 7,583 | 6,779 | 12 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 2,973 | 2,682 | 2,716 | 11 | 9 | 11,678 | 10,495 | 11 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (41) | (19) | (21) | 116 | 95 | (73) | (71) | 3 | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 1,037 | 910 | 888 | 14 | 17 | 4,038 | 3,588 | 13 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 834 | 769 | 823 | 8 | 1 | 3,117 | 3,012 | 3 | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,871 | 1,679 | 1,711 | 11 | 9 | 7,155 | 6,600 | 8 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 1,143 | 1,022 | 1,026 | 12 | 11 | 4,596 | 3,966 | 16 | ||||||||||
The following tables present key information of the Private Banking segment: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | ||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 62.9% | 62.6% | 63.0% | 61.3% | 62.9% | |||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 38.4% | 38.1% | 37.8% | 39.4% | 37.8% | |||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 9.7 | 11.1 | 8.9 | 52.2 | 50.4 | |||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 4,304 | 4,466 | 4,743 | 4,525 | 4,714 | |||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital1) | 108.2% | 93.4% | 88.2% | 103.4% | 85.5% | |||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding interest costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 940.3 | 904.2 | 837.6 | 4.0 | 12.3 | |||||||
Wealth Management |
Management reported income from continuing operations before
taxes of CHF 811 million for the fourth quarter of 2006, up
CHF 108 million, or 15%, from the fourth quarter of 2005. Net
revenues amounted to CHF 2,077 million in the fourth quarter
of 2006, an increase of CHF 209 million, or 11%, compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005, mainly from higher commissions
and fees from brokerage and product issuances, reflecting the
stronger client activity, and higher net interest income from
higher liability margins and liability volumes. Net releases
of provisions for credit losses in the fourth quarter of 2006
amounted to CHF 17 million, mainly in relation to the
resolution of a single exposure. |
operating expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 of CHF 1,283
million were CHF 120 million, or 10%, higher compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005, primarily driven by an increase in
compensation and benefits. This increase primarily reflected
higher personnel expenses related to strategic investments in
the global franchise, and higher performance-related
compensation expenses. In the full year 2006, Wealth
Management added 115 relationship managers, of which over 40
were added in the fourth quarter, bringing the total number
of relationship managers to more than 2,800. The increase in
performance-related compensation expenses was due to the
improved results and the above mentioned decision to extend
vesting for performance-related stock awards taken in the
third quarter of 2006. Other expenses were flat compared to
the fourth quarter of 2005. Compared to the third quarter of
2006, other expenses increased CHF 37 million, or 7%,
reflecting higher commission expenses, project costs
associated with the merger of Clariden Leu and higher
marketing and sales costs, partly offset by the release of a
provision. |
pre-tax income margin for the fourth quarter of 2006 was
39.0%, 1.4 percentage points higher compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005, driven by the increase in net revenues and
net releases of credit provisions, offset in part by higher
operating expenses. |
year 2006 income from continuing operations before taxes was
CHF 3,237 million, an increase of CHF 576 million, or 22%,
compared to 2005. Net revenues were CHF 8,181 million for the
full year of 2006, an increase of CHF 1,056 million, or 15%,
compared to 2005, primarily due to higher commissions and
fees from brokerage and product issuances, reflecting the
stronger client activity, increased asset-based commissions
due to increased assets under management and higher net
interest income, largely due to an increase in liability
margins and volumes. Total operating expenses for the full
year 2006 increased CHF 524 million, or 12%, to CHF 4,963
million, primarily reflecting strategic investments in the
global franchise and higher performance-related compensation
expenses in line with the better results. As a result, the
full year 2006 pre-tax income margin improved 2.3 percentage
points to 39.6%, reflecting the strong increase in net
revenues, which was greater than the increase in expenses
primarily from the ongoing strategic investments. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, Wealth Management's net new
assets amounted to CHF 8.6 billion, mainly driven by inflows
in the European onshore business and Asia. This reflected a
seasonal slowdown but was an increase of CHF 1.8 billion, or
26.5%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. Net new assets
for the full year 2006 were a record CHF 50.5 billion, an
increase of CHF 7.7 billion, or 18.0%, compared to 2005, and
a growth rate of 7.3%, exceeding the 6% mid-term target and
showing continued momentum in asset gathering. As of December
31, 2006, assets under management amounted to CHF 784.2
billion, an increase of CHF 90.9 billion, or 13.1%, as a
result of strong net new asset growth and higher valuations.
