Total exploration expenditure amounted to $41m ($18m
brownfields, $23m greenfields) during the second
quarter of 2007, compared to $33m ($14m brownfields,
$19m greenfields) in the previous quarter.
In South Africa, at Moab Khotsong, drilling of three
surface boreholes intended to further define the
geological model of the lower mine continues. Borehole
MGR7 obtained two further intersections of the Vaal
Reef and is complete, while borehole MMB5 advanced
230m during the quarter and is approximately 300m from
intersecting the Vaal Reef. Borehole MZA9, a long
deflection to test the ground to the east has also
At Obuasi, in Ghana, surface borehole USDD2 reached
a depth of 1,948m, while the first of four planned long
inclined boreholes to explore the ground between
70 level and 80 level will resume after the machine has
been relocated.
At Iduapriem, resource conversion drilling commenced
at Blocks 7 and 8, which is the main mining area. A total
of 35 holes were drilled during the quarter in an effort to
convert inferred resources to indicated resources.
In Australia, at Boddington mine, seven diamond drilling
rigs were employed in advancing Resource conversion
and near-mine extension exploration. During the quarter,
approximately 45,142m of new drilling was completed
from 53 holes. This brings the total to 73,917m of drilling
from 86 holes to date.
At Siguiri, in Guinea, drilling continued at the Sintroko
prospect, which is situated some 8km south of the
existing operation and at Kintinian prospect, situated
4km north of the mining operation. Infill and extension
drilling will continue at both prospects during the third
quarter. At Block 2, diamond drilling was completed at
Foulata (45km from current infrastructure) and Saraya
(55km from current infrastructure). For the third quarter,
infill drilling at Foulata is planned.
Surface geochemical sampling began from four new
exploration licenses that were issued in December 2006
(which extend over a 25km area north of the current
mine) and in Block 2 during the quarter. An airborne
electromagnetic survey over all four blocks was
completed and interpretation and target generation is in
At Geita, in Tanzania, exploration activities were
concentrated on Matandani Pit, Kukuluma Pit, A3
Central, Nyakabale-Prospect 30 and Lone Cone-
Nyankanga Gap. For the quarter, 2,303m of diamond
drilling, 648m of reverse circulation (RC) and 10,461m of
air core drilling was achieved from 177 holes, comprising
follow-up work, investigation of extensions to known
mineralisation, reconnaissance work and metallurgical
test drilling. Encouraging results were obtained at
Matandani and Area 3 Central, while the results from the
Nyakabale-Prospect 30 area were disappointing.
At Morila in Mali, two diamond holes were drilled to test
the grade continuity between the MSZ target (located
within the current pit and western extension of the ore-
body) and the Samcline target (located about 400m west
of the pit at a depth of 400m to 500m). The first hole
intersected significant values between 90m and 150m,
while the results for the second hole are still expected.
The interpretive desktop phase for the regional
exploration continues.
At Sadiola, phase eight drilling of the deep sulphides
was completed and Mineral Resource modelling is
ongoing. At the satellite pits, a full review of the
geological potential is underway.
At Yatela, a 50m by 25m grid was drilled over the north-
west extension. Final assay results are awaited.
At Navachab, in Namibia, drilling from the North Pit area
has been completed and the results remain
encouraging. Drilling of the Gecko North prospect
yielded some positive results, while the stream sediment
sampling results over the Mon Repos Thrust zones were
disappointing. Stream sediment sampling will continue
during the third quarter to cover new targeted areas.
At Córrego do Sitío, in Brazil, new targets Paraiso and
Paiol are being drill-defined.
At Cripple Creek & Victor in the United States, drilling in
the Mine Life Extension Project area continues at a
spacing of 30m to 60m, and the results to date have
been encouraging. Drilling was focused on the west
side of the Altman deposit as well as the Globe Hill
deposit where metallurgical core was collected.
Development drilling continues in the South Cresson and
Southwest Cresson areas to define the final pit depths
and refine the high wall designs.
Greenfields exploration activities continued in seven
countries (Australia, Colombia, the DRC, China, Laos,
the Philippines, and Russia) during the second quarter of
2007. A total of 74,727m of diamond and RC drilling was
completed, so as to drill test priority targets in Australia,
the DRC, and Colombia.