Paragraph 5.53(b) applies to the proposed issues of the E shares to both the Bokamoso ESOP and Izingwe and the
subsequent cancellation or conversion of a variable number thereof into AngloGold Ashanti ordinary shares, as described
above (“the proposed issues”). The JSE, in its discretion, has also required such a fair and reasonable opinion because the
E shares issued comprise unlisted voting securities.
The Board has appointed Standard Bank to advise it as to the fairness and reasonableness of both the proposed issues
and the proposed transaction as a whole to the shareholders of AngloGold Ashanti.
In arriving at our opinion, we have relied upon the following principal sources of information:
audited annual financial statements of the Company for the four years ended 31 December 2005;
unaudited interim financial results of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2005 and 30 June 2006;
publicly available information relating to the Company that we deemed to be relevant, including Company
announcements, analysts’ reports and media articles;
the Circular;
the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 2002, Act 28 of 2002 (“the MPRDA”), the Mining Charter and
the Scorecard for the Mining Charter;
the final Subscription Agreement between the Bokamoso ESOP and the Company, the final Subscription Agreement
between Izingwe and the Company, the final Relationship Agreement between Izingwe and the Company and the final
Bokamoso ESOP Rules;
discussions with AngloGold Ashanti management; and
a letter addressed to Standard Bank from the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, dated 23 October 2006, in
relation to the proposed transaction and its satisfaction of the remaining equity ownership requirements of the DME.
In arriving at our opinion, we have undertaken the following procedures:
analysed audited annual financial statements of the Company for the four years ended 31 December 2005;
analysed the unaudited interim financial results of the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2005 and
30 June 2006;
analysed the historical share price performance, liquidity and volatility of the Company’s ordinary shares on the JSE and
of other large listed gold producers;
considered the Company’s dividend history and dividend policy;
reviewed publicly available information relating to the Company that we deemed to be relevant, including Company
announcements, analysts’ reports and media articles;
reviewed analysts’ consensus forecasts as to earnings and dividends of the Company as per I-Net Bridge and
reviewed the Circular;
reviewed the terms and conditions of the final Subscription Agreement between the Bokamoso ESOP and the Company,
the final Subscription Agreement between Izingwe and the Company, the final Relationship Agreement between Izingwe
and the Company and the final Bokamoso ESOP Trust Rules to obtain an understanding of the structure of the
proposed transaction and the conditions under which the E shares will be cancelled or converted to AngloGold Ashanti
ordinary shares;
considered the likelihood of the cancellation versus conversion of the E shares to AngloGold Ashanti ordinary shares
at the applicable transaction notice dates;
considered the current regulatory and legislative environment in the South African mining industry;
considered an analysis of the demographics of the South African resident employees of the Company, including those
eligible to participate in the Bokamoso ESOP, provided to us by the Company;
considered the letter from the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, dated 23 October 2006, in relation to the
proposed transaction and its satisfaction of the remaining equity ownership requirements of the DME;
performed a valuation of the various options embedded in the different tranches of E shares issued to the Bokamoso
ESOP and Izingwe, using fair value option pricing models, including assumptions in relation to the long-term volatility of
the Company’s share price, the Company’s anticipated dividend yield and risk-free interest rates in South Africa;
performed sensitivity analyses on these option valuations in respect of changes in the key value drivers thereof, being
the long-term share price volatility and the dividend yield of the Company’s ordinary shares;
calculated the dividends expected to be paid on the E shares up to their respective vesting dates;
valued each tranche of E shares issued to the Bokamoso ESOP and Izingwe, being the aggregate of the embedded
option value and the expected dividends to be paid on each such tranche;