The gross margin on assets under management was 108.6 basis
points for the fourth quarter of 2006, up 7.9 basis points
from the third quarter of 2006, which was impacted by lower
transaction-based revenues. The gross margin on assets under
management for the full year 2006 was 111.6 basis points,
reflecting a slight decrease of 1.0 basis points compared to
2005. This decrease was primarily driven by the decline in
the asset-based margin from the slower growth of underlying
net interest income compared to the growth in average assets
under management and the dilution effect from the continuing
strong growth in net new assets. |
The following table presents the results of the Wealth Management business: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 488 | 453 | 396 | 8 | 23 | 1,916 | 1,625 | 18 | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 1,589 | 1,390 | 1,472 | 14 | 8 | 6,265 | 5,500 | 14 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 2,077 | 1,843 | 1,868 | 13 | 11 | 8,181 | 7,125 | 15 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (17) | (2) | 2 | – | – | (19) | 25 | – | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 714 | 629 | 596 | 14 | 20 | 2,780 | 2,367 | 17 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 569 | 532 | 567 | 7 | 0 | 2,183 | 2,072 | 5 | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 1,283 | 1,161 | 1,163 | 11 | 10 | 4,963 | 4,439 | 12 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 811 | 684 | 703 | 19 | 15 | 3,237 | 2,661 | 22 | ||||||||||
The following tables present key information of the Wealth Management business: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | ||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 61.8% | 63.0% | 62.3% | 60.7% | 62.3% | |||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 39.0% | 37.1% | 37.6% | 39.6% | 37.3% | |||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 8.6 | 10.9 | 6.8 | 50.5 | 42.8 | |||||||
Net new asset growth (rolling four quarter average) | 7.3% | 7.2% | 7.5% | 7.3% | 7.5% | |||||||
Net new asset growth | 4.6% | 6.1% | 4.0% | 7.3% | 7.5% | |||||||
Gross margin on assets under management | 108.6 bp | 100.7 bp | 109.4 bp | 111.6 bp | 112.6 bp | |||||||
of which asset-based | 70.0 bp | 69.3 bp | 70.3 bp | 70.8 bp | 72.6 bp | |||||||
of which transaction-based | 38.6 bp | 31.4 bp | 39.1 bp | 40.8 bp | 40.1 bp | |||||||
Net margin (pre-tax) on assets under management | 42.4 bp | 37.4 bp | 41.2 bp | 44.1 bp | 42.0 bp | |||||||
31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 784.2 | 753.2 | 693.3 | 4.1 | 13.1 | |||||||
Corporate & Retail Banking |
& Retail Banking reported income from continuing
operations before taxes of CHF 332 million for the fourth
quarter of 2006, up CHF 10 million, or 3%, from the fourth
quarter of 2005. Net revenues were CHF 896 million for the
fourth quarter of 2006, an increase of CHF 49 million, or 6%,
compared to the fourth quarter of 2005. This revenue growth
was due to an increase in asset-based commissions and fees
and increased net interest income. The increase in net
interest income was largely due to an increase in liability
margins and asset and liability volumes, partially offset by
asset margin pressure. Net releases of provisions for credit
losses amounted to CHF 24 million in the fourth quarter of
2006 compared to net releases of CHF 23 million in the fourth
quarter of 2005, reflecting the continued favorable credit
environment. Corporate & Retail Banking expects
reductions in future releases of credit provisions due to a
decline in the amount of impaired loans. |
operating expenses in the fourth quarter of 2006 were CHF 588
million, CHF 40 million, or 7%, above the fourth quarter of
2005. This increase was primarily driven by higher
compensation and benefits mainly due to higher
performance-related compensation expenses in line with the
better result. Additionally, the increase in
performance-related compensation expenses was due to the
above-mentioned decision to extend vesting for
performance-related stock awards taken in the third quarter
of 2006. Compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, other
expenses increased CHF 8 million, or 3%, reflecting costs
related to BANK-now and the launch of a new credit card in
cooperation with the second largest retailer in Switzerland.
Compared to the third quarter of 2006, other expenses
increased CHF 28 million, or 12%, also reflecting higher
marketing and sales costs. The pre-tax income margin was
37.1% for the fourth quarter of 2006, down 0.9 percentage
points compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, as higher net
revenues were offset by higher operating expenses. |
the full year 2006, income from continuing operations before
taxes increased CHF 54 million, or 4%, to CHF 1,359 million
compared to 2005. Net revenues increased CHF 127 million, or
4%, to CHF 3,497 million, due to increased net interest
income, reflecting higher liability margins, and higher
asset-based commissions and fees. Total operating expenses
were CHF 2,192 million, an increase of CHF 31 million, or 1%,
mainly reflecting higher compensation and benefits. The
pre-tax income margin for the full year 2006 was 38.9%, an
increase of 0.2 percentage points compared to 2005, driven by
higher net revenues. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, Corporate & Retail Banking
reported a pre-tax return on average economic risk capital of
49.7%, up 7.3 percentage points compared to the fourth
quarter of 2005. The full year 2006 pre-tax return on average
economic risk capital was 49.0%, an increase of 7.1
percentage points compared to 2005. The increase in both the
fourth quarter and for the full year 2006 reflects a decrease
in the average economic risk capital, based on the risk
profile of the lending portfolio, and indicating strong
profitability in a very competitive and mature
market. |
The following table presents the results of the Corporate & Retail Banking business: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 582 | 556 | 528 | 5 | 10 | 2,179 | 2,092 | 4 | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 314 | 283 | 319 | 11 | (2) | 1,318 | 1,278 | 3 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 896 | 839 | 847 | 7 | 6 | 3,497 | 3,370 | 4 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (24) | (17) | (23) | 41 | 4 | (54) | (96) | (44) | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 323 | 281 | 291 | 15 | 11 | 1,258 | 1,221 | 3 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 265 | 237 | 257 | 12 | 3 | 934 | 940 | (1) | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 588 | 518 | 548 | 14 | 7 | 2,192 | 2,161 | 1 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 332 | 338 | 322 | (2) | 3 | 1,359 | 1,305 | 4 | ||||||||||
The following tables present key information of the Corporate & Retail Banking business: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | ||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 65.6% | 61.7% | 64.7% | 62.7% | 64.1% | |||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 37.1% | 40.3% | 38.0% | 38.9% | 38.7% | |||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | 1.1 | 0.2 | 2.1 | 1.7 | 7.6 | |||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 2,683 | 2,816 | 3,041 | 2,781 | 3,122 | |||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital1) | 49.7% | 48.1% | 42.4% | 49.0% | 41.9% | |||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding interest costs for allocated goodwill. |
31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | ||||||||
Assets under management, in CHF bn | 156.1 | 151.0 | 144.3 | 3.4 | 8.2 | |||||||
Mortgage loans, in CHF bn | 66.0 | 66.0 | 66.3 | 0.0 | (0.5) | |||||||
Other loans, in CHF bn | 33.9 | 33.9 | 28.3 | 0.0 | 19.8 | |||||||
Non-performing loans/total loans | 1.3% | 1.4% | 1.9% | – | – | |||||||
Impaired loans/total loans | 1.8% | 1.9% | 2.6% | – | – | |||||||
Number of branches | 215 | 215 | 215 | 0 | 0 | |||||||
Asset Management |
Asset Management combines the discretionary investment
management functions of Credit Suisse and offers products
across a broad range of investment classes, from equity,
fixed income and multi-asset class products to alternative
investments such as real estate, hedge funds, private equity
and volatility management. Asset Management manages
portfolios, mutual funds and other investment vehicles for
institutional, government and private clients. Products are
offered through both proprietary and third party distribution
channels. |
Management reported income from continuing operations before
taxes of CHF 89 million in the fourth quarter of 2006, a
decrease of CHF 152 million, or 63%, from the fourth quarter
of 2005, reflecting a decline in net revenues and higher
operating expenses. The decrease in net revenues resulted
primarily from lower private equity and other
investment-related gains compared to the strong fourth
quarter of 2005. For the full year 2006, income from
continuing operations before taxes was CHF 508 million, a
decrease of CHF 498 million, or 50%, from the full year 2005,
reflecting lower private equity and other investment-related
gains as well as higher operating expenses, partly due to CHF
225 million of realignment costs in 2006. |
realignment of Asset Management continued during the fourth
quarter of 2006 as part of the previously announced strategy
to strengthen its business through repositioning franchises
with low profitability, reshaping the product offering,
improving investment and sales processes and reducing the
overall cost base. Realignment costs of CHF 33 million in the
fourth quarter of 2006 included severance costs of CHF 20
million and intangible asset impairments of CHF 13 million.
