AngloGold Ashanti
_Report to Society 2006_Page 149
Glossary of terms and acronyms
Ounces (oz) (troy): used in imperial statistics. A kilogram is
equal to 32.1507 ounces
Paterson grading system: well-known job classification system
used at a number of AngloGold Ashanti operations
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.
Established in the US to oversee and regulate a public
company’s auditors in terms of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act
PPE: personal protective equipment
Preconditioning: drilling of holes ahead of the face to be
blasted and detonating these with a light charge. To mitigate
against mining-induced seismicity
Price received: attributable gold income including realised non-
hedge derivatives divided by attributable ounces/kilograms sold.
Prophylactic treatment: preventative/precautionary treatment
PwC: independent auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers
R: South African rand
Refractory ores: where gold is ‘locked’ within sulphide material
and is not readily available for recovery through cyanidation process
Rehabilitation: the process of restoring mined land to allow an
appropriate post-mining use. Rehabilitation standards are
determined amongst others by the South African Department of
Minerals and Energy, the US Bureau of Land Management, the
US Environmental Protection Agency, and the Australian
Minerals Industry Code for Environmental Management, and
address ground and surface water, topsoil, final slope gradient,
waste handling and re-vegetation issues
Resettlement policy for AngloGold Ashanti: based on the
IFC’s Resettlement Policies, Guidelines and Standards
Return on equity: adjusted headline earnings expressed as a
percentage of the average equity, adjusted for the timing of
acquisitions and disposals
RFA: Rehabilitation and Functional Assessment programme
used to assess an individual’s capacity for a specific occupation
and to provide rehabilitation and if necessary, training for an
alternative occupation after injury
Rockburst: seismic release of energy, similar to an earthquake,
that results in obvious damage to mining excavations
RWD: return water dam
SAEWA: South African Equity Workers’ Association
SANS: South African National Standards
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOx):
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Introduced into law in the US to set new corporate governance
standards for corporate boards and accountability standards
and penalties for corporate management
SECNAMI: Section Nationale des Mines et des Industries
(Malian trade union)
Seismic event: the transient motion and release of kinetic
energy caused by sudden failure of the earth’s crust, usually felt
as shaking or tremors in the rock mass. Seismic events range in
size from barely perceptible tremors to major earthquakes
SEMOS: La Société d’Exploitation des Mines d’Or de Sadiola
Shaft: vertical or decline - means of transporting men and
SHEC: safety, occupational health, biophysical environment and
community investment
Silicosis: occupational lung disease caused by the inhalation of
free silica dust which is present in mining where quartz
concentrations are high
SIMM: Structural Inspection and Maintenance Management
process developed to assess the state of shaft steelwork
through computer simulation
SIMRAC: Safety in Mines Research Committee
SMEDI: Small and Medium Enterprises Development Initiative
unit established by AngloGold Ashanti to identify and help small
business with potential
Social Development Toolbox: Guide to AngloGold Ashanti’s
community practices
SPCC: spill countermeasure and contingency plan
SRI: Socially Responsible Investment Index, launched in 2004
by the JSE to identify those companies that integrate the
principles of sustainability into their business activities, and to
facilitate investment into those companies
STCFG: Southern Teller Country Focus Group
STD: sexually transmitted disease
STI: sexually transmitted infection
TACAIDS: Tanzanian Commission for AIDS
Tailings: the rejected material from mining and screening operations
TB: pulmonary tuberculosis`
Teba: An institution owned by the South African mining industry,
through which the industry has historically recruited labour but
which now fulfils a broader social role in addition to its
recruitment function
Total cash costs: total cash costs include site costs for all
mining, processing and administration, as well as contributions
from by-products and are inclusive of royalties and production
taxes. Amortisation, rehabilitation, corporate administration,
retrenchment, capital and exploration costs are excluded. Total
cash costs per ounce are the attributable total cash costs
divided by the attributable ounces of gold produced
TRI: toxic relief inventory