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                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULES 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                February 4, 2004

                              VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                              36-38, avenue Kleber
                               75116 Paris, France
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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VEOLIA Environnement Logo
                                                       PARIS, FEBRUARY 4TH, 2004

                                  PRESS RELEASE
            (unaudited data according to French accounting standards)

    Revenue growth at constant exchange rates of 5.3% to (euro)28.4 billion,
                   excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003( 1)

----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------
                               At Dec. 31,       At Dec. 31,       Variation       Internal        External      Impact of
          Revenue                  2003             2002           2003/2002        growth          growth       exchange
                               (in(euro)m)       (in(euro)m)                                                        rate
----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------
 Excl. assets sold in 2002        28,418           28,073            +1.2%           +5.6%          -0.3%          -4.1%
         and 2003
----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------  --------------  -------------  ------------
  Assets sold in 2002 and
         2003 (1)                  185              2,006           -90.8%
----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------
    Consolidated total            28,603           30,079            -4.9%
----------------------------  ---------------  ----------------  --------------

Revenue excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003 came to (euro)28,418 million, a
5.3% increase at constant exchange rates. Revenue outside France, excluding
assets sold in 2002 and 2003, was (euro)15,389 million, or 54% of total revenue.

The negative impact of exchange rates, totaling (euro)1,157 million, is
attributable mainly to variation in the dollar ((euro)740 million, with the
average rate of the dollar versus the euro at 1.1418 in 2003 compared with
0.9483 in 2002). The impact of variation in the pound sterling and Latin
American currencies totaled (euro)182 million and (euro)92 million,
respectively. Internal growth excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003 was 5.6%.

The revenue from assets sold in 2002 and 2003(1) came to (euro)185 million at
December 31, 2003 compared with (euro)2,006 million at December 31, 2002.

The total consolidated revenue of the group came to (euro)28,603 million in 2003
compared with (euro)30,079 million in 2002.

(1)   Excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003" is defined as follows:
      non-core businesses of USFilter (Filtration & Separation, Plymouth and
      Distribution US) and Bonna Sabla in France, all sold in 2002, and Surface
      Preparation Corp. sold in 2003.
      Revenue from Everpure, which is included for the whole of 2003, is not
      classified in this category.


------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
   At Dec. 31, 2003        At Dec. 31, 2002        Variation          Internal         External        Impact of
     (in(euro)m)              (in(euro)m)          2003/2002           growth           growth        exchange rate
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
        11,155                  11,288               -1.2%             +3.9%            -0.3%             -4.7%
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

(1) excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003.

 o   In France, good year-on-year revenue growth of 4.2% was achieved,
     benefiting from the weather conditions over the course of the summer in

 o   Outside France, excluding the United States and Latin America (Proactiva),
     growth of over 14% was registered, due principally to expansion in
     Continental Europe, North Africa and Asia, as well as a satisfactory rise
     in revenue from existing contracts.

 o   In dollars, USFilter's revenue (excluding assets sold in 2002 and 2003)
     rose 4.6%, driven by an increase in revenue of approximately 10% from the
     services business (contribution of the Indianapolis contract). Revenue from
     equipment sales increased slightly. In Latin America, where the company is
     present through Proactiva, its joint venture company with FCC, the company
     has limited its water activity with revenue of (euro)34 million in 2003
     compared with (euro)145 million in 2002, due to the end of certain

 o   Overall revenue growth for the water division continued to be affected by
     the decline in revenue of approximately 8.4% for the year at Veolia Water
     Systems, corresponding to the increased selectivity in construction


------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
   At Dec. 31, 2003        At Dec. 31, 2002        Variation          Internal         External        Impact of
     (in(euro)m)              (in(euro)m)          2003/2002           growth           growth        exchange rate
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
         5,972                   6,139               -2.7%             +4.1%            +0.2%             -6.9%
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

 o   In France, internal revenue growth of nearly 4% was due to a satisfactory
     level of business activity in industrial waste management and incineration.

 o   Outside France, total revenue growth was 4.2% at constant exchange rates.
     Northern Europe posted a satisfactory increase due, among other elements,
     to the many contracts won in the UK at the end of 2002. In the United
     States, the solid waste and incineration businesses recorded significant