These realignment costs reflect the substantial completion of
the targeted headcount reduction. Asset Management is on
track to put its business on a solid and sustainable platform
for future growth in 2007 and beyond by leveraging existing
strengths and improving the product portfolio. |
The following table presents the results of the Asset Management segment: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | (12) | (14) | (22) | (14) | (45) | (65) | (68) | (4) | ||||||||||
Commissions and fees | 623 | 581 | 539 | 7 | 16 | 2,329 | 2,076 | 12 | ||||||||||
Trading revenues | 24 | 16 | 10 | 50 | 140 | 34 | 41 | (17) | ||||||||||
Other revenues | 103 | 109 | 230 | (6) | (55) | 563 | 752 | (25) | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 750 | 706 | 779 | 6 | (4) | 2,926 | 2,869 | 2 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 738 | 692 | 757 | 7 | (3) | 2,861 | 2,801 | 2 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | 1 | (1) | 0 | – | – | 1 | 0 | – | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 327 | 286 | 252 | 14 | 30 | 1,129 | 947 | 19 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 321 | 249 | 264 | 29 | 22 | 1,223 | 848 | 44 | ||||||||||
of which commission expenses | 110 | 95 | 86 | 16 | 28 | 370 | 295 | 25 | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 648 | 535 | 516 | 21 | 26 | 2,352 | 1,795 | 31 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes | 89 | 158 | 241 | (44) | (63) | 508 | 1,006 | (50) | ||||||||||
Management continues to focus on strengthening its presence
in key markets and building its investment platform in
attractive, high-margin businesses. This was demonstrated in
the fourth quarter of 2006 when Credit Suisse announced
additional onshore operations in the high-growth market of
Brazil, through the acquisition of Hedging-Griffo, a leading
asset management company with a large and well-established
client base. It manages CHF 9.2 billion in assets under
management for high-net worth individuals in Brazil and over
the past three years has increased these assets at an average
annual growth rate of 38.5%. |
under management increased from CHF 659.6 billion as of
September 30, 2006 to CHF 669.9 billion as of December 31,
2006, primarily reflecting market and foreign
exchange-related movements of CHF 13.2 billion. In the fourth
quarter, Asset Management had net asset outflows of CHF 2.9
billion, mainly due to cyclical redemptions in US money
market funds. Assets under management increased CHF 80.5
billion from CHF 589.4 billion as of December 31, 2005,
reflecting net new assets of CHF 50.8 billion and market and
foreign exchange-related movements of CHF 29.7 billion. Net
new assets for the full year 2006 included money market
assets of CHF 33.4 billion and alternative investments of CHF
12.5 billion. These substantial asset inflows demonstrate
Asset Management’s asset gathering capabilities despite
the realignment. |
quarter 2006 net revenues were CHF 738 million, a decrease of
CHF 19 million, or 3%, from the fourth quarter of 2005. Net
revenues before private equity and other investment-related
gains were CHF 646 million, an increase of CHF 97 million, or
18%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting the
growth in assets under management. Asset management revenues,
which consist of management fees from asset management,
performance fees and fund administration services provided to
clients, increased CHF 72 million, or 14%, compared to the
fourth quarter of 2005, mainly driven by the growth in assets
under management and higher year-end performance fees.
Private equity commissions and fees, which include private
equity fund management fees, increased CHF 25 million, or
53%, compared to the fourth quarter of 2005, primarily
reflecting higher placement fees for fund raising commitments
in connection with private equity funds. Full year 2006 net
revenues before private equity and other investment-related
gains were CHF 2,359 million, an increase of CHF 256 million,
or 12%, compared to the full year 2005. Full year 2006 asset
management revenues increased CHF 197 million, or 10%,
compared to full year 2005, reflecting higher assets under
management. Full year 2006 private equity commissions and
fees increased CHF 59 million, or 30%, compared to full year
2005, reflecting increased placement fees. |
The following table presents the revenue details of the Asset Management segment: | ||||||||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Asset management revenues | 574 | 535 | 502 | 7 | 14 | 2,106 | 1,909 | 10 | ||||||||||
Private equity commissions and fees | 72 | 68 | 47 | 6 | 53 | 253 | 194 | 30 | ||||||||||
Net revenues before private equityand other investment-related gains | 646 | 603 | 549 | 7 | 18 | 2,359 | 2,103 | 12 | ||||||||||
Private equity and other investment-related gains | 92 | 89 | 208 | 3 | (56) | 502 | 698 | (28) | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 738 | 692 | 757 | 7 | (3) | 2,861 | 2,801 | 2 | ||||||||||
the fourth quarter of 2006, Asset Management recorded private
equity and other investment-related gains of CHF 92 million,
a decrease of CHF 116 million, or 56%, from the strong fourth
quarter of 2005. Private equity gains, which include gains on
investments and performance-related carried interest, are
cyclical in nature and in 2005 were considered to be at the
high end of the private equity cycle. The fourth quarter of
2006 included a write-down of CHF 36 million on a single
investment. Full year 2006 private equity and other
investment-related gains were CHF 196 million, or 28%, lower
than the strong full year 2005 gains. |
The following tables present key information of the Asset Management segment: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | ||||||||
Cost/income ratio | 87.8% | 77.3% | 68.2% | 82.2% | 64.1% | |||||||
Pre-tax income margin | 12.1% | 22.8% | 31.8% | 17.8% | 35.9% | |||||||
Net new assets, in CHF bn | (2.9) | 21.2 | (0.8) | 50.8 | 19.6 | |||||||
of which private equity | 0.1 | 1.4 | 1.3 | 6.5 | 4.6 | |||||||
of which advisory assets | 1.0 | 1.2 | 3.2 | 3.6 | 5.3 | |||||||
Gross margin on assets under management | 44.2 bp | 43.4 bp | 54.0 bp | 45.3 bp | 54.5 bp | |||||||
Gross margin on assets under management, excludingprivate equity and other investment-related gains | 38.7 bp | 37.8 bp | 39.1 bp | 37.3 bp | 40.9 bp | |||||||
Net margin (pre-tax) on assets under management | 5.3 bp | 9.9 bp | 17.2 bp | 8.0 bp | 19.6 bp | |||||||
Average economic risk capital, in CHF m | 1,436 | 1,438 | 1,276 | 1,382 | 1,097 | |||||||
Pre-tax return on average economic risk capital1) | 32.4% | 51.8% | 84.3% | 44.7% | 99.9% | |||||||
1) Calculated using a return excluding interest costs for allocated goodwill. |
in CHF bn | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||||
Assets under management | 669.9 | 659.6 | 589.4 | 1.6 | 13.7 | |||||||
Private equity investments | 2.5 | 2.1 | 1.4 | 19.0 | 78.6 | |||||||
operating expenses for the fourth quarter of 2006 were CHF
648 million, an increase of CHF 132 million, or 26%, compared
to the same quarter of 2005. Compensation and benefits were
CHF 327 million, an increase of CHF 75 million, or 30%,
reflecting the ongoing efforts to hire new investment talent
and build product development and distribution capabilities.
