Total exploration expenditure amounted to $19m
($11m expensed, $8m capitalised) during the fourth
quarter, compared to $25m ($12m expensed, $13m
capitalised) in the previous quarter.
At Morila in Mali, three deflections were drilled from
each of two primary holes, which generally
confirmed the high grades previously intersected on
the Samacline target. A regional drilling programme
to test structural and geochemical targets and
consisting of 14 holes, has commenced.
At Siguiri, in Guinea, resource delineation drilling
continued at the Kintinian prospect, located 5km
from the plant. Mineralisation has been identified as
open-ended to the north west and south east of the
prospect and delineation drilling in 2006 is targeting
the addition of at least 1Moz in new resources at
In Tanzania at Geita, drilling confirmed the down-
dip extension of the North East Extension Zone at
Geita Hill. Infill-drilling has commenced in the far
western corner of the licence area, as has testing of
the potential mineralisation continuity between
Ridge 8, Star and Comet.
In Brazil, ongoing drilling at Córrego do Sìtio
concentrated on the northern Laranjeiras orebody,
where promising down-plunge continuity has been
established. Underground development at Cachorro
Bravo has confirmed down-dip continuity of the
mineralisation at consistent grades and thickness.
Greenfields exploration activities continued in the
fourth quarter in Australia, Tanzania, Alaska, China,
Mongolia, Colombia, Russia and the DRC, with an
expensed expenditure of $10m.
At the Kimin project in the DRC, drilling in the
Adidi/D7 Kanga (Mongbwalu) sector continues to
encounter significant gold mineralisation. An
accelerated follow-up drill programme in 2006 is
targeting the addition of 3Moz of resource (in the
inferred category) at Adidi/D7 Kanga.
The definition of additional drill targets, with the
potential to host further gold resources, in both
the Mongbwalu area and elsewhere within the
Kilo greenstone belt will be assisted by the
completion of an airborne geophysical survey
around the end of the first quarter 2006.
In the USA in Alaska, preliminary grade
indications at the Lost Mine South project are
approximately 10g/t over a 3 metres width and
20g/t over narrower widths at the Terra project.
Drilling is planned to begin at the Lost Mine
South project in the first quarter of 2006.
Exploration activities in Colombia continued to
focus on regional reconnaissance, drill target
definition, permitting, and drill site preparation in
anticipation of the commencement of a drilling
programme in early 2006.
In Australia, wide-spaced reverse circulation
drilling at the Tropicana Prospect has extended
the strike length to over one kilometre.
Significant new intersections include 32 metres
at 6.6g/t from 44 metres, and 9 metres at 6.3g/t
from 33
A geophysical survey, in
addition to limited drilling, has identified a
parallel zone of mineralisation.
At the Rusty Nail prospect, geophysical
surveying results were consistent with existing
soil samples. Limited follow-up of six existing
prospects located within a 30 kilometre radius of
the Tropicana Prospect was completed during
the quarter.
In Mongolia, an epithermal vein system drill-
tested at Elgen Uul in the south eastern Gobi
yielded low-grade gold intercepts. Testing of
two further epithermal targets in Mongolia is
planned for 2006.
Quarterly Report December 2005 - www.AngloGoldAshanti.com