------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
   At Dec. 31, 2003        At Dec. 31, 2002        Variation          Internal         External        Impact of
     (in(euro)m)              (in(euro)m)          2003/2002           growth           growth        exchange rate
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
         4,654                   4,571               +1.8%             +5.4%            -2.2%             -1.4%
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

Internal revenue growth for energy services was 5.4%.

 o   In France, internal revenue growth totaled approximately 3.0%. The heating
     management business benefited from changes in tariffs and favorable weather
     conditions. However, growth was adversely affected by the level of business
     for repairs and maintenance.

 o   Outside France, internal revenue growth was 9.2%. Growth in Central Europe
     reached 13.6% due to the full-year impact of new contracts (Lithuania,
     Poland...), as well as favorable weather conditions in the first quarter.
     In Southern Europe, revenue increased 14.5%, notably in Italy, due to the
     start of operations of many new contracts won.


------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
   At Dec. 31, 2003        At Dec. 31, 2002        Variation          Internal         External        Impact of
     (in(euro)m)              (in(euro)m)          2003/2002           growth           growth        exchange rate
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------
         3,673                   3,422               +7.3%             +9.4%            +1.1%             -3.1%
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  ----------------  ---------------  ----------------

 o   In France, internal revenue growth of nearly 5% was due to the good level
     of business activity, principally in urban transportation.

 o   Outside France, the 12% rise at constant exchange rates was attributable to
     the Northern and Eastern Europe region, driven by developments in Germany,
     Slovenia, Sweden and Belgium. In the United States, revenue more than
     doubled, benefiting from the impact of the Boston contract, which began on
     July 1, 2003. Revenue generated outside France included the South Eastern
     rail license in the UK until November 7, 2003. Excluding that concession,
     revenue increased 16% at constant exchange rates.

FCC (*)

------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ---------------  --------------
    At Dec. 31, 2003        At Dec. 31, 2002        Variation          Internal         External        Impact of
      (in(euro)m)             (in(euro)m)           2003/2002           growth           growth       exchange rate
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ---------------  --------------
         2,965                   2,653              +11.7%             +11.9%            +0.8%            -1.0%
------------------------  --------------------  ----------------  -----------------  ---------------  --------------

(*) Figures reflect VE's consolidated 49% share of FCC's revenue

Internal growth of nearly 12% at constant exchange rates was due to:

 o   new contracts in municipal and environmental services,

 o   commercial  successes  of FCC in  construction,  especially  infrastructure

                                   o o

Over the course of the past few months, Veolia Environnement has continued its
growth strategy, winning many new contracts both in municipal services (50-year
contract with Shenzhen in China for the water sector, a new rail concession in
northern Germany for the transportation sector), as well as industrial services
(10 year outsourcing contract with PSA in France, 12-year outsourcing contract
with the industrial paper manufacturer Pigna in Italy).

These new contracts strengthen the visibility of Veolia Environnement's revenue
and cash flows and its leadership position in environmental services. They
support the company's objectives for growth, profitability and financial

Important Disclaimer:
Veolia Environnement is a corporation listed on the NYSE and Euronext Paris.
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of
the provisions of the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.
Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Actual
results may differ materially from the forward-looking statements as a result of
a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are outside our control,
including but not limited to: the risk of suffering reduced profits or losses as
a result of intense competition, the risk that changes in energy prices and
taxes may reduce Veolia Environnement's profits, the risk that governmental
authorities could terminate or modify some of Veolia Environnement's contracts,
the risk that Veolia Environnement's compliance with environmental, health and
safety laws and regulations may become more costly in the future and Veolia
Environnement may incur liability under these laws and regulations, and the risk
that currency exchange rate fluctuations may negatively affect Veolia
Environnement's financial results and the price of its shares, as well as the
risks described in the documents Veolia Environnement has filed with the U.S.
Securities and Exchange Commission. Veolia Environnement does not undertake, nor
does it have, any obligation to provide updates or to revise any forward-looking
statements. Investors and security holders may obtain a free copy of documents
filed by Veolia Environnement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
from Veolia Environnement.

  Analyst and institutional investor contact: Nathalie Pinon +33 1 71 75 01 67

             US investor contact: Brian Sullivan +(1) 941 362 24 35

                  Press release also available on our web site:


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  February 4, 2004

                                           VEOLIA ENVIRONNEMENT

                                           By:  /s/ Jerome Contamine
                                                Name: Jerome Contamine
                                                Title:   Chief Financial Officer