In addition, compensation and benefits included CHF 20
million of severance related to the realignment. Other
expenses were CHF 321 million, an increase of CHF 57 million,
or 22%, primarily due to higher commission expenses of CHF 24
million, mainly reflecting higher assets under management, a
CHF 22 million provision relating to a non-proprietary
third-party hedge fund product and intangible asset
impairments of CHF 13 million relating to the realignment.
Full year 2006 total operating expenses were CHF 2,352
million, an increase of CHF 557 million, or 31%, compared to
the full year 2005, reflecting a 19% increase in compensation
and benefits and a 44% increase in other expenses, including
operating expenses of CHF 225 million relating to the
realignment. |
The following table presents total assets under management of the Asset Management segment by asset class: | ||||||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||||
Money market | 101.2 | 93.7 | 64.1 | 8.0 | 57.9 | |||||||
Fixed income | 107.1 | 1) | 118.8 | 110.0 | (9.8) | (2.6) | ||||||
Balanced | 277.3 | 264.0 | 254.6 | 5.0 | 8.9 | |||||||
Equities | 47.0 | 47.8 | 47.7 | (1.7) | (1.5) | |||||||
Alternative2) | 137.3 | 135.3 | 113.0 | 1.5 | 21.5 | |||||||
of which private equity | 30.2 | 30.6 | 25.5 | (1.3) | 18.4 | |||||||
Total assets under management | 669.9 | 659.6 | 589.4 | 1.6 | 13.7 | |||||||
of which discretionary assets | 573.7 | 566.4 | 500.3 | 1.3 | 14.7 | |||||||
of which advisory assets | 96.2 | 93.2 | 89.1 | 3.2 | 8.0 | |||||||
1) Reflects reclassifications of approximately CHF 10 billion to money market assets and balanced assets. 2) Alternative includes private equity, funds of hedge funds, real estate and indexed products. |
income margin for the fourth quarter of 2006 was 12.1%, down
19.7 percentage points from the fourth quarter of 2005,
chiefly reflecting the 26% increase in fourth quarter 2006
operating expenses and the decline in private equity and
other investment-related gains. Full year 2006 pre-tax income
margin was 17.8%, an 18.1 percentage point decrease compared
to full year 2005, mainly driven by the significant increases
in total operating expenses and lower private equity and
other investment-related gains. |
margin on assets under management was 44.2 basis points in
the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to 54.0 basis points in
the fourth quarter of 2005, reflecting the 56% decrease in
private equity and other investment-related gains. Gross
margin on assets under management, excluding private equity
and other investment-related gains, was 38.7 basis points in
the fourth quarter of 2006 compared to 39.1 basis points in
the fourth quarter of 2005. Gross margin on assets under
management, excluding private equity and other
investment-related gains, was 37.3 basis points for the full
year 2006 compared to 40.9 basis points for the full year
2005, primarily as a result of the change in asset
mix. |
return on average economic risk capital was 32.4% in the
fourth quarter of 2006 compared to 84.3% in the fourth
quarter of 2005, reflecting higher position risk from growth
initiatives in alternative investments. |
Assets under management |
under management |
under management comprise assets which are placed with Group
entities for investment purposes and include discretionary
and advisory counterparty assets. |
assets are assets for which the customer fully transfers the
discretionary power to a Group entity with a management
mandate. Advisory assets include assets placed with the Group
where the client is provided access to investment advice but
retains discretion over investment decisions. |
of December 31, 2006, the Group’s assets under
management amounted to CHF 1,485.1 billion, an increase of
CHF 43.8 billion, or 3.0%, compared to September 30, 2006.
Private Banking assets under management increased CHF 36.1
billion in the fourth quarter of 2006, as a result of higher
market valuations and net new asset growth. Asset Management
reported an increase in assets under management of CHF 10.3
billion, as market and foreign exchange-related movements
were offset in part by net asset outflows. |
to December 31, 2005, the Group’s assets under
management increased by CHF 165.7 billion, or 12.6%, as of
December 31, 2006. Private Banking recorded an increase in
assets under management of CHF 102.7 billion, or 12.3%, from
December 31, 2005 due to strong net new asset growth and
higher equity valuations, which was offset in part by the
adverse impact of foreign exchange-related movements. Asset
Management recorded an increase of CHF 80.5 billion, or
13.7%, in assets under management from December 31, 2005, due
to net new assets of CHF 50.8 billion and market and foreign
exchange-related movements of CHF 29.7 billion. |
The following table sets forth information on assets under management: | ||||||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||||
Private Banking | 940.3 | 904.2 | 837.6 | 4.0 | 12.3 | |||||||
Asset Management | 669.9 | 659.6 | 589.4 | 1.6 | 13.7 | |||||||
Less assets managed on behalf of other segments | (125.1) | (122.5) | (107.6) | 2.1 | 16.3 | |||||||
Credit Suisse Group | 1,485.1 | 1,441.3 | 1,319.4 | 3.0 | 12.6 | |||||||
of which discretionary | 656.2 | 646.5 | 578.4 | 1.5 | 13.5 | |||||||
of which advisory | 828.9 | 794.8 | 741.0 | 4.3 | 11.9 | |||||||
The level of assets under management in Investment Banking is not considered a key performance indicator and as a result, Investment Banking balances are no longer included in assets under management. |
assets |
assets is a broader measure than assets under management as
it includes transactional and custody accounts (assets held
solely for transaction-related or safekeeping/custody
purposes) and assets of corporate clients and public
institutions used primarily for cash management or
transaction-related purposes. |
The following table sets forth information on client assets: | ||||||||||||
in CHF bn | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change in % from 31.12.05 | |||||||
Private Banking | 1,069.7 | 1,029.1 | 951.9 | 3.9 | 12.4 | |||||||
Asset Management | 676.4 | 666.0 | 596.0 | 1.6 | 13.5 | |||||||
Less client assets managed on behalf of other segments | (125.1) | (122.5) | (107.6) | 2.1 | 16.3 | |||||||
Credit Suisse Group | 1,621.0 | 1,572.6 | 1,440.3 | 3.1 | 12.5 | |||||||
The level of assets under management in Investment Banking is not considered a key performance indicator and as a result, Investment Banking balances are no longer included in client assets. |
new assets |
new assets include individual cash and securities
transactions and new or repaid loans. Interest and dividend
income credited to clients, commissions, interest and fees
charged for banking services are not considered as they do
not reflect success in acquiring assets under management.
Changes due to currency and market movements as well as asset
inflows and outflows due to the acquisition or divestiture of
businesses are not part of net new assets. |
new assets were CHF 6.9 billion in the fourth quarter of
2006, a decrease of CHF 24.2 billion compared to the third
quarter of 2006. Inflows mainly from the European onshore
business and Asia contributed to net new assets of CHF 9.7
billion in Private Banking. In the fourth quarter, Asset
Management had net asset outflows of CHF 2.9 billion, in
comparison to strong inflows of CHF 21.2 billion in the third
quarter of 2006, mainly due to cyclical redemptions in US
money market funds. |
the full year 2006, the Group recorded net new assets of CHF
95.4 billion, an increase of CHF 38.0 billion compared to
full year 2005. Private Banking’s net new assets of CHF
52.2 billion increased by CHF 1.8 billion, or 3.6%, above the
record level attained for 2005. Asset Management generated
net new assets of CHF 50.8 billion, an increase of CHF 31.2
billion compared to the full year 2005, primarily in money
market and alternative investment assets. |
The following table sets forth information on net new assets: | ||||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
in CHF bn | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | |||||||
Private Banking | 9.7 | 11.1 | 8.9 | 52.2 | 50.4 | |||||||
Asset Management | (2.9) | 21.2 | (0.8) | 50.8 | 19.6 | |||||||
Less net new assets managed on behalf of other segments | 0.1 | (1.2) | (0.1) | (7.6) | (12.6) | |||||||
Credit Suisse Group | 6.9 | 31.1 | 8.0 | 95.4 | 57.4 | |||||||
The level of assets under management in Investment Banking is not considered a key performance indicator and as a result, Investment Banking balances are no longer included in net new assets. |
Capital |
Suisse Group |
Group’s consolidated BIS tier 1 ratio was 13.9% as of
December 31, 2006, an increase from 10.8% as of September 30,
2006. Risk-weighted assets increased compared to the third
quarter of 2006, primarily reflecting an increase in capital
requirements in the leveraged finance and commodities trading
businesses partially offset by a decrease in market risk
equivalents. Tier 1 capital increased CHF 8,017 million from
September 30, 2006, with the positive contribution of net
income offset by additional dividend accruals and the
deduction for shares repurchased through the Group’s
share buyback program. In addition, the deduction relating to
investment in insurance entities was significantly reduced
due to the sale of Winterthur. The Group continued the share
buyback program approved by the shareholders at the Annual
General Meeting in 2005, repurchasing 76.4 million common
shares in the amount of CHF 5.0 billion since the initiation
of the program through December 31, 2006. In the fourth
quarter of 2006, 13.7 million common shares in the amount of
CHF 1.1 billion were repurchased. The Group’s
shareholders’ equity increased from CHF 41.6 billion as
of September 30, 2006 to CHF 43.6 billion as of December 31,
2006, primarily due to the fourth quarter net income
partially offset by the change in US GAAP pension accounting
requiring an employer to recognize the funded status of a
defined benefit plan on the balance sheet, which reduced
shareholders’ equity by CHF 1.8 billion. This change in
US GAAP pension accounting had no effect on Tier 1
capital. |
further details, see “Notes to the condensed
consolidated financial statements - unaudited - Recently adopted
accounting standards - SFAS 158.” |
Suisse |
Suisse, the bank, reported a consolidated BIS tier 1 ratio of
11.4% as of December 31, 2006 compared to 9.5% as of
September 30, 2006. Risk-weighted assets decreased compared
to the third quarter of 2006, primarily reflecting a decrease
in market risk equivalents partially offset by an increase in
capital requirements in the leveraged finance and commodities
trading businesses. Tier 1 capital increased CHF 4,294
million from September 30, 2006, with the positive
contribution of net income and a reduction in accruals
related to future dividend payments. The shareholder’s
equity of Credit Suisse increased from CHF 24.4 billion as of
September 30, 2006 to CHF 26.0 billion as of December 31,
2006, primarily due to the fourth quarter net income
partially offset by the change in US GAAP pension
accounting. |
The following table sets forth details of BIS data (risk-weighted assets, capital and ratios): | ||||||||||||||
Credit Suisse Group | Credit Suisse | |||||||||||||
in CHF m, except where indicated | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | ||||||||
Risk-weighted positions | 240,095 | 236,448 | 218,899 | 219,927 | 219,060 | 200,904 | ||||||||
Market risk equivalents | 13,581 | 15,691 | 13,992 | 12,746 | 14,691 | 12,499 | ||||||||
Risk-weighted assets | 253,676 | 252,139 | 232,891 | 232,673 | 233,751 | 213,403 | ||||||||
Total shareholders' equity | 43,586 | 41,643 | 42,118 | 26,045 | 24,353 | 25,788 | ||||||||
Reconciliation to tier 1 capital: | ||||||||||||||
Non-cumulative perpetual preferred securities | 2,167 | 2,167 | 2,170 | 1,065 | 1,055 | 1,044 | ||||||||
Investment in insurance entities | (22) | (4,321) | (4,179) | (22) | (13) | (12) | ||||||||
Adjustments for goodwill, minority interests, disallowed unrealized gains on fair value measurement, own shares, dividend accruals and pensions | (10,584) | (12,359) | (13,761) | (488) | (3,089) | (6,257) | ||||||||
Tier 1 capital | 35,147 | 27,130 | 26,348 | 26,600 | 22,306 | 20,563 | ||||||||
Tier 1 ratio | 13.9% | 10.8% | 11.3% | 11.4% | 9.5% | 9.6% | ||||||||
Total BIS regulatory capital | 46,764 | 33,269 | 31,918 | 38,441 | 33,235 | 29,815 | ||||||||
Total BIS regulatory capital ratio | 18.4% | 13.2% | 13.7% | 16.5% | 14.2% | 14.0% | ||||||||
The Swiss Federal Banking Commission has advised that Credit Suisse Group and Credit Suisse may continue to include as tier 1 capital CHF 2.2 billion and CHF 6.2 billion, respectively, as of December 31, 2006 (September 30, 2006: CHF 2.2 billion and CHF 6.3 billion, respectively and December 31, 2005: CHF 2.2 billion and CHF 6.5 billion, respectively) of equity from VIEs that are deconsolidated under FIN 46(R). |
Risk management |
Credit Suisse Group’s overall position risk, measured
on the basis of Economic Risk Capital (ERC), increased 9% in
the fourth quarter of 2006 compared with the third quarter of
2006. Average Value-at-Risk (VaR) for the Group’s
trading books decreased 13% during the fourth quarter of 2006
to CHF 70 million, mainly due to reduced interest rate and
equity exposure. The loan portfolios across the Group
continued to benefit from a favorable credit environment,
resulting in a net release of provisions for credit losses of
CHF 20 million in the fourth quarter of 2006. |
Risk Capital trends |
Group assesses risk and economic capital adequacy using its
ERC model. ERC is designed to measure all quantifiable risks
associated with the Group’s activities on a consistent
and comprehensive basis. The Group assigns ERC for position
risk, operational risk and other risk. Position risk measures
the potential annual economic loss associated with market and
credit exposures that is exceeded with a given, small
probability (1% for risk management purposes, 0.03% for
capital management purposes). It is not a measure of the
potential impact on reported earnings, as non-trading
activities generally are not marked to market through
earnings. |
Group continually reviews the methodology used to measure ERC
in order to make sure the model remains relevant as markets
and business strategies evolve. If the ERC methodology
changes based on these reviews, prior period balances are
restated in order to show meaningful trends. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, the Group's one-year, 99%
position risk ERC increased 9% compared to the third quarter
of 2006, mainly due to increases in commercial real estate
loan originations, interest rate risk on trading positions
and emerging market exposures, primarily Eastern Europe and
Asia. |
The following table sets forth the Group's risk profile, using ERC as the common risk measure: | |||||||||
in CHF m | 31.12.06 | Change in % from 30.09.06 | Change analysis: brief summary 31.12.06 vs 30.09.06 | ||||||
Fixed income trading ERC1) | 2,692 | 19% | Increased interest rate, foreign exchange and commodity exposures in Investment Banking. | ||||||
Equity trading & investment ERC | 2,432 | 8% | Due to an increase in funded private equity positions in Asset Management. | ||||||
Swiss corporate & retail lending ERC | 2,090 | (4%) | Lower due to further improvements in the credit risk profile. | ||||||
International lending ERC & counterparty ERC | 2,965 | 6% | Higher in Investment Banking due to increased leveraged finance exposure. | ||||||
Emerging markets ERC | 1,645 | 13% | Increased emerging market exposures in Investment Banking, primarily in Eastern Europe and Asia. | ||||||
Real estate ERC & structured asset ERC2) | 4,981 | 14% | Increased commercial real estate loan originations and residential loan inventory in Investment Banking. | ||||||
Simple sum across risk categories | 16,805 | 10% | |||||||
Diversification benefit | (4,816) | 12% | |||||||
Position Risk ERC (99%) | 11,989 | 9% | |||||||
Prior period balances have been restated for methodology changes in order to show meaningful trends. | |||||||||
1) This category comprises fixed income trading exposures, foreign exchange exposures, commodity exposures and insurance (investment banking). 2) This category comprises the real estate investments of the Group, commercial and residential real estate and asset-backed securities exposures and real estate acquired at auction. |
The following table sets forth the trading-related market risk exposure for Credit Suisse Group andInvestment Banking, as measured by scaled one-day, 99% VaR: | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | Minimum | Maximum | Average | 31.12.06 | Minimum | Maximum | Average | 30.09.06 | Minimum | Maximum | Average | 31.12.05 | ||||||||||||||||||
Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest rate & credit spread | 42 | 63 | 49 | 62 | 43 | 63 | 51 | 46 | 36 | 74 | 57 | 69 | ||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange rate | 9 | 28 | 19 | 24 | 11 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 6 | 19 | 11 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity | 44 | 69 | 57 | 57 | 49 | 73 | 61 | 60 | 40 | 63 | 49 | 57 | ||||||||||||||||||
Commodity | 6 | 16 | 12 | 15 | 6 | 15 | 9 | 8 | 5 | 15 | 10 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Diversification benefit | – | 1) | – | 1) | (67) | (69) | – | 1) | – | 1) | (61) | (78) | – | 1) | – | 1) | (58) | (61) | ||||||||||||
Total | 53 | 99 | 70 | 89 | 53 | 106 | 80 | 53 | 51 | 88 | 69 | 87 | ||||||||||||||||||
Investment Banking | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Interest rate & credit spread | 41 | 63 | 48 | 62 | 41 | 63 | 50 | 43 | 49 | 73 | 60 | 68 | ||||||||||||||||||
Foreign exchange rate | 8 | 27 | 19 | 24 | 11 | 30 | 20 | 17 | 6 | 20 | 11 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Equity | 44 | 70 | 57 | 57 | 49 | 73 | 61 | 60 | 40 | 63 | 49 | 57 | ||||||||||||||||||
Commodity | 6 | 16 | 12 | 15 | 6 | 15 | 9 | 8 | 4 | 15 | 9 | 11 | ||||||||||||||||||
Diversification benefit | – | 1) | – | 1) | (65) | (69) | – | 1) | – | 1) | (60) | (75) | – | 1) | – | 1) | (58) | (60) | ||||||||||||
Total | 52 | 100 | 71 | 89 | 53 | 106 | 80 | 53 | 57 | 88 | 71 | 87 | ||||||||||||||||||
Represents 10-day VaR scaled to a one-day holding period. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
1) As the minimum and maximum occur on different days for different risk types, it is not meaningful to calculate a portfolio diversification benefit. |
risks |
Group primarily assumes trading risks through the trading
activities of the Investment Banking segment. The other
segments also engage in trading activities, but to a much
lesser extent. Trading risks are measured using VaR as one of
a range of risk measurement tools. VaR is the potential loss
in fair value of trading positions due to adverse market
movements over a defined time horizon and for a specified
confidence level. In order to show the aggregate market risk
in the Group’s trading books, the table above shows the
trading-related market risk on a consolidated basis, as
measured by a 10-day VaR scaled to a one-day holding period
and based on a 99% confidence level. This means that there is
a 1-in-100 chance of incurring a daily mark-to-market trading
loss that is at least as large as the reported
VaR. |
Suisse Group’s average one-day, 99% VaR in the fourth
quarter of 2006 was CHF 70 million compared to CHF 80 million
during the third quarter of 2006. This was mainly due to
reduced interest rate and equity exposure. The VaR increased
significantly towards the end of the fourth quarter due to
increased interest rate, credit and foreign exchange exposure
in the fixed income area, as well as increased commodities
exposure. Various techniques are used to assess the accuracy
of the VaR model, including backtesting. Daily backtesting
profit and loss is compared with VaR calculated using a
one-day holding period. Backtesting profit and loss is a
subset of actual trading revenue and includes only the profit
and loss effects due to movements in financial market
variables such as interest rates, equity prices and foreign
exchange rates on the previous night’s positions. On
average, an accurate one-day, 99% VaR model should have no
more than four backtesting exceptions per year. A backtesting
exception occurs when the daily loss exceeds the daily VaR
estimate. |
Suisse Group had no backtesting exceptions during the fourth
quarter of 2006 and four backtesting exceptions for the full
year 2006. The four exceptions occurred during the second
quarter of 2006, after a period of two years with no
exceptions. The exceptions were driven by equity and foreign
exchange positions during May. During this period, market
volatility for those positions was significantly larger than
the volatility reflected in the VaR model, which uses
historic data for the preceding two years. The VaR model is
also subject to continuous assessment and evaluation to
ensure it remains accurate given current market conditions
and positions. |
histogram entitled “Credit Suisse Group trading
revenue” reflects the distribution of daily actual
trading revenues during the fourth quarters of 2006 and 2005.
The width of this distribution provides another indication of
the day-to-day risk in our trading activities. |
exposure |
Group’s total loan exposure increased 1% to CHF 208.1
billion as of December 31, 2006 compared with September 30,
2006, primarily due to increases in loans to financial
institutions and real estate loans in Investment
Banking. |
to September 30, 2006, the Group’s total non-performing
loans declined 11% and total impaired loans declined 9% as of
December 31, 2006. Both Private Banking and Investment
Banking reported reductions in total impaired loans during
the fourth quarter. |
the fourth quarter of 2006, the Group recorded a net release
of provisions for credit losses of CHF 20 million, compared
to a net release of provisions of CHF 40 million in the third
quarter of 2006. The additions, releases and recoveries
included in determining the allowance for loan losses are
presented in the following tables. |
of total impaired loans by valuation allowances at the Group
increased from 65% as of September 30 to 70% as of December
31, 2006, while coverage of total non-performing loans
improved from 85% to 93%. Improvement was reported in both
Private Banking and Investment Banking. |
The following table sets forth the gross loan exposure for the Group and its primary lending segments: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Investment Banking | Private Banking | Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 1) | ||||||||||
Consumer loans: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Mortgages | 0 | 0 | 0 | 76,465 | 75,977 | 75,122 | 76,465 | 75,977 | 80,779 | |||||||||||
Loans collateralized by securities | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16,197 | 16,846 | 17,203 | 16,197 | 16,846 | 17,207 | |||||||||||
Other | 1,110 | 991 | 816 | 3,645 | 3,843 | 2,960 | 4,755 | 4,834 | 3,787 | |||||||||||
Consumer loans | 1,110 | 991 | 816 | 96,307 | 96,666 | 95,285 | 97,417 | 97,657 | 101,773 | |||||||||||
Corporate loans: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Real estate | 1,491 | 497 | 508 | 25,770 | 25,265 | 24,728 | 27,261 | 25,762 | 26,597 | |||||||||||
Commercial & industrial loans | 22,616 | 23,867 | 16,204 | 40,765 | 40,778 | 37,747 | 63,553 | 64,816 | 55,295 | |||||||||||
Loans to financial institutions | 18,658 | 16,501 | 16,979 | 762 | 747 | 615 | 19,420 | 17,248 | 19,794 | |||||||||||
Governments and public institutions | 736 | 771 | 784 | 1,216 | 1,251 | 1,380 | 1,952 | 2,022 | 4,389 | |||||||||||
Corporate loans | 43,501 | 41,636 | 34,475 | 68,513 | 68,041 | 64,470 | 112,186 | 109,848 | 106,075 | |||||||||||
Loans, gross | 44,611 | 42,627 | 35,291 | 164,820 | 164,707 | 159,755 | 209,603 | 207,505 | 207,848 | |||||||||||
(Unearned income)/deferred expenses, net | (71) | (63) | (64) | 78 | 84 | 118 | 8 | 21 | 64 | |||||||||||
Allowance for loan losses | (255) | (255) | (465) | (1,228) | (1,271) | (1,726) | (1,484) | (1,527) | (2,241) | |||||||||||
Total loans, net | 44,285 | 42,309 | 34,762 | 163,670 | 163,520 | 158,147 | 208,127 | 205,999 | 205,671 | |||||||||||
This disclosure presents the lending exposure of the Group from a risk management perspective. This presentation differs from other disclosures in this document. |
The following table sets forth the impaired loan portfolio for the Group and its primary lending segments: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Investment Banking | Private Banking | Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 31.12.06 | 30.09.06 | 31.12.05 | 1) | ||||||||||
Non-performing loans | 152 | 207 | 143 | 895 | 1,002 | 1,157 | 1,047 | 1,209 | 1,323 | |||||||||||
Non-interest earning loans | 2 | 10 | 11 | 543 | 570 | 830 | 545 | 580 | 845 | |||||||||||
Total non-performing loans | 154 | 217 | 154 | 1,438 | 1,572 | 1,987 | 1,592 | 1,789 | 2,168 | |||||||||||
Restructured loans | 0 | 0 | 55 | 22 | 21 | 21 | 22 | 21 | 77 | |||||||||||
Potential problem loans | 34 | 36 | 303 | 483 | 492 | 726 | 517 | 529 | 1,074 | |||||||||||
Total other impaired loans | 34 | 36 | 358 | 505 | 513 | 747 | 539 | 550 | 1,151 | |||||||||||
Total impaired loans, gross | 188 | 253 | 512 | 1,943 | 2,085 | 2,734 | 2,131 | 2,339 | 3,319 | |||||||||||
Valuation allowances as % of | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total non-performing loans | 166% | 118% | 302% | 85% | 81% | 87% | 93% | 85% | 103% | |||||||||||
Total impaired loans | 136% | 101% | 91% | 63% | 61% | 63% | 70% | 65% | 68% | |||||||||||
The following table sets forth the movements in the allowance for loan losses for the Group and its primary lending segments: | ||||||||||||||||||||
Investment Banking | Private Banking | Credit Suisse Group | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | 1) | ||||||||||
Balance beginning of period | 255 | 376 | 418 | 1,271 | 1,359 | 1,976 | 1,527 | 1,736 | 2,445 | |||||||||||
Net additions chargedto income statement | 16 | (35) | 5 | (42) | (19) | (20) | (25) | (54) | (9) | |||||||||||
Gross write-offs | (33) | (111) | (58) | (42) | (82) | (239) | (76) | (192) | (307) | |||||||||||
Recoveries | 19 | 2 | 81 | 49 | 7 | 6 | 68 | 10 | 86 | |||||||||||
Net write-offs | (14) | (109) | 23 | 7 | (75) | (233) | (8) | (182) | (221) | |||||||||||
Allowances acquired/(deconsolidated) and provisions for interest | 3 | 16 | 13 | (5) | 3 | 0 | (1) | 18 | 9 | |||||||||||
Foreign currency translation impactand other adjustments, net | (5) | 7 | 6 | (3) | 3 | 3 | (9) | 9 | 17 | |||||||||||
Balance end of period | 255 | 255 | 465 | 1,228 | 1,271 | 1,726 | 1,484 | 1,527 | 2,241 | |||||||||||
Provision for credit losses disclosed in the Credit Suisse Group unaudited condensed consolidated statements of income also includes provisions for lending-related exposure of CHF 5 million, CHF 14 million and CHF -25 million for 4Q 2006, 3Q 2006 and 4Q 2005, respectively. | ||||||||||||||||||||
1) Not adjusted for discontinued operations. |
Condensed consolidated financial statements |
Consolidated statements of income (unaudited) |
12 months | ||||||||||||||||||
in CHF m | 4Q 2006 | 3Q 2006 | 4Q 2005 | Change in % from 3Q 2006 | Change in % from 4Q 2005 | 2006 | 2005 | Change in % from 2005 | ||||||||||
Interest and dividend income | 13,017 | 12,825 | 10,391 | 1 | 25 | 50,269 | 36,116 | 39 | ||||||||||
Interest expense | (11,590) | (11,218) | (9,085) | 3 | 28 | (43,703) | (29,198) | 50 | ||||||||||
Net interest income | 1,427 | 1,607 | 1,306 | (11) | 9 | 6,566 | 6,918 | (5) | ||||||||||
Commissions and fees | 5,069 | 3,919 | 4,044 | 29 | 25 | 17,647 | 14,323 | 23 | ||||||||||
Trading revenues | 2,956 | 1,693 | 1,286 | 75 | 130 | 9,428 | 5,634 | 67 | ||||||||||
Other revenues | 1,362 | 857 | 930 | 59 | 46 | 4,962 | 3,614 | 37 | ||||||||||
Total noninterest revenues | 9,387 | 6,469 | 6,260 | 45 | 50 | 32,037 | 23,571 | 36 | ||||||||||
Net revenues | 10,814 | 8,076 | 7,566 | 34 | 43 | 38,603 | 30,489 | 27 | ||||||||||
Provision for credit losses | (20) | (40) | (34) | (50) | (41) | (111) | (144) | (23) | ||||||||||
Compensation and benefits | 4,100 | 3,427 | 3,984 | 20 | 3 | 15,697 | 13,974 | 12 | ||||||||||
Other expenses | 2,420 | 2,229 | 2,557 | 9 | (5) | 8,717 | 9,258 | (6) | ||||||||||
Total operating expenses | 6,520 | 5,656 | 6,541 | 15 | 0 | 24,414 | 23,232 | 5 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations before taxes,minority interests, extraordinary items andcumulative effect of accounting changes | 4,314 | 2,460 | 1,059 | 75 | 307 | 14,300 | 7,401 | 93 | ||||||||||
Income tax expense | 805 | 367 | (108) | 119 | – | 2,389 | 927 | 158 | ||||||||||
Minority interests | 910 | 625 | 490 | 46 | 86 | 3,630 | 1,948 | 86 | ||||||||||
Income from continuing operations beforeextraordinary items and cumulative effectof accounting changes | 2,599 | 1,468 | 677 | 77 | 284 | 8,281 | 4,526 | 83 | ||||||||||
Income from discontinued operations, net of tax | 2,074 | 424 | 426 | 389 | 387 | 3,070 | 1,310 | 134 | ||||||||||
Extraordinary items, net of tax | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | – | (24) | 0 | – | ||||||||||
Cumulative effect of accounting changes, net of tax | 0 | 0 | 0 | – | – | 0 | 14 | (100) | ||||||||||
Net income | 4,673 | 1,892 | 1,103 | 147 | 324 | 11,327 | 5,850 | 94 | ||||||||||
12 months | ||||||||||||
in CHF | 4Q 2